As they have decided it, Moon took Kaion into the forests outside the Shiran fortress.
She asked him to go with her for a hunt, just to take a break from the hard work he was doing. It was hard, but she managed to convince him, just like her brother said. What did they know that she did not? They will tell her later, but right now, she was on a mission. She needed to keep Kaion away from the fortress for a while. How will she do that? Hard to say, he was such an annoying man, and he did not like anything that she did like.
Moon was looking at him thinking and she was observing him while walking in front of her and her state of mind switched from happiness to wonder in an instant. His torso was huge, he looked like a real bear. He must have been a real fighter in his world. Were they fighting in there? How was his world?
The black shirt he was wearing was pretty tight on his body, and the muscles were showing off through it at every move he made. Even when he was walking, like now... his back was... she did not even realize when she lifted her right hand and without thinking, she almost reached to touch him...
Wait, what are you doing, girl, focus!! What is wrong with you, focus on the mission!!
"Keep him out of our way, sis... you got this!" Moon heard Xande in her mind and Tiger too:
"We are in front of the gate right now... keep him out of here, no matter what!"
No matter what? Oh, wow, and what was that "what" mean?
If he wanted to turn back, what could she do about to convince him to stay out? It was not like she could just hold him with her palm to stop that massive mountain walking in front of her... As if she could fight this huge bear who was walking in front of her... maybe she should dance for him... lol... maybe that would stop him, she started to laugh all alone in her head, when a sudden shock woke her up to reality.
She bumped her head hard into his back, realizing that he stopped and looking up at him, he was already facing her with his eyebrows knitted already on his forehead. Waiting for her to... something...
Her head just sank into his huge and strong chest, and his shirt was keeping his fragrance that hit her nostrils... He was smelling so good... clean and... manly...
-Do you watch where you are going, Goddess?
-Ouch... What? What do you mean?
She touched her forehead, blushing because of her own thoughts and becoming embarrassed, which Kaion had immediately noticed and wondered about it in his mind, but did not say anything about. He just smiled amused.
-Am I so small you did not see me stop right in front of you?
-Umm... no... I mean... I did not see you...
-You did not see me, princess? Am I so small in front of you? Are you here with me or wandering around the clouds right now?
-Umm... I am here... Could you not tell me you are stopping? How was I supposed to know you are stopping? You just shadow all the forest with your...
-With my...?
-Your... yourself!! You are tall like these trees, how am I supposed to see up if you are here? So I don't, and left you walking in front of me here and here you stop like that...
-So now it is my fault? How do you manage to do that...
Kaion could not believe she was so good with her words that she could always turn things her way! No matter what anyone could say, she could turn it all around!
-Well why did you stop like that?
-I guess you can not hear either?
-Hear what?
-Are you serious? Did you take me away from my work for a hunt that is not a hunt? Was I speaking alone all the way? Really?
-Of course is a hunt, look, there... is the hunting ground... Moon felt embaressed because he probably said something to her nd he was upset because he did not get any answer and she really did not know what to answer him because she was... walking among the states and the clouds while thinking about nonsense... related to his pectorals... and his abdomen... and... Moon, wake up! what in the gods' name is happening here?? she was not like that! At all! What was happening? All her mind was crushing and she had no idea what was going on! Or why, as a matter of fact! This man as dangerous, and she needed to get rid of him no matter what!
-That is what I have asked you... Is that our hunting ground?
-What? But you just said... Decide for once what you say?
-Is not "ours". Is mine and my brothers. Not yours!
-So why did you bring me here then?
-To hunt... of course!
"By all gods, how do I keep him here if I can not manage his arrogant speech?" Moon asked angrily in the space mind, looking for help in her brothers.
"Keep him there, Moon, you got this! You can do it!"
" But how?? He is such an ignorant!"
"Be nicer to him... maybe he will "
"What??? I am talking to him, am I not??"
"You could do it nicer though..."
"Xande!!! Do not..."
Moon lifted her eyes realizing that having her chat with her brothers made her again miss the question that Kaion might have asked and she did not know what to answer now. And Kaion, upon not receiving an answer, did not look like he was taking it too good. After all, he was patient, but he was the Royal Blood too and he did not have to put up with this kind of behavior from no one.
-I am sorry, what did you ask me?
Kaion looked at her, thinking... What was he thinking? She needed him to stay here with her... How was she going to do that, she had no idea. He did not look like he was such an easy man to let himself convince to do a "female"s bidding.
-I did not hear your question because I was thinking about what it would be better to hunt, bears or dears or...
-You have deers here?? Kaion smiled already forgetting that he felt offended just a few seconds ago.
-Umm... no...
Incredible! This girl was just so incredible!!!
-Did you not just say, you would take me hunting?
"You could do it nicer though..." Xande's words pop up her mind...
-I did?
-You did not?
-Yes. But at first... I thought we should get hunting but I only know how to hunt our way, how we hunt in my world. But I was actually trying to figure out what would YOU like to hunt like. How different from we are, are you? How do you hunt, can you show me? I remember you liked deer, so I was not sure if I should just present to you the bears' caves and... What would you like to hunt? We have some dear on the camps, a few hours away from here... What would you like to do?
Kaion looked at her puzzled. Women just did not make sense for him before, so why should they start now...
At first, she asked him to take the day off... just because she thought he worked really hard and she wanted to show him around... then they have decided to go for a hunt... He had so much to do in the Academy. And she would not let him, just like any other female from his world.
All they could do was put obstacles in the men's path and do stupid things that needed to be repaired. Yes, that was the right thing to say. These females were able to ruin a man's life anytime. With a real talent, too. And this one had talent, beyond any other, he could give her that. He could feel she was a trouble maker.
Now it would appear that she did not want the hunt anymore and yet she did not even know what she wanted... She wanted to hunt the bears, so she asked him to head it this way, towards the caves, but then she was thinking about his deer hunting in his world, but they did not have them here so she was thinking... always thinking... oh, these women would make everything so complicated... Why could they not just keep it simple? Simple was fun.
-So what do you want to do? He asked her almost bored. This female was just so unpredictable, he did not know what to expect from her. He did not like not being in control. And a female in control was, of course, bringing nothing good. So why was this one thinking, even imagining, that something good could come up from this plan of hers? What was her plan, anyway?
Ooo... not good, Moon thought about it. She could not let him get bored and run away.
-I was just thinking about what you would like, I can do with any... I will let you choose... the bears or the deers?
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