The Warchild princess spoke like a prince in front of the king. What was he to do with this female? Discipline was required. But she was also right, he did need to know about his own daughter.
-She can not marry, she belongs to another man already. Here, in her place! The king spoke in a grave tone, but this Warchild princess did not even bow in front of him properly.
-Oh, then I can take her man right into my world and bring him in front of my brother. But, he would probably be executed by my younger brother, who does not like complications regarding the throne matters.
Was she mocking him in front of his subjects? Was this little girl insane?? The king looked at her with his mouth open, not knowing what to answer to this insolent female in front of him. Kaion, on the other hand, had a strange smirk on his face, did he just enjoy what this little girl answered back to his own father?? This was rebellion!
-I said... females do not answer in front of a man, and I am a man!
-Oh, I am sorry... I am not from your world so... what should I call you to pay my respects?
Was she really mocking him or was she trying to be polite?
The king could not decide but he felt his anger growing. He did not bother to answer her anymore, but his fists were already formed as he was trying to control himself not to put some sense into the skull of that worthless female that his son brought from that new world.
-Why did you bring this... female here?
The king turned to his son, trying not to pay any more attention to the little rebel in front of him, who was the only female not lowering her eyes in front of him!! She needs a male to discipline her!
- She could be a great asset for us when the New World figures out how to open the portals for themselves, Father! They are warriors, and some of them are stronger than us. She would be good leverage.
-Stronger than us??? Never!!! The king could not believe his ears and he would not accept Kaion's perspective.
-Ooh, yes!? We are stronger than your people! And when they will find a way to open the portals, my brothers will come for me! And will have all your heads for k********g the Royal Blood!!
The king turned to the young girl who was not looking so ready to battle.
Royal Blood, was she?? She was delusional to think that she was ever going to leave this place. If she had her brothers coming, just as she was dreaming of, they will be ready for them.
His son was right to think ahead. He was feeling proud of him.
-Double the guards and the training grounds will work on shifts from now on. Every man able to hold a weapon will train every day. No one is better than my army!
-Except for our troops... Moon whispered in front of him, but he heard her and narrowed his eyes on her.
-If they were so good, how did they lose you then? The king asked her.
-He kidnapped me while I was helping him to get back home! I trusted him! And your prince is just a low man whom we fed, we gave shelter, and we treated him well and he is not worthy of my people's trust! Is he going to make a perfect leader for your world? I pity your world then!
The king listened to her words, considering them in silence.
The people who were already gathered in the main square, looking at them and hearing her, were just gasping in surprise at every word, whispering to each other.
She was loud, expressing her thoughts so freely and her words were not kind to the Royal Blood. Would they tolerate such insults or should they just execute her?
-It is obvious that she does not know her place... She will have to be taught...The king was looking at her as if he was considering what to do with her. They needed to talk about this new world...
-Well, princess, when your people come we will be ready, Kaion just took charge, making everyone present hear his determination.
-As if... Moon whispered to herself between her teeth.
-I have seen how they operate, I got to know their tactics pretty well so I know what to do. However... there will be a minor problem.
-Problem? What problem? The king asked his son.
-The shadow king from the New World, walked into a portal as well and I think she might be somewhere here.
-Here??? We did not receive any news about strangers coming through. But even so, with their king being a female, it would be a piece of cake to handle things.
-No, Father, I am afraid it would not be that easy. They can control their demons... OR at least she can... So no, it would not be easy if she was here. I have seen her fighting and she took half of my men within seconds.
-Are you saying the king is a female, and that she fights the men?? the king could not believe his ears, listening to his son and trying to make some sense of his words
-Yes, father. in that world, females fight beside men. As far as I have seen it, she is a formidable adversary. I could not take her alone, all by myself. The only thing in our favor is that she was with child, so she must be weakened and not able to fight us. But we need to find her, father.
-Hmm... His father lifted his hand and turning his back on the people gathered, he addressed the guards:
-Put that thing in the dungeon, maybe that would get some sense into her head.
-Father, let me... Kaion tried to intervene for her.
-You and I will have a talk, son. We need to discuss important matters of the kingdom, as you have brought all these new facts to my attention. As for that female you brought with you... The king looked at Moon who was looking back at him with a bold attitude he never saw in any of the females of his world. Get her to the dungeon. Let that sink into that wild mind of hers, she needs to learn some rules while being here. This is not her world anymore.
Taking his son by the shoulders, the king just dragged him with him into his office, while the guards just grabbed the wild princess and escorted her to the dungeon. As far as she could see from the inside, she had a lot to learn, as the corridors were not easy to remember, being very alembicated. One would need to map the area very cautiously in order not to lose themselves if they were not residing there.
The guards dragged her into the dungeons, just as the king said. They almost threw her on the floor of one of the rooms, like a commoner would be treated. They slammed the door after them, and left her in the darkness.
No one has come to even bring her some food, or water.
No one had bothered to check on her for the rest of the day. She did not even know if the day had passed because there as no window in the room.
Moon thought she was being safer kept in the dungeon, rather than any room where someone could try to do to her what they tried to do to Senere in her world. That was it. The roles were the same now. She did well containing her saruman power and not letting it show off. For the moment, she needed to just stay as low as she could, and that was a very difficult task for her indeed. Why? Because she would advocate for people in her world every day. She would not stand injustice.
She was not really good at keeping her mouth shut unless she had to keep important information for herself. And here... everything seemed so wrong.
She was so far from home. But... maybe... was her mother here? If she was, she could not reach her.
She closed her eyes, trying to focus. She needed to calm herself down, in order to start meditating.
She needed to be calm, so she could move the energy field and propagate it in thin air. First, she started to breathe, taking in every detail about her environment. Observing.
So she sat on the cold ground, it was all dirt, as the building was set on the soil. The ground was dry and pounded, a sign that the building was not new.
Only the walls have been built, with the roof on top of it, it seemed. Nice, how many floors would that have? If there was one only, that could ensure her a way out. She needed to escape.
She did not want to be a prisoner.
But HE thought it would be indeed safer for her to be kept here, as she never meant to provoke the king, but he was too sensitive and he felt insulted by her words, which were only words, as she was only the Royal Blood, just like his son was.
The only difference was that, this was a men's world. And this was not her world. She only wanted to be back in her world, her home again. And she will, but for now, the best chance she had, was to find her mother. Where was she? She needed to be here, when the portal took her parents away, where else could it bring them if not here? Hopefully, there will be no more worlds of the shadows... Hopefully... they were here and she would find them.
She created the mind space again.
There was nothing but darkness, cold chains, and silence in the dungeon they put her to.
It was all walls, where chains were fixed in them, waiting for someone to be cuffed.
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