The Books of the Shadows IV - Silver Moon 2311 words 2021-12-31 19:38:10

"Please don't do something stupid, please, do not try anything, please... Princess? I got you time..."

Kaion's voice echoed into Moon's mind. Was it real? did he really buy her time? Was it him, or was it just her imagination playing games on her own brain?

Kaion was walking behind the king but his eyes were set on hers. She saw him looking afraid, why was he looking afraid for?

Was it not his plan, he wanted to speak with the king alone? Maybe his plan backfired, who knew?

Why did he look so strange at her? And... was it his voice, what she had just heard earlier? She could not decide.

But if that was his, did it mean he bought her time for real? At what cost?

The king just stopped in front of her and looking at her, he was appearing to be thinking about something.

What was it, Moon was curious. What could Kaion tell him, in order to stop this insane marriage proposal?

How could she refuse him, in a way he would not take it as an insult and retaliate against her?

-Princess... the king addressed her, demanding her attention. Is this king of yours, here? In our world?

Moon looked at him, thinking about her answer.

If she told them that she made contact with them already, they could lock her up again, search for them and who knows what things would look like in the future.

They did not even know where exactly were they around, but being in the same world was enough to be representing a danger for them all. Even for her.

-The king went through a portal, so it might be possible to be around here, somewhere...

The princess tried to answer him as well as she could, but she was being too evasive.

Did she not know for sure, or there was something going on?

The king had also thought before he spoke again.

-Can you not contact your king? My prince is telling me you can speak through your mind with your kin.

Of course, he told his father about that, why would he not?

Knowing your enemy's power is making them weak. Of course, he knew now.

-I can try... why are you interested in that now?

-Because it seems hard to believe you did not try it already. And hearing your answers is making me think that is a little difficult to trust this one here, my prince, because she is a liar!!

The king spoke the last words looking in his son's direction. Then turning again towards Moon, he kept a moment of silence before he addressed her again:

-So, give me a reason, why should I believe you now?

The king was asking her to convince him.

Of course, they could think about her contacting her family, why did she not do that in the first place?

-We had not heard from them for months, no matter how much we tried to contact them, so we assumed something was wrong, or the distance was too much for our connection, the princess spoke. The last time we tried, we made contact, but I had my brother's channeling us all, and linking to them.

-Them?? Are there more here?

-My father too, The Lord Commander of the army?

-With an army??

Moon looked at the king, there was something he was after. She could not decide if she wanted to laugh at his words or just worry. It was clear to her that he was on to something but she did not know what was he thinking...

Why would he ask about an army if he already had one? Or maybe... he needed more? For what?

-Why would you need an army for?

The princess saw a brief shine in the king's eyes, and that signal was enough for her to understand she got it right. She understood, he needed an army and he was hoping that her mother had one with her, but... for what?

The king seemed surprised by her question. She was sure smart and thinking ahead, how could a woman be so smart?

His son told him, but he would not listen, and now, he was looking at her, thinking.

-I understand from my son that, your king has united all the five houses under his reign there. How did he do it?

-SHE. SHE did it. I told you, the king is my mother.

-Yes, right, unbelievable...

-Yes, you said so last time we spoke about this too.

-So this king of yours has the army with her?

-She has all the army she needs with her. Why?

-She will fight for us then!

-Ha! Because?

The king was already shining with happiness, as if he was solving his biggest problem, and the princess's last words just took him by surprise. What did she mean by "because"??

-She is from the Warchild House, of course, the army belongs to me and will aid me in fighting the Assassins...

-No, the army does not belong to you. It belongs to her only! She is a king, just as you are a king. She could help you in anything you need, IF you treat us with the respect owned to our ranks. Except that, if any harm would come to me, she will burn your kingdom to the ground!

The looks of the young princess when she spoke those last words, became cold and ruthless.

She did not look afraid at all, speaking to him like that. Again. She looked powerful and sure of herself.

-As if anyone could pass through my kingdom's security!

-Well, if there is anyone, anyone who could... it would only be her! She had taken cities with no army at all... when she was younger than me! So do not think you can win any challenge against her!

-Impossible! the king could not believe his ears.

No woman was able to hold a weapon in her hand, but to take cities? And to take one without any army?

-You keep saying that... Yet you will see soon enough.

-But how? How will they know where you are? Because there are Scouts looking for me as we speak?

The princess was down on her knees, but while speaking she rose on her feet, looking straight to the king with arrogance.

How did she have so much strength in front of so many men?

They even had their swords on! And she had no weapon...

-You are wrong. I can have any weapon I desire, I just don't need it right now.

-What do you say? The king looked at his people frightened. Did she just read his mind? How could you know...

-What you are thinking? Because, where I come from, I am a Warchild! And I can...

She was almost about to make a little demonstration, when Kaion stopped her, almost yelling at her in his mind.

"Stop now, princess!!!!'

The moment he entered the room, following his father, he did try to connect with her, and the channel opened, remained open, allowing him to make her hear him, without anyone else interfering.

She was waiting with her hand slightly lifted, because she intended to procure herself a sword from one of the stupid guards that were listening and watching her with their jaws on the floor, when he stopped her. Again. What did he want? He put her in this mess in the first place!

-You can...? The king did not take the silence well, not understanding why did she stop in the middle of the sentence.

"I bought you time, don't fight them! Just go with me, can you do that?"

Kaion was looking at her with pleading eyes. He was the Royal Blood, going against his own people?

For her?? What was he planning to do? What was his plan?

-...so I can... at least listen to what you have in mind, before I give you my answer about what can be done!

Wow, she was good, Kaion thought to himself.

But he was worried she would overreact when she would hear the news.

But, that was the best he could do to protect her, and she better be happy about it, because he was to almost commit treason for her!

Was she worth it?

He did not know, but he did not have time to think about a backup plan right now. He just did what he could, and she should be happy with that.

-Well... I need someone who had already beaten the Assassins, to fight for me.

-Why would a king fight for you? What would she gain from this?

-Well... a good alliance is all that a king desires, right?

The king had a dirty smirk all over his face, and at that moment, Moon was just thinking about wiping it all off his face, but she could not make a wrong move right now.

She needed to break free and she could not do that if she would be chained or worse, even killed because she made a wrong move.

All she needed was to hold on, and resist until her parents would come there, or at least close.

-I will not marry someone I do not know and...

-Precisely! Now I understand, my son explained it to me already!


The princess looked at Kaion with confusion in her eyes. What did he tell his father?

"Play along, princess, this is all I can do to help you for now!"

Moon heard Kaion's voice in her mind but she was not sure whether she should trust him or not.

She so wished her parents were there already, this was all so confusing and she did not know how to react, or what to say.

What was she to do now?

"Play along with him!"

The voice of her mother felt calm and firm. Did she know something too? Maybe she could read Kaion's mind?

"Mother? What do you want me to do?"

Without even noticing, Moon was kneeling on the floor, with her right hand hitting the chest in a salute, with her eyes closed, not realizing that everyone was watching her confused.

What was she doing?

"He is buying you time, my princess, but it is your decision to make. It will take some time now, until we meet again! "

"Mother? What are you saying? Are you alright?"

"We are fine... just trying not to kill the Assassins here..."

"His father wants you to..."

"I know what he wants. Channel through for me, Princess!"

Out of a sudden, a dark, smokey black saruman had materialized in front of Moon, shielding her with its big body and locking its eyes on the king's. Its eyes were icy blue like two big aquamarine stones, emanating a cold steel energy that made everyone freeze.

The shadows present almost stopped breathing for a moment.

The guards were already agitated, jumping in front of the king imagining they could protect him from whatever this beast's intentions were.

-Your Highness! Everybody looked at Kaion bowing his head towards the dark saruman that was shielding Moon. I will protect her in return for all the help you have provided so that I can go back home!


The saruman spoke in a grave, threatening yet calm voice.

-I know, Your Highness. I will take care of her. I ask that you allow us this union in order that I may protect her as I promise...?

-What? Moon realized she was obviously missing some information there, and it looked like Kaion and her mother were already knowing what they were talking about. It was her, that she did not know.

-I do not want to marry, mother! Moon whispered to the saruman demon shape, who turned to look at her, but did not say anything else, because the king, Kaion's father, had moved so fast towards her, with all his people around him, trying still to shield him.

-Dear Warchild King, we finally meet, even if.. like this... Of course, it is pleasure...

-IF THEY ARE HOLDING THEIR WEAPONS, THEN YOU WILL TOO... the saruman just made its voice heard, looking towards the princess.

-Oh, not to worry, she is perfectly safe here, at my...


The saruman demon increased its size and the room became even more colder if that was any possible. The soldiers started to shake, and they all put some distance between the foreigner Princess and themselves, in an attempt to protect themselves.

That thing was really frightening.

The king's guards, who were all standing between the dark smokey demon and the king himself, hearing the demanding voice just fell on the ground, throwing all their swords away.

Kaion just unbuckled his own and, under the demon's eyes, approached Moon and handed it over to her.

-You can have mine, as a gift, to protect you here.

Moon just grabbed the sword, who was a beautiful craft, suitable to a future king, of course, and she smiled, probably for the fit time ever since he brought her here, in his world. She liked his gift.

-It is a wedding gift, princess.

-A what??

-A wedding gift. I am sworn to protect you, in front of your mother. So I have spoken to my father, and he understood, that, I also must be responsible for the kingdom I will one day lead, so he decided that I should carry you instead of him, to continue the bloodline.

-What? You??

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