Poor Kaion was so confused by Lord Commander's words. The words he was speaking made some sense for him but they were like... describing some unreal things. It looked like they were taking life so lightly here; they were not serious about it. Yet, they looked serious.
These new things put into this light, like that, just as the Lord Commander presented them, made him think about his sister's life. She would always complain that she can not breathe in the castle. She was never allowed to leave anywhere all alone. She could not decide on her life most things he really thought she could have voiced an opinion.
Almost unfair, this female condition for her, just as she screamed it in his face, crying so many times and he could not understand. Those times, it felt wrong, but he did not know why it felt wrong. But in this new light, he could see things how bad they were presenting for a female. And his sister was all he had anymore, and he did not want her to live like that.
-But she can not stay here. And maybe she is not happy there... What can I do?
-You can learn, if you like. Just listen to what she needs.
-But she can not have what she wants. She is a female; she does not even know what she wants!! And most of all... She is of royal blood.
-That is precisely why she can have it if she wants, Kaion heard the king in front of him.
Walking along with these natives, well they were not exactly natives, but they were living there for more than 1000 years so... yes, he will call them natives. Kaion listened to what the Lord Commander had to say. He also heard the king. He could not believe that the king was a female. Well... a woman would be a better term as these seemed to be offended by the simple term that was defining their gender.
-Because she is a female! And a Royal Blood. Who else would speak for the people if not the higher ones?
-But... she is a female...
-Exactly... so she knows best how life is affecting the people you, males do not have time to think about!
That did not make any sense for Kaion. At first. But then...
He was amazed at the life here. He did not imagine finding shadows. They were practically like brothers, yet they were also strangers in a mirror. Here, the things he found were upside down. Strong females, peaceful males. This Lord Commander did not seem impulsive. nor arrogant. And the position he had... did not corrupt him.
And the Goddess... He did not yet have the courage to approach her. He almost felt intimidated by her. That was incredible, as he was the prince back home. But here, he was just an outsider. Royal Blood outsider. It was of no importance if he would like someone. He had nothing to offer anymore, as he was nothing here, in this world.
Wait, what? Did he just think about liking someone? No way! His mission was clear. To bring his females home. Half of the job was done yet the other half was more difficult as he did not really know how to open the portals alone. And he knew the others did not know how to do that either.
So How would he make it happen? How will he open those portals? He needed someone to teach him. He was a little worried. He needed to get back home. How will he do that if they don't know how to open the portals?
-Do you have science men here?
-Science men? the Goddess asked him back.
-Yes, like... a man who is learning new things, people that are inventing new weapons, that make experiments... scientists?
-Oh, you mean inventors. Like the Sun House. People that like to make things out of nothing. Right?
-They like inventing and they are crafting all sorts of things? yes, that's what I'm thinking about.
-We do have them. And they do like to craft a lot of things. Why?
-I was thinking maybe they could take a look at the portals. How they open, how they close. Maybe they can study and learn how to open them, maybe they can learn to control them somehow. I want to be able to go back to my world someday.
-That is a good idea. And a sure way to get home.
-I agree. Is the smartest way you could think of.
-Really? How could I miss it then? Am I not smart then??
The goddess spoke out loud in such a dramatically tone, that the rest of the people present started laughing. They were all looking so comfortable in her presence and she was in her element, so confident, nothing like his sister, nothing like any woman in his world.
That left Kaion thinking. He did not want to offend the Goddess. He was very much interested in the woman. Female... Lady... or whatever word they like to define what she was. He was in their world and these people were going to help him find his sister and bring her safely to him. They were also going to help him study the portal so he would be able to get them all home.
So he must not do anything to offend them. And especially the Goddess. She seemed like a nice lady and educated. He realized he could not take into count the possibility that the portals could not be controlled. And if they can not be controlled, that meant they could not go back home.
-I think you know much more than you show and I think you are very smart, My lady.
He even tried to do a little bow, to show his respect.
-Is good that you understand that, she said with a big smile on her face and shiny eyes.
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