Moon and Kaion were sending imaginary arrows one towards each other and the game was both getting them angry and amusing them at the same time. They could not understand how could that be, but they were both trying to investigate these emotions that was confusing them. They wanted it and they hated it at the same time, as if that could be possible.
-Any woman would give anything to be a royalty like you!
-Is that so? I wish there was any who would choose to be in my shoes for a week, attending all the meetings and learning economics, and visiting, and playing serious with the royal etiquette, who would dress up like a doll and pretend to be one too, nice to everyone who would only criticize you, and never be able to be whoever you are inside.
-Is that so? Well, any little girl would dream to be in your shoes, and you dislike it?
-The role you must play as royal blood? Tell me you fit in right there in that place in your world!
-Of course, I do! I was born to be that and that is what I am! So at least I act accordingly...
-Oh, so you were born for this... yet you "try" to act accordingly? Of course, you do! That is why you just left your world and took their hope to continue your dynasty, leaving the bloodline not secured... very smart of you, oh, and, very responsible as the Royal Blood, what to say... and really the wisdom of royal blood! Is that doing your duty? HA!
She looked at him triumphantly as if her words were cutting blades in his skin. She was right, he knew that very well as she was speaking the truth. As a Royal Blood, his first job was to secure the kingdom, to be kept alive and protected inside of the walls of the palace, where he had to learn how to rule his people. Kaion had to obey the primary law and never put himself in any dangerous situation that would leave his people without a ruler, and that means staying close to the king, learning to defend himself and training every day, and getting married in order to provide succession to the throne. Well, he did the training art, but he did not get engaged yet, and what was worse, was that he did not just leave the safety of his palace, he left his world!! And he did not secure the bloodline... but he had no time for that, as he was not married yet! He acted on an impulse and left for his sister. That was stupid.
By leaving after his sister, he had endangered his entire world, because he was the Crown Prince. By leaving his world, he did not know if he could ever come back, well, they never had any single soldier coming back from all those who departed in the new world. So he took the risk knowingly. He put himself in danger and went through that portal knowingly he might never go back home. Who was the irresponsible one?
-I only came here to get my sister back! Kaion shouted but all the desperation and frustration and all the hurt were contained in that shout. Moon felt it and she just look at him cold.
-Yes, the Royal Blood has a sister, we know that. She does not matter though, as the royal blood has other things to do and that is why he has an army... to get the other people getting back his sister, not him, because he has to lead his council and attend his royal duty... And how will you do it if she does not want to go back with you?
Kaion could not answer and instead, he just lowered his looks, searching the ground for an answer he did not have. She was right, he had been so blind to this truth. He did not think about things the way she was presenting them. He did not think at all. But she was better than him, had a cold judgment, this Goddess was a true leader. A letter one than he was himself.
-She does not want to go back home with you, Kaion. Will you force her to leave here?
He did not like the idea, and Moon received her answer when his head just lift up revealing his steel gray eyes filling with sparks of anger. His looks said it all. He was thinking to take Senere with him even by force if it was necessary.
-She does not belong here!
-But she is not happy there, with you all forcing her to be and do what she does not like! Don't you understand it?
-She is a princess in ...
-Just another bird in the cage, exactly!
-What is wrong with you, princesses? You have nice clothes and even warm to dress so you don't feel the cold, you have food filling your plates so you don't starve, you get to live in a palace and not get soaked in the rain, yet you appreciate nothing!!
-Maybe it is not what we need?
-Is it not? But what else do you need to be content?
-Love? Trust? Encouragement?
-But you get even more than that! You appreciate nothing!!
-We don't get that! Being caged and not allowing her out of your castle made Senere run away! Chaining her is not loving her!
-Keeping her on the domain was decided for her own safety...
-Teach her to defend, do not keep her useless like you treat a small child! She is so much more!
-She is vulnerable...
-She is smart, and fun to be with! She is compassionate and sensible! She is kind, and brave! She is not afraid to stand her ground, even if you see her so weak and vulnerable! If you love her like you say you do, do not keep her there, but help her grow! Teach her to defend, and...
-Are you out of your mind? She can not even walk without tripping!
-And yet, I have never seen her tripping while walking...
-She is a female... nobody puts a weapon in a female's hand...
-Unless they need their female weak and vulnerable, easy to manipulate...
-They can NOT defend a man...
-My mother can defend men and she is a "female"! And she is the king too! And I would say a better one than any other "males" pretending to be better than their females! You can not see past your closed mind!
-I have a closed mind now?
-Of course, you do! You have no idea how to find and use your resources, because you can not see the gold in the mud!
-And you can??
-Of course, I can! Because I am not a "damn stupid male" in your world!
-Alright... I see what you are doing. We are done here. Kaion turned to leave because anger was raising inside him and he could not control it anymore. But he changed his mind and turned again towards Moon, to offer her a few more words about this world she was thinking about. You know, you can not ask someone to spend the time with you, then insult them. What kind of princess are you??
-I do not mean to insult you, but if the truth scars you, it is the world you built, not I. It is the world you live in, so why does it bother you?
-Because you can not judge what you do not know!
-Agree... I don't even care about it, as I am living here... But what are you going to do with Senere? This I care about! She is my friend and I will not let you hurt her! Brothers do not hurt their sisters!
Kaion did not expect that turn from Moon. His sister... it was all so confusing. She hated her world. She did not want to be part of it anymore. How could he just go home alone, and leave her here? All alone? After he left for her, to bring her back? Everyone will laugh at him.
-I can not leave her here... he whispered for himself.
-But she does not want to go back, so what are you going to do? Tie her up like an animal, and throw her over your shoulder, taking her by force, back, into your world?
He looked at Moon seriously again. He had no other choice. He could not leave his little sister with these strangers... she was to be all alone here... he would not let her.
-If I have to.
-But she does not want to. Are you going to go against her will? Make her live an unhappy life?
-She does not belong here. She is the princess of my kingdom.
-And what about what she wants?
-Royal blood does not get what it wants. It is who we are. You should know better!
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