The little ones remained in the library, studying every day, while Moon went to the Academy, with Shade, and Alane with Tiger was facing the War Councils. It became Tiger's full time job, and he was taking things seriously, just like a real ruler should take them. Just like their mother was. He suddenly became just as serious as she was, walking the corridors with his hands behind his back, calmly staring at the ministers and the guards. He was really handing things just the right way.
Soon, Alane had to leave to his kingdom too, but they knew they could always count on him if ever needed.
Moon was occupying her time at the Academy, studying with Shade, all the time. They were very close as brothers, and they bonded better being closer too. Spending the entire day together, was helping them develop a faster mind link, and it was also helping all the brothers get closer.
Moon woke up tired. So tired. Tiger was having bad dreams. He was so afraid for them all, he could not take his mind from them. She felt them too, even started to catch glimpses, small pieces from them. She started with a piece, then another, until she put all the pieces together and went through the entire dream, from the beginning until the end. It was so vivid, it seemed so real! No wonder Tiger was all so irritated and tired.
At first, he would wake up in their little brother's screaming. It would appear that they were so afraid, and they were all in his dream. It felt like Xande was killing them all. Then Tiger was running through all the corridors trying to reach them and save them, only to find out that it was not Xande killing his brothers. There were the assassins who found out about him being a wraith. They had killed little Sarai, then Alanai. Xande would fight them until Tiger would reach them with Shade and herself, and while they were all fighting, the last assassin throws himself off the window, taking Niord with him.
She was tired too, entering Tiger's dream every night. She hated it. She did not even dress, but she just opened the door that was separating the nursery from the matrimonial bedroom, where Tiger was sleeping now. She wanted to talk to him, to help him calm down, and relax a little bit, when she saw Xande in front of him, feeding off their brother??
-Xande, stop!! Moon screamed and jumped on him, while Tiger opened his eyes from the state he was, a little confused. Of course, he was confused, Xande was feeding on his life essence!!
-Moon, is not what you think!! Xande started to rotate his body trying to get rid of her, while Tiger lifted his arms in defense, pleading for him:
-Is not what it seems...
Moon looked at her brothers in front of her. Did she misunderstand anything? Xande was right there, feeding on Tiger, and Tiger was defending him? What was wrong with that picture? Xande looked at her too. He could easily defend from her, as wraiths only could. Instead, he just kept standing in front of Tiger and looking at her, especially with that blade in her hand. What was she thinking?
-Moon!!! Another voice was heard, and just the same angrily, Shade appeared behind her grabbing her arm. Of course, Shade was right behind her, grabbing the blade too, trying to prevent her to strike and placing himself between her and Xande.
-What are you doing, Moon? Shade was looking hurt. Xande also was just looking at her, making her feel guilty.
-Seriously? Do you really believe he would hurt his brothers? Shade was not going to spear her.
-I thought...
-You thought what??
Yes, it was not hard to know what she thought. Even if it was confusing, she was afraid, and she did not want to admit it to herself. Her little brother was dangerous to them all. How was she supposed to deal with this? He could, at any time find himself in the situation that he would not control his demon, and going on a killing spree. What if his little brothers and sister were there, with him at that moment? What if he could not control it and he would end up hurting them? What then? Who would be held responsible for that? Who was the really responsible one?
-I... thought he lost it!
-But he did not!!
-I did not know... what was I supposed to...
-Have faith!! We are in this together! Moon!
-We can not afford to be divided! Tiger also rose from the floor. I dream I can not keep you all safe; I am scared too, but we have to stick together no matter what!
-I know! Moon looked at them apologetically. I did not mean it! I was just... afraid.
-I know, Moon, but we have to have faith.
-I know, I'm sorry! I don't know, I just got scared! You should have seen you two!
-Is alright, Moon, we all make mistakes. Let's all just think that we can not afford to make this one again, Tiger said to all of them. You too, Xande, made a mistake, just like she did. You came here asking me if I really think that, and I did not. Do not think that we can not wrong each other. We just need to take care and forgive, that is all. We are siblings, and siblings don't hurt each other.
She felt so wrong. Xande was just looking at them, all advocating for him in front of her. What kind of a sister was she, coming in the room like that, with the sword in her hand, what was she thinking? What was wrong with her?
Xande was their little brother, how could she think anything wrong about him? She felt so bad, she could not even speak to him. He rose from the floor too, and left the room. But passing by her, he stopped for a second, without looking into her eyes, and she heard his cold voice, speaking the words clear, for everybody to hear:
-Next time you raise your blade towards me, sister, make sure you have your facts right. Treat me like your enemy again and I will do the same.
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