That made her burst with laughter and laughed and did not stop, and that confused him. No one around them was thinking that her behavior was not appropriate? Was it this normal for them? Was she normal there? He did not know and he needed to learn and he wanted to learn fast in order to adapt and not make any mistake that would affect them in any way. They needed to learn and find the help that would help them get back home.
Damn portals and damn females... What if he was just stuck in here, in this world? What then? He did not understand this world so well and all this was new and upside down from everything he knew about life. His life and their life. His life just changed and he did not know if there was ever going to find his way back, and he the way he was thinking, he did not know if it was for the better and he did not think it was just temporary.
And if they would be stuck, that can not happen. They will go back home, no matter what. He was the Crown Prince, he was important and he was preparing to rule his kingdom one day. This world was just an accident of the Gods deciding to put him to test and he had to prove himself worthy of the trial itself. It was not possible to just get stuck here, he will find a way to get back home. He needed to get back home, in his world.
That was the plan then. First, he will get his sister and put some senses into her head, get her to think things through. Second, he was to look into the portal data with the House of the Sun. Third, he was to take them all home.
The Goddess was not going to be in the plan. She was not from his world and he knew nothing about her. And he needed no distraction until his plan worked out.
Moon was excentric, sure of herself, her body, her image. She was not going to let a man order her. Especially not this one, this stranger, the outsider that was thinking he was better than she was. One who was thinking that she was less. Just who did he think he was? He was NOTHING here!
Even if he was a Crown Prince in his world, where he was not. So he had no right to even imagine he could order anyone. And especially he could not even dream of giving her an order. He must of think she is like those women from his world? Big mistake! She was nothing like those creatures he spoke about, those beautiful puppets in the hands of men, who could not do things, who could not take decisions, who could not think for themselves, who did not have a voice of their own.
The way he was talking about his sister… “Female”… it surely showed his disrespect for women in general. He really thought women are not capable of making their own decisions? Ha! She should meet that sister of his and make some changes. She would help her grow... help her become... achieve what men in their world seemed not to be capable of seeing. A Masterpiece. Hers.
Maybe she was a fast learner and she would surprise them all. How could his sister be if their world did not let her be anything because she was not “capable of”? Who was not capable of holding anything in their hands? She must have two hands, and 10 fingers, right?
She needed information from Silver. She made up a plan already, looking at the tall stranger talking to their father. While paying attention to their conversation she also channeled her brother. They had common mind space, as it seemed they both inherit Worchild House traits.
“Brother, show her to me? Does she have two hands?”
“Ofcourse she does! What kind of question is that?”
“I was thinking about what her brother said. That they can not even hold a weapon in their hands?”
“I think they can. They look fearful when they realized they gave me information about her being a princess.”
"They just gave it to you, just like that?"
"That does not look too good. They don't know much about the world"
"Sure looks like it"
"Do they have any weapons at all?"
"I think I saw a blade at some point, but I don't see it on them right now. But I have also left them for a while I've met Kaion so, I am not sure if they still have it or not..."
“So give them one and let’s see.”
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