Kaion heard the Lord Commander's question and he realized that he never questioned things like this, not in this way. It looked bad this way.
-What happens with your women when the man dies?
What happens with your women when the man dies?? the question strikes him light a rumble of thunder and he did not know what to answer.
-Well the women usually chose a man they want here. As they live in a family of a house, usually they can choose from one of the brothers of the husband. Men are protective when it comes to their blood. So she can continue to have the same life. Not losing her children, nor her home. Nor her friends, nor her life. She does not need to give up anything.
-And is it working for them? I mean, I can see reason... I think they get to live a better life than our women.
-It seems so.
-Our way is old.
-Well change it then.
-Ha! It is not that easy to change customs...
-She did.
-Yeah, but she is the king...I am just the crown prince... I mean I was... there; I don't know what I am here.
-You are a man.
-Yes. I don't even know how to get home. And I can not even go back without my females... And they are not safe here on this unknown planet, all alone.
Kaion was worried about his females. That was good, The Lord Commander thought. Caring was a good trait in a man.
-Your sister, why are you calling her your female? he asked him.
-Well, because she is a female in my family so it is my duty to take care of her.
-Does your father not... take care of her?
-Our father is... busy with the kingdom most of the time. He is always in council meetings, dealing with the border rids, army training, and politics.
-So... is just me and Senere most of the time.
-And your mother?
Kaion kept quiet for a moment, making The Lord Commander understand he touched a soft point in him.
-My mother... she died, some time ago, when our brother had disappeared through one of the portals. She gave her life to protect us, as with our brother gone, it was me next on the bloodline. His mother tried to kill us both and it was discovered too late.
-I am sorry to hear that, the Lord Commander answered him.
-Yeah, me too.
-So that is why you feel responsible for your sister.
-But... what if she does not want to come back with you?
-What? What do you mean?
-Well... when a woman runs away, she does not do it because she has a choice. She does it because she thinks it is the only way she can go on. What if... your sister will not want to go back home, what will you do then?
-Oh... Kaion looked troubled. He did not think about that. He only wanted to find her and bring her home.
He did not take into count that his sister would not want to go back with him.
-You need to also consider that option if you did not think about it yet.
-But what can she do? She can not just stay here...!!
-I don't know what she wants, I don't know her. I am just thinking about a young woman who preferred to run away from the safety of her home, and go into an unknown world where she could even get killed. And still, be better than being home. That does not look too good in my opinion.
Kaion did not see things like that before. What could he do if his sister would not want to come back home?
-But is home... why would she want to stay here? She knows nothing of these lands or these people...
-These people would never force her to take a man she does not want. Of course she would choose them over the ones she has in the same house. That matters to a woman. You can not just force her to obey forever. You could learn that before you will also make mistakes in life.
-Hmm... Kaion was thinking about the Lord Commander's words. How do you know so much about what women want or feels?
-It is called living, young man. Watching, learning. Pay attention to their needs. Every father should teach their sons how to live a full, and happy life. Just as every mother should teach their daughters the same. You can not live happy if you do not take this into count. Treat the others as you would like them to treat you. And they will do the same. All you have to do is be true to yourself.
-Is that what you teach your children here?
-Of course. You can not take care of someone in need, if you do not know how to take care of yourself first. Because first, you need to know how taking care feels like. Do you understand what I'm saying?
-It feels right. Yes.
-The woman will always tell you what she needs from you. You will see it in her eyes, on her face, on her body. If you make them happy, they will take care of you too. If you force them in any way, you will never catch their true beautiful essence, and they will leave you eventually. And you will never feel the happiness of a full life.
-Women in our world are not easy to learn I think. How do you know when they are happy like you say?
-That is easy. You will see it in their eyes when they will look into yours with no fear, nor hate. They will sing around you, they will want to be near you, they will search for your presence, they will feel so free that they will even dance around you.
-If I think about it, I don't hear the woman in my world laugh much or sing, or...dance around you? Why would a woman just dance around you when it is not a party?
-Because you don't need a party to make your life a dance.
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