As the men started laughing at Sei's words about his woman, Iris did not make a move, nor a sound. But, through the mind link...
"Did you really have to make them laugh at me, husband?" Iris's voice could be heard clearly in his mind.
"No, wife, but knowing you would easily kneel in front of..."
"Me, kneel?? Husband!!"
"Exactly. See? So, you are welcome! Now you don't have to kneel."
"I would first kill the one..."
"Aaand, we did not kill anyone for it. See? They are all happy that you do not kneel in front of their king. Iris..?"
"Please don't start a war?"
There was silence in the mind space as Iris did not answer him. She was probably considering things, but Sei knew better.
"I need to provide you with a warm room to bring our child into this world until we can get back home. And I can not do that from a dungeon cell, woman. Please, allow me to take charge while we are in here."
Though he felt her, and she did not look too happy about it. But then again, this was not her kingdom. And by the Gods' power, it was not like she could not try to make it if she would think about it!! All he needed to do was keep her away from the idea.
She was with child, after all, she needed to think about that, before anything else.
Before starting to get them both into trouble.
-So what are you doing here, on my lands, the king of the Shadow's Assassins spoke fixing Sei in the eyes.
-We were sucked into a portal that threw us into your lands, Lord.
-And you say, you are a Lord of MY House there?
-I am.
-How can you prove that then? Your words? you can not expect to present yourself here and make everyone believe every single word you say, right? Hell, I can jump in that new world and pretend to be the king...
-No you can not... Sei spoke in a low voice but still, the king had heard his words.
-Well, if you are truly my Lord, and you are the Lord Commander there, then that would be part of my kingdom... is that not?
-Actually not. The king of the New World, can not be touched.
-Well, then how could his Lord Commander leave him then?
Sei did not answer. The king continued looking at him with a mocking smirk on his face.
Sei felt the imposing aura of Iris. Oh, no, she would lose her temper if this stupid king would play arrogance like this.
Iris's ego was even bigger than this man's.
So, out of the both of them, he would bet on his wife that she would be the first one to lose it. And he saw her fists gathering and her posture tensing. She would jump on him for sure, taking his head off. Then what?
They would just execute them both, and Sei could not allow that to happen.
-My king is safe no matter where the Lord Commander's steps are heading towards. This is what makes our king great. No one would ever dare to touch the Royal Blood.
-Lord Commander of the Shadow New World there, huh? Your loyalty and admiration for your king seems... obvious. I would be curious to meet such a man. So what do you do for this king of yours?
-I am the Commander of the army and the Commander of the Royal Guards.
-And just how vulnerable is your king without you, right now? The king put his hand at his right temple, thinking.
-I would not worry about my king right now. I would try to prepare for when they come for me.
-What do you mean?
-Well, as I have stated. I am the second most important man in my world. They will come to retrieve me some day. And knowing that you are in the war with the Warchild Clan... They might help you in this war, depending on how you have treated me until the moment comes. And of course, I only collaborate on the basis that my woman is safe and close to me.
The king looked at Sei with a serious expression. Iris drew some attention when she almost choked, but Sei knew she was trying to hide the fact that she was laughing, because of his words and the effect that they had on the king.
-Woman! Sei fast rose on his feet, almost hugging her to hide her smile from ear to ear. Are you alright? He asked her worried, pretending while he knew too well his wife. Not to mention that my wife is the Crown Prince's best friend, so the way she will be treated here will affect the relationship between these two kingdoms in the future. I need shelter for my wife and my unborn son, I will work for it until I can go back to my king. What do you think?
Sei turned to the king with pleading eyes, proposing the solution and also waiting for his answer. His woman was holding her belly with her hands, yet still having her eyes on the floor.
-How can you prove you are who you say you are? The king asked him, considering his proposal.
Sei became troubled, thinking, while his wife placed her hand in her shirt, drawing out what seemed to be a symbol, and handing it to her husband. He took the token that was on the chain, and looked at it, then placed it on his neck. He did not know why his wife had his mark as a Lord with her, but it came in handy.
-This is my House's symbol and it proves I am who I say I am.
The men present looked at him in awe, as it was similar to the one hanging on the same kind of chain, around the king's neck. They were almost identical. How could this be? It must have been the truth!
-Over a thousand years ago, while the first house reached into the new world, they had the same marks for each Lords, just as in this world. Only that, now, instead of two, like there are in here, we have them all 5, united. And Our House has brought the heirs to the throne, so the Royal Blood of the New World will be coming to visit this world, have no doubt about it. My king does not leave people behind, it is one of our laws actually.
-You will receive a quarter into the guests' wing, the king commanded. Your female would feel... welcomed there. Though, in order to keep her safe, she should not be walking around alone here, unattended. She is beautiful.
If he was hoping to be nice, the Commander's "female" raised her eyes from the floor, and for the first time in his life, the king has frozen in his place under the spell of an unknown ocean who almost loaded his heart, from two big, yet angry eyes. The most beautiful view of them all...
-I am sorry, we do not insult our wives calling them "females" in our world, The Lord Commander said, sensing the king's unease.
-What? Insulting?
-So can we have someone take us to the room, please? She had walked a long way until we got here, and she did not rest.
Sei was not lying, but the reason he wanted to get Iris out of there was that she was that close to hitting the king who had called her a "female". And that was the last thing he would need right now, after he had just managed to put them in a safe place and give them a small advantage already. They were alive and they had shelter. It was all they needed until the baby would come. He felt her breathing and trying to calm down.
"Please keep it leashed, wife!" Sei spoke to her and she knew exactly what he was asking her.
-That was not my intention, to insult such a delicate flower!
The king rose from his throne and got closer to Sei, a little too close for his comfort though. Sei did not like that, but as he was not in his place; the king did not try anything else and made a sign with his hand and a servant asked them to follow her. But his looks say it all. If he would ever get a chance, he would try to take some advantage of this situation. He had so much admiration for his "female" already and Sei had no doubt that, at some point, if he would prove useless, the king would not even think twice and get rid of him in order to put his hands on Iris.
Sei had to watch his steps closely right now. For them both. He knew Iris would not go on in here without him.
They did follow her in silence, mapping the corridors until they reached in front of a big door, which the servant opened. It was almost a suite, fit for the king's relatives, with a bath room included, a room with a big wooden bed, a small terrace, and another room that could be used for storage.
Iris smiled, checking every corner of the suite, while Sei checked the terrace. It was only belonging to this suite, so they did not have to share it with any stranger. They did not have much on them, they missed many things as they did not get a chance to prepare themselves for the unexpected departure.
They only had their clothes and they had on themselves, the weapons they had hidden in the site where the portal opened, right before they met the man who brought them here. And they had the armors that Sei also hid along with the weapons.
-I want them back... Sei heard Iris speak to him. She was in his mind, knowing what he was thinking again.
-I will find a way to get them back and bring them here, without them asking questions, he answered her.
-Ask for the blacksmith to forge your weapons and bring them in with ours, she said.
She was right.
The smartest and simplest way to bring their weapons without drawing unnecessary attention, as that he should ask for some weapons to be forged, then he would bring some weapons home. It was all normal and nobody would suspect a thing.
The only thing he needed right now, was to make the quarters safe for his wife.
He said he will work for his place here, so he will be asked to earn it soon enough.
He also did not like the way the king looked at Iris, so he needed to know she will be safe here.
-The door, Iris pointed her hand towards the lock.
It did not bother him that she was in his head, knowing what he was thinking. It was like that for years and they grew to be as one and they would complete each other and this he was used to.
He needed her to know things even when they would not speak about it, and that was the way they could fill in each other even when they were apart. Which was not happening too often.
Looking at the massive door, he saw, indeed, that the lock was weakened.
If he would hit the door with his foot, he might open it by force, and he needed to make it safe for living here.
Iris went out of the terrace. It was unattended for some time now, as most of the flowers had wittered. But there were a few small trees and the grass was green still.
There was a fence that was securing the terrace so that people could not fall from it. It also reminded her of what she had in Shiran. Her children. She was missing them so much, and she did not know if they were safe. She looked in the distance with tearing eyes, when Sei came to give her a big hug from behind, covering her entire body with his arms and pressing her body against his. She felt the warmth emanating from his body. It was nice.
-They are fine, wife. We raised bears, and they are no more cabs...
Somewhere at a close window, they could not see a pair of eyes that were stalking the two entangled figures that were standing in the patio.
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