Before she was pointed her sit, she bowed to the king, in recognition.
-So, have you decided to acknowledge our laws, after all... Smart female.
The king of the Warchild shadows seemed quite pleased by her appearance. Moon did not feel that right.
She had a bad feeling about this. Something bad was going to happen, and she did not know what.
It was not something she could foresee, she did not know much about this world.
But she was sure she did not like this king and his looks upon her told her she had reasons not to trust him.
She decided on the spot she will not like him.
Kaion had brought her the book of their laws, but she did not have much time to read it. She did not feel like reading some old laws that were not hers.
So she only read the war laws.
She knew it would help her here, but that would mean she had to accept that she is going to live here for a while and she did not want to accept that. That was really unacceptable for her.
At least for now.
She needed to keep the hope that she will go home, just like Kaion did.
That traitor!! She will make him pay for what he did...
She would go back home.
Just like that!
She did not need to learn those stupid laws of theirs.
It was not hers.
She did not need it.
Kaion said she could use it if she was smart.
Of course, she was smart!
She just did not want to read them. She would prove him wrong.
She was going to outsmart them. Somehow. No matter how much it will take.
The king had asked for her presence.
He invited her to his table.
He even put food on the table in front of her. For her.
What would happen if she would accept it?
She could not deny it every single time... besides, she needed to be strong, in order to get away from here.
But besides getting strong, she needed to win the king's favour. She needed him to build a portal replica for her.
She started to appreciate the food at first. Her mother told her, that a one thousand steps journey, begins with taking the first step. First, she needed to regain strength. so eat, Moon, eat.
The king was looking at her every now and then. Until he asked her:
-So, do you enjoy it, princess?
He took her by surprise. She almost choked on her food.
-Yes, Your Highness. Thank you.
The king seemed pleased with her answer. He smiled to himself. Why was he smiling to himself, Moon asked herself. What was there to be smiled about?
-How is the food here?
The king continued to address her. Too much attention, that she did not need. She felt anxious about this sudden interest. Something was off. Kaion was standing next to the king. He looked at her and smiled, but his smile was cold. She still could not forgive him for bringing her into this world by force. She decided to pretend he was not there. It was not that hard to do so anyhow. He was annoying anyway.
Moon looked at the food she had tried so far. Because she was so hungry.
-Almost like in my world, she answered to the king.
She did not want to displease him, but she could not lie either. She was good at it, but she would not lower herself that much. The king did not seem to appreciate her answer much.
Maybe he was trying to please her? Why was he so nice to her? Something was up.
-But is good, thank you, she hurried to add so that the king would not feel offended.
That seemed to do the trick.
The king raised his glass towards the people present and he made a toast.
-Let us welcome the new princess of the Warchild House!
-The Warchild House!
Everybody cheered and they emptied their glasses. They all seemed so merry. Was that some kind of a celebration?
Moon did not know, but it seemed that way.
-Are you celebrating anything? She asked Kaion, forgetting that she did not want to address him.
-My return. They are celebrating my return, he said to her.
Of course! They were celebrating him! But why did it take them so long to celebrate their prince return, if he returned almost a week ago?
-But you returned some time ago... Why just celebrate now? She asked him puzzled.
They took their time to organize the welcome party for their Crowned Prince!
-Because preparations require time, dear! The woman standing next to the king answered her.
She was not a very young woman, but she seemed to be beautiful in her teenage. She was not old, but she had the air of a worked woman. She was too well dressed fo a servant, so Moon assumed she was Kaion's stepmother. As Senere described her.
Noticing that the foreign princess was looking at the woman beside him, the king presented her.
-This is my second wife, and the queen of this house. Your queen now, as you are not living in your world now...
-Your Highness, Moon slightly bowed her head to pay her respects, looking at the queen with interest, which did not go unnoticed.
-It is not polite to stare, she whispered through her teeth, apparently not appreciating the attention either.
-I am sorry, we do not have a Queen in our world.
The queen looked at her as she had heard her words.
-How is it possible not to have a queen? You do, have successors to the throne, I hear?
-Of course, we do...
-Then is your mother a servant?
Moon noticed the contempt in her voice. This woman did not like her. Well, it was alright, as she did not like her either!
-My mother is the King!!
Moon's head moved up, her body straight, her voice was demanding and loud enough to be heard. The frightened look her words won from the queen, did bring her smirk on her face. The people from the closest tables have heard her and stopped the talking, listening.
-A woman, the king?? The queen repeated, while all the woman who could hear her covered their mouths with their hands. Impossible, little lier!!
Moon looked at the queen with pity and inconsiderate. Which the queen did not like, of course. But she did not need to lower herself to answer to that female, as men were calling them here.
They were right to do so. if they had no courage to rise above their condition, they did not deserve it then.
-So, I was wondering... Moon looked right into the king's eyes, pleading and not even giving a glimpse back to answer to the queen. Your Highness, as your son has wronged me, could you help me get back home?
The king looked at her puzzled. The queen was all red because she received no answer from this brat who was trying to catch the king's attention. Did she want to leave now?
Good, because if she would stay any longer, she would make sure she would use that gongella poison she had stored for her personal needs. If there would be any need for it, and now it seemed that it was the need.
-I have heard that you have a female king there, in your world. That seemed incredible when my son had spoken about it, the first time. Tell me more about this... female king of yours...
The king seemed amused? Was he not believing her? It did not matter, all she wanted was to go home.
-Well, when your son came into our world, my mother was the one who supported his research, offering him all the right conditions and the means to do his research. I was wondering if, in your wisdom, you could do the same for me, as she did for your son?
Moon tried to play the obligation card. But it did not seem to work as this king did not seem too impressed about it.
-Of course, he had to come back here... What else was he to do in that world anyway?
-Die? Moon could not help herself and the king looked at her already angry, paying attention to her words. That alone made her think she should measure her words carefuly.
-What do you mean by that? The king asked her with a cold look in his eyes.
-You do understand, what another prince means to a crown prince anywhere, right? I did not understand well how things in your world work. You have one Crown Prince, then, stop having children? I have read it in one of your history books...
-There can only be one Crown Prince! The king said and he was not looking very happy about the road this conversation was going.
-But, what it... the prince would die? If you have only one prince, then your bloodline would be unsecured!
-But if you have one Crown Prince, then you have no more danger to the throne...
Moon looked at the king, then she looked at Kaion.
-But he has no back up either, she told them.
-Why would he need back up for?
-Just in case. He does not need to be alone!
-But that this the point! There can not be 100 kings... there can be only one! So no need for 100 princes... one is enough!
-If you say so...
Moon was already playing with her food. They had the most strange laws. Stupid, actually.
Her brothers would always help one another and they would fight to keep any of them safe. They were defending the crown, all of them.
None of them was so alone as Kaion was. She pitied him. He was alone, with all that war as his legacy.
She decided to keep her mouth shut, but she could not. They were trying to play smart but they were not as smart as they thought they were.
-You do not agree?
The king was still insisting on the matter, as if he really cared about her opinion when she knew he did not.
-Why am I here? She asked him feeling tired. I need help going home, back in my...
-There is no way back to that place you call the world!
The king's voice was so cold and angry that startled her.
-Look, I am a foreigner here! I demand to be treated as my rank requires! I am royal blood of this house too, just as your Crown Prince!
-You are not as the Crown Prince!!
-But I am an heir of the Warchild House! A princess by blood in my world! And I demand...
-You demand?? You, a female, demand?? From me?? Are you insane? You do not know your place, female!
-Your Highness, I am a ranked shadow! I may be a prisoner, but I will not be treated as a commoner!
Moon did not realize when she threw the chair behind her and stood up facing the king who was also standing in front of her.
They were both shouting at each other, making sure they each would hear their words, not caring about the people present who were watching them as in a show.
-You are not in the position to demand anything from me! I am the king!
-And I am a princess of your house! And I will be treated like a princess!
-Fine! Then, as I lost my princess to your world, I have gained one in here so you will be treated as one! You need to be in a union, so you can learn to live by our lows and keep your mouth shut and your head down, bowing in front of your man! You will be a wife and who better to discipline you, but the king of this nation, me!
She was dangerous, with that mouth and that wit.
The king had no choice now. It was either facing execution or a union from this royal blood now.
He would love to discipline that wild thing in his bed!
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