The Books of the Shadows IV - Silver Moon 1126 words 2021-12-07 08:24:49

That was a clear threat, but she felt like she deserved it. It still did not make things right though. Her own little brother had just threatened her. But... she had done just the same, raising her sword like that towards him, intently... 

Would she have killed him, if he would have moved...? 

"We need to talk at dinner, all of us, so be there!" she heard Tiger's voice in the mind space. 

"Alright!" was all she could say back to him. She did not feel like talking, she felt so... wrong. How could she act like that towards her little brother? Was she the only one who did that? But was she wrong?

Walking on her own all the way to the Academy, she did not notice the shadow dancing along with hers on the walls of the houses.

"Don't beat yourself up with that... we need to work hard and you better concentrate on the task you have, and doing that will not help either of us!" The voice startled her. Shade was walking shoulder to shoulder, and she had barely noticed him. Looking along the road, she did not seem to notice when he joined her. 

"Yeah, you did not... I could have killed you by now, 10 times too, if I were to be an assassin..." he smirked almost satisfied, and kept walking shoulder by shoulder with her, with his hands knotted behind his back. 

"I was just thinking..." she used the mind link to speak to him too, and they were just appearing to be walking and enjoying their walk in silence as they were passing by all the buildings on their way to the Academy.

"Yeah, I noticed you were... So I'll just save the killing  for later then..."

"What is wrong with you, guys, and the killing??" Moon asked him exasperated and angry as well, expecting him not to joke around about this when she was actually feeling remorse about this kind of thoughts...

"Fine, I'll leave the killing for Xande then... Better?" Shade looked at her with a big, ear to ear smile on his face, but she did not really take the joke. She was upset.

"Do you think he would not be capable of trying to kill us?" she asked her twin. Shade looked at her, thinking clear his answer. 

"No. I think our brother wouldn't ever try to hurt us!" Why would you think otherwise?"

"Because... Because of... what he is!"

"He is our little brother! He is what our mother was all the time! Did she ever hurt either one of us?"

"Umm...no... but she is mother!!"

"And he is your brother!"

Shade was stating the obvious. Was she wrong to feel about her brother that way? What if he would ever lose control?

"He would not, Moon. You did not see him in the battle, as I did. He would not lose it. He is always in control."

"But what if..."

"I said, he would not!! Mother trained him, did you know that?"


"So you did not...I am not surprised, neither did Tiger know about it, mother kept it a secret. I wonder if she would have known from the beginning about your way of thinking... was it that, perhaps? Well, she did, anyway! So he will not lose it, got it? You need to sort this out with him, Moon. He is our brother and we need him. And he is not a little child so don't treat him like one!" 

They reached the Academy gates, and Shade opened them, allowing Moon to pass through first. Behind the iron gates, there were some stairs, and Kaion was almost at the next door, in front of them, when he noticed them and stopped in his way to wait for them. 

"Great, just what I needed..." Moon felt the displeasure from Shade's voice in her mind, and it made her smile. 

"Come on, brother, can't be that bad... right?"

-Good morning! Kaion greeted them and Moon smiled politely, only like she could. 

Shade looked at him and just nodded, passing by him and almost hitting the wooden door that allowed them to enter inside. Of course, Shade went into the building first, almost hitting Kaion's shoulder. Did he do that on purpose? 

-Excuse my brother, he did not sleep well last night... Moon tried to give a reason for her brother's behavior in front of Kaion. Shade did not feel the need to act polite. He just liked people, or he did not, and he would never make any effort to hide his feelings. 

-And, you? 

Moon lost herself. What was he asking her?


-Did you sleep well?

-Ohhh... no... well yes... a little, she let out a heavy sight that clearly gave Kaion another answer.

-I see... it shows, he winked at her and pointed the way with his hand.


Moon did not believe what she just heard. Did he say something that rude to her? Just who did he think he was?? She was the princess of this kingdom and the royal blood and he was nothing!!!

-Hey, Moon! Shade's voice startle her and at the same time just grabbed her out of that trap of feeling she put herself into. I need you here? Her brother raised an eyebrow, feeling her, and giving her a way out if she wanted it. Of course, she wanted it! She did not like this butthead warrior pretend to be, anyway! He was nothing in this world and he was on his way home, anyway!

Moon headed towards the room Shade was working on the armors, while Kaion entered the next one, to the left. 

-Where areee youuuu? Moon? Come on, wake up! What is it?

-Do you ever try to be nice to those around you?

-Why do I have to be nice when you are nice for me too?

-Because. Shade, sometimes you need to just hide your feelings so you can win other things or just take your time to make a hit when everybody is less expecting one from you?

-I like them to know when is coming for them... I don't need to take my time, I am not hiding...

-Maybe you should stop and look around you. People are not always what they seem to be. 

-Exactly. So why waste any time in finding out what I can just tear apart from the beginning?

-Because you can use it before you can destroy things...??

-I am not interested to use things... I am interested more in destroying things? If it makes sense for you? YOu can have all the... using things you need... Me, no thanks! Let's get to work now... we have a council tonight...

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