-What?? Is an Assassin your husband? An Assassin and a Warchild? Who approved this marriage?
-I, of course, answered the female, giving him justification for his earlier thoughts about females being able to make decisions for themselves.
-Is that why your house is that symbol? He's a do..aa... are you a Warchild?
-Exact. Do you know the difference between a dog and a wolf? She asked him. Was she trying to embarrass him or what?
-I do.
-Then make sure you do not insult yourself talking like a child on these lands.
-How did you end up marrying him? Or he... you? Or...
-Curious like a little child, aren't we? The "dog" caught up with them and surpass him, making room for himself in-between Kaion and the king. We still need to check on the north, the pass? He asked her and she nodded as if they were communicating at another level and more than it was revealed in the now and here.
He made a sign with his hand and two shadows broke away from the convoy and disappeared on a road on the left, while the rest continued on their way.
-You need to feed, he also told her and she nodded again. She raised her hand somewhere to the light and seemed to attract a horse with unseen energy, the most beautiful horse Kaion had ever seen. All black, with a long, thick mane flowing along his strong neck over which he had armor in scales, which continued on his chest with a silver platter and strong hooves that could have cracked the mountains.
That horse could have really dust mountains, Kaion thought. His black color was all shiny and he was followed by a second horse, even bigger in size, but with the same beautiful long and curly hair dancing in the wind. His long, slender legs were like dark chocolate and the tail was long and black as well.
These horses were so majestic, fit for the gods. And those gods were standing next to him. He was impressed. Not even his father, the king of Zicon, not even him could make himself more visible in front of these two.
While he was just standing there, stolen by the view, the goddess raised her hand just in front of him. The gesture startling him, he thought she wanted to hit him or something. Instead, she just opened her fingers like a claw and called for her own horse. It was a muscular and deep torso build, with a long, thick neck, dark chocolate horse.
And they all grabbed the mane of their horse and with one jump they mounted. She jumped on the horse with such elegance and ease that it would have given class to any man. And the other female, who was with the baby ... left him speechless. These women were incredible ... This world was incredible.
Here the women would not depend on a man... that felt strange. Then what was the value of a man here? He must observe that Lord Commander is better then. He wanted to learn from him. He was curious by nature and that was what differentiates him from his brothers. What made him the best of them all as he could learn faster and apply what he would learn.
So while all of them had their own horse now, he was just standing there, still. Would they let him walk while they would ride? Really? That rude? That was no way to treat a Crown Prince, he thought. But... he was no crown prince here... so, what was he?
-I will not walk anymore for today, I can't, but you can, the king just spoke to him. You have done nothing wrong, but I did not bring spare horses, because we did not know we will have guests. So you can either ask Silver there to take you with her or just walk along. We won't be galloping so you can keep up either way.
Kaion heard her and looked at the Goddess. He would have enjoyed riding with her, but she was already on the horse and he was to ride behind her, like a female? No way. he would better walk along with them. But then he saw the Lord Commander. Would be acceptable to ride behind a man, so he might as well ask him.
-Lord Commander, how bout I ride with you?
-No thank you. I need to keep an eye on the king so no one is riding with me.
-Alright. I can understand that. Can I just walk with you then?
-That you may.
They started moving and he followed them.
-I was wondering... is it a long way to go?
-To where?
-I don't know. To... wherever we are going?
The Lord Commander smiled. He knew exactly what he asked, he was messing with him.
-Not that far.
-So... maybe we can we talk on the road. Tell me about your world. It is so different than my own.
-Of course it is. We evolved.
-But your weapons did not.
-You kept saying that. What weapons do you have now?
-We have better bows; and more precise.
-We have crossbows too.
-You do? But I saw no one using any crossbow.
-We are good at what we use. We don't need much more than that.
-So how do you take the cities?
-Easy. With our king.
-She is in no position to take any city right now.
-Hmmm... you would be surprised.
Kaio looked at the king. She was a beautiful woman, riding proud. She looked so determined when she was speaking, her men were obeying her and following her blindly. Was this loyalty or fear? he could not decipher it and it was confusing.
-But look at her. First, she is a female, then she is with a child- I do not understand how can you let your woman ride alone and go to war and fight when she is like that. We are not this irresponsible on Zicon.
-Really? And how are you keeping your women on Zicon?
-We take care of them. We hunt, we provide shelter, we put the food on their table...
-And when you die? how do they live?
-There is a coven, where the widows go when their husbands die. In there they are provided and they are safe.
-Ad their children? Their home? Their life? Do they have to lose all that because the man is gone?
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