Moon entered Senere's room to see this one almost cornered by her three brothers, Tiger, Shade, and Xander. She was just trying to convince them, apparently. She was scared.
-Moon! She thought her escape just came into the room, but the escape was looking so cold and lifeless. Moon? You are a princess, tell them, I am not a danger! I only want to wait, maybe I can find my mate! I do not want to marry right now, but I will, one day! And I am no danger for you, nor your brothers! Please, Moon...
Moon looked at her in silence for some moments, and her brothers also noticed there was something wrong. What was happening with their sister? She was always kind and she was always helping the ones in need, yet she was now ruthless. Something was different about her.
-Moon? Shade was the first who broke the silence, but she did not even look at him, just standing there, in front of the door, like a ghost.
-Royal blood is a danger and if it's not now, it will be when we will expect it less.
Even her voice was cold, emotionless. But she was right. White Tiger narrowed his eyes on her, trying to figure out what was wrong, but they already knew she was right about this. She was not even looking at her brothers, as if she would not hear them, but that was not the case. She heard them right. She was fixing Senere.
-My Lady, a question, I am curious... Xande looked at her thoughtfully. Usually, if any other woman would be given a chance to marry a prince, she would jump into the opportunity...
Moon realized the truth behind her little brother's words. Cruel truth. So true, though.
-I ran away because my father wanted me to marry. Is not that I do not want a union, is just that... I am not ready to marry yet. I want to find my mate, just like you guys said here it will happen. I want to feel that connection, just like your parents feel it. I do not want to spend my life alone with someone just out of duty. Please! Allow me to wait, I only need two years to find him.
-And what if your mate is the enemy?
Xande knew how to ask the right questions, by the gods! Tiger looked at Senere who did not even think about the implications of her desires. She did not care about taking a ranked man; she cared about finding a mate to share her life with.
-What if that mate of yours is only a servant? Xande continued, fixing her like a tiger would fix the prey right before the attack.
-I do not care if he is a servant or a ranked shadow. I just want to feel... like I saw your parents feel.
-If he will be a servant, he can not ever protect you from your faith, princess. Anyone will kill him and your offspring, only to clear the way to take you for themselves. Bear this in mind.
Tiger was right. Moon could see things clearer now. Any royal blood in this world, other than the king itself, was dangerous.
-Moon, please... Senere looked at her with pleading eyes, trying to find an alliance, to convince her brothers that she is not the enemy. But in vain. Moon's look did not change.
-You don't get it, Princess? Moon marked her words to Senere. Royal blood has responsibilities. It is as my brothers stated. You marry, die, or go home. There is no other way, I am sorry. You need to decide for yourself before others decide it for you. Think about it. Which one will it be?
-But, Moon...
-Your place is not here, unless you make it! And in order to make it, you either submit, or you change your faith. Your only options are the ones my brothers stated. I have been out speaking to your brother all morning Do you know what he said to me? That he is ready to tie you up and take you back by force if necessary. So either way, you will marry, because getting there, in your world, you will be forced to do what they intended you to do in the first place. So there, or here, these are your options. Choose! I will not let anyone be a threat to my brothers.
-But I am not...
-Not now... not ever. And if you think you are not, someone will make you... so I will not take any chances. Which one will it be?
Moon took her knife out while her brothers taken by surprise, did not manage to react. She was serious about this!
-What? Senere was obviously in shock, because she was facing a difficult time. She was forced to take a decision, and this was the most important decision in her life. She could not make it this fast, she needed to have time to think things through... She needed time, but they were all decided not t give it to her. And they were all acting so strange, what was happening? Why were they acting like that? They were hurting her! She could not think, her head started to hurt her from all the agitation.
-Decide, please! Moon took a step towards her, with her blade in her right hand, ready for the strike.
-But... But this is such an important decision for me, can I not think about it? I need time to...
-WE never have time, Senere! We need to act! Common people have time to think, royal blood needs to act! So state your answer.
-But I never asked to be born royal blood... Senere started whining but she gain no sympathy from anyone.
-Yeah, well, neither did we, so what can I say, tough luck! Now, which will it be?
-I do not want to go back, but please, give me some time to find a mate and I swear I will be no danger to you, never.
-Princess, I do not think you understand... Moon's voice was so calm and cold that almost sounded creepy. Not even her brothers had the guts to interfere, while she took charge of the situation, and they all agreed with her anyway, so, they did not even make a move.
-I renounce my title! Is that better? I do not want to be a princess! I never wanted it...
-You have no choice!! Your title is not yours to renounce and your title is not anything you can control, and neither is your blood... Do you understand? It is your blood! So it either runs into my family, or no one's in this world! This is not about you. No one will hurt my family. Decide!
Senere was down on her knees, almost panting in desperation because she was trying to find a solution but it seems there was none. They were right too. She could not just pretend she could forget who she was. IF she was to stay in this world, she was to marry someone anyway, at some point. She could not be free even if she would go back into her world, because she still had to marry that Lord she did not even like, and she never felt free there. And knowing freedom here, how could she go back there, to be caged again? No, she could.
-I want to stay.
-You will marry some time, anyway. You could just choose now, who you want, so you will not be forced to make this choice later.
Senere looked at Tiger speaking to her.
-I don't know who to choose, I do not know you all so well. I only spent time with you, Tiger, and with Moon.
-This is a political union anyway, you can choose any, Xande told her almost bored. He was the youngest one, but he was such a good politician already. Brother? He turned to Tiger, almost asking him his thoughts.
Did he want this girl? One of them had to make the sacrifice. Xande really hoped he should not be the one to sacrifice, because he did not need a woman for now, but as a royal blood he knew well his responsibility and he had his family in his mind set as a priority.
-What do you mean political? Senere looked at him curiously and confused at the same time.
-It means that if you do not like the man you chose for yourself, you will not be forced, princess. But you will not leave either. My brothers will make the choice for you. You will remain a first wife and live your life as such, while we can just take another consort to secure the bloodline. You will not be allowed to take another man though, as you would be considered the first wife.
So cold, these words fell on Senere. She could not just feel the panic. The pressure. The doubt. What was she allowed to do? What could she do? She looked at Tiger and his sister, the closest people she had from this world. Tiger was a nice young man, she trusted him already. Yet, while trusting them both, Moon was standing in front of her now, with her dagger in her hand. What could she think? How much could she trust them? She turned her face towards Tiger and looked at him. He was a handsome young man. He had not hurt her, even from the first time they have met in the woods. He helped them and kept them safe all this time. He taught her so many things. He was always there even if he was the Crown Prince, and she knew he was always busy, just like her brother, but he always made time for her. Even if she was nobody. He was always there.
She felt drawn towards him but he never tried anything. She had always dreamed of a husband that would really love her, and she wondered... would he... ever like her, like a wife?
-I don't have anyone to speak to, please advise me! She looked at him with pleading eyes. I do not know what to do! I do not want to put you in any danger; you are my only friend, you and Moon...
She was looking at them all with teary eyes. She was helpless, and even if she did not want to feel like that, she was helpless. There was nothing she could do about it and they were right. If she did not do things right, anyone could claim her and make use of her blood, producing heirs with a claim to the throne. With, or without her consent.
-So, marry me! Tiger said.
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