It has been three months since their parents had been lost. Three long months... Moon made peace with Xande. Things fell into the right place. The brothers were all "ministers" of their own kingdom - their family. They all understood to work together in order to make things go in the right direction for everybody.
Moon took her job seriously. Every day, she studied the crystal she received, and secretly ran her own experiments and measurements, while also spending time with Kaion who was more than willing to share his part of information about his studies. While she was working on some device that she build to hold the crystal embedded in a bracelet that she could wear on her hand, to have it at hand at all times, Shade just came along with her armor and threw it into her, almost knocking her down.
-Try it on! Shade was chuckling at her, knowing this would just annoy her. He was her favorite twin annoying brother.
-What? Wait...
Kaion entered the room too, curious about all the fuss Shade was making around the armor as he was yelling at Moon in a loud voice and everyone could hear him.
-Put it on, come on! Put it on... on with it, come on!!
-Moon... I said... on!!!
Shade did not even wait for her to move, as she was not really moving and he was really impatient about it. He just jumped in her direction and within seconds he almost put it on Moon by himself. She barely had time to turn, and the armor was on her body within seconds, while Shade was admiring his working, turning Moon's body around like a puppet, making Kaion laugh. So this was the mighty goddess, in reality, she was a tiny little poppet in her brother's hands... He was smiling at them and did not notice that she saw that. That alone got Moon angry.
-Don't you have anything better to do? She almost scared him, if he did not know better he would have thought that she was about to hit him or something.
-Me? Nooo... I just finished my construction and needed to show you something, but this will do too... Priceless... the smile was all over his face right now, and Moon would have given anything to wipe it out off his face ut she was stuck in that armor, in her brother's hands.
-What is it so funny?
-You are... all dressed up like a doll.
-I am not a doll...
-Stay still Moon! See? Look, there it is!
-Yes, I made it lighter and better now. See? No more blind spots...
He was right; the armor was not that heavy anymore. It was almost as if he made it for daily use. But of course, Shade knew what he was doing.
-What blind spots? Kaion became interested.
-Portals are your thing, weaponry is mine. Wear it, Moon, at all times.
Shade just admired his work, not even looking at Kaion, and then left. He was not interested in showing the enemy his work. It was his alone and the enemy should be left the weak spots, not the power of the knowledge.
-So show me your construction, Moon asked him.
-You are not going to tell me what blind spots the armor had?
-No. My armor, not your business. Not your war either as you are building the replica so you can go home. So show me what have you been working on these weeks.
He led her into the experiments room, where he spent most of his time every day, and Moon was surprised to see the scale of the construction that Kaion worked on for so long. He built a replica of a portal, right in the Academy!
-Whoaa... she could not retain the admiration. It was hard work, indeed. Out of nowhere, the portal started to pulse, making her feel anxious and surprising Kaion.
-What is happening?
Moon felt the heat emanating from her wrist, and looked at her bracelet where the crystal was embedded, and the crystal was pulsing like it had its own heart beating and the pulse was a faint light locked inside of it.
Kaion did not notice as he was too busy checking out the pillars of the postal he built, which was impossible that they could have just gathered enough energy to make it pulse. It was just stone... lifeless stone. How could it be possible to make it pulse energy in between, in such a way that they could open this energy field, like a giant mirror?
Was it opening? Really? Impossible!!
Moon realized she was in the middle of the pillars that Kaion had built, and all the site was looking now like a giant mirror because of the energy gathered between the pillars, and she just backed off, towards the door, walking backwards, until the energy field just disengaged out of a sudden.
-What is happening? Kaion was confused, while Moon realized she needs to come back later, alone, to check on her theory.
-That was strange, she tried to cover her real thoughts, while Kaion did not even notice, trying to see what just happened.
-It almost opened... What made it charge?? What?? Did you see that too?
He was circling the pillars, looking for a clue he could not find. It made no sense...
-Yes! She whispered almost in shock and it was all that she could say to him. He should not know about the crystal. He must not know! I have to report it, was all she could think of that was making sense so she could just get out of there without raising any suspicions. I have to go...
-No, wait, we don't even know what happened...
-Exactly... and we don't want to disappear without anyone knowing what is happening. My brothers need to know that.
-I'm staying here to check on it...
-Fine. I'm going to announce it then...
Moon left the room but stuck to the door, watching Kaion close. He was too excited to notice that she was there, watching him. He really wanted to go home. He would check on the construction, not understanding what charged it. But now they knew it needed to be charged. What could charge it besides the crystal? Moon would not be giving it to him that crystal freely. He would have to find another way, because that crystal was hers.
It was given to her for a reason. By that woman from the shadows... She never found out who she was but she surely looked familiar still.. they must have met sometime, she just did not remember when could they meet... or when... And she could not hold it close to the portal, with Kaion there anymore, while she was in this room. Not again. She needed to work on it alone, without Kaion being there.
She needed to find a place where she could hide it too, so no one can make use of it if they could find it.
Not that anyone could just enter her room and take anything from it, but maybe one of her brothers in a game might take it and make use of it, and if they would open the portal by mistake, they would be lost just like their parents! And she did not want that!
She needed to take care of them now that their parents were not present anymore, until they would come back.
And Kaion... About him, she needed to think. He did not need to know anything about that. She needed to get him out of the room, so she could run her own experiments now. But... Tiger would not agree on it... Should she tell him? Someone needed to know if anything would go wrong and she would disappear too from this world... Of course, she should tell him! She trusts him! Who else could help her with this and keep the secret too?
She felt something grabbing her arm and dragging her along, and the hall was too dark to see what or who was it. It happened so fast that she could not react, and the one who grabbed her just slammed her into the wall, keeping the palm at her mouth in order to prevent her from screaming. She tried to move her arm thinking she could hit the person who was pressing her into the wall, but she had no chance. As soon as she thought about hitting him, that same person just pushed his weights over her, blocking her every movement, and she was not even able to move a finger. She could barely breathe. If they would want to kill her right now, they would...
In her head, she just prepared to confuse the attacker, but she could only feel a block. The mind control was not working either!? What? What was going on? Who was this one holding her prisoner? Who could be so strong to block her from their mind?
She knew nobody strong enough to do that to her!! Nobody? What was going on??
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