By the time Moon got out of the bath room, Kaion was long fast asleep.
She found it very easy to get in the bed, thinking that he being asleep, he would not see her like that.
Senere's clothes... she could fit in, but they were too... just so... lady-like.
She could not name it, but it was not her style.
She needed to run, to be able to fight, she could not do that in a ball dress... or gawns like that, so silky and soft, and... eehhh...
So she was more than happy to find him already sleeping, because, like that, she could also find some space in that big bed, right next to him.
She lifted the blanket just next to him, slowly, softly, so he would not wake up.
His bare back was huge, she thought it would be perfect to shield her from the winter's winds, and while she was thinking about that, she did not realize that she was wearing a huge smile on her face and she just tucked herself in. She looked at him, and she felt his back's warmth, which was soooo cozy, so she also put her back against his back and she fell asleep smiling.
It felt so good!
The next morning, some movement in the room woke her up and made her pay attention. The door was open and Kaion was up already, barricading the door with his body, whispering.
-Give it to me!
-Yes, My lord, a feminine voice answered him and it appeared that the lady tried to linger in the door, because Moon just heard Kaion's voice change into a severe one:
-Anything else?
-No, no, My lord!
-So? What are you waiting for? Dinner?
-Forgive me, My Lord, the woman just answered sounding ashamed, and left.
When he turned to see Moon, her eyes were all big, looking at him holding something in his hands. Moon heard her footsteps fading away, while Kaion, noticing she was awake now, slammed the door behind the servant and brought her the breakfast in bed.
Moon also noticed a vessel with water, and the water smelled so good and strange at the same time. She must have made a funny face, because Kaion was paying attention and understood he needed to explain that to her.
-The rose water is for you, he simply said, leaving the vessel near her, next to the bed.
-The what?
-Senere was washing her face with rose water, is this not your custom too? Kaion asked her a little confused. Or maybe he was just curious? I thought this is what princesses do?
-No, Moon looked at the water that was smiling so good. But it smells nice, she said. I will give it a try then, she spoke to him, and she started washing her face while he just looked at her.
She was so beautiful, with a little wet hair in front, on her forehead.
He handed her the towel so she could drain the water from her face. She was radiant this morning.
She forgot she was half-naked and she just rose from the bed, with her long side hair covering her breast, looking at the water, not realizing that the man in front of her turned stiff.
Kaion was looking at her and he was day dreaming, trying to imagine how it would be to touch that white, soft looking skin of hers that could be seen right in front of him.
-Eat, I have to go to the Council. I will not be back but you will be expected to show up at dinner.
-Dinner? What about lunch, Moon heard herself talking alone, not really addressing those words to Kaion, just asking herself what these people do all day.
-Of course, lunch will be brought to you, you will not be starved here.
His words sounded a little different, showing her his thoughts. He was not pleased to learn what she was really thinking about them and their hospitality.
Well, it was his problem.
He brought that on himself, so she did not feel like caring much to say anything about it.
-Where can I go out around here?
She looked at him thinking about how she could spend her day, because she hated to be bored and she needed to find something to do.
-You do not go out alone, he told her. Do not!
He even pointed his finger almost in her face, and her first instinct was to bite him.
-Take that out of my face if you want to keep it as it is, she announced him calmly, but fixing his pointer, which he did, as he probably guessed her intention.
-Savage people! he whispered to himself, amazed of her behavior, obviously inappropriate for his world.
He could never understand the fire that was driving her to do reckless things like that.
-I will go out, I need to breathe; she told him.
He was on his way out when he heard her words, and those words made him turn around because he knew her by now.
He knew that if she put something in that head of hers, she would make it happen. And if she wanted to go out, there was nothing stopping her in doing so, no matter how much he would ask her not to do it.
He was almost late for the council, and he knew his father would not be so happy about it, but he needed to solve this first.
He had to think fast.
-What do you want to do? Where do you want to go?
-Around. Out. Just out of here. Maybe train a little?
-So... you want to see the soldier's training grounds? Would that make your day?
-Fine. I'll make you a deal. I'll send you a soldier to take you there, and you do not get out of his sight until I come and get you. Is that alright?
She was thinking about it... But he knew better.
It was not a deal until he heard her saying the words.
If she was thinking about it, that only meant there was something else going on in her mind. What was it that she wanted then?
-You want to go out? You can not go out alone. And I need to know your whereabouts all the time.
-Because, we are at war, and because, you are new here, in this world, and because, you still have to learn how we do things around here...
-No... I do not agree.
-Why not?
-Because, I do not belong here, and because, I will not remain here, and because, I do not wish to learn how you do things here, because, you obviously do it wrong!!!
She raised her voice at him, to make a better point, but he did not agree with that.
She did not realize that they had no way to send her back now.
And even if they could, they would not risk an invasion from her people, that could ever decide to come back into the old world, and that could never happen.
He will make sure about that.
Her people were a threat to his people.
She would never get back home, even if that was what she hoped for.
He would not let that happen.
-This is your home now. Settle in.
-No! I refuse to believe that I will be blocked in this stupid world of yours, with your stupid rules and your stupid and useless women!
She was mad. She had that right. But... that would not help her go back home.
Her hope should die, because that was her home now.
-You will learn, in time, he said.
-I will not!! She screamed at him, in his face, but he remained still, looking at her.
-So, do you want me to send you a soldier to show you around, or do you want me to lock you inside, like we do with a woman who needs to be disciplined?
Her eyes got wider and her mouth shut the instant she heard his words.
She had to think fast about how she needed Kaion's help and he would not help her if she would constantly challenge him and get on his nerves. She needed to play things smart. And she was smart.
She just had to learn their way.
So pretending she was just a little upset, she plaid him the best she could. She looked at him intense, and she softly said:
-Please send him.
-So we have a deal? You do not, ever, ever go out without my permission and alone?
-Alright. Then you can go anywhere you want, as long as I know about it and I have someone MINE with you all the time.
-Thank you.
He looked at her, seeing her so apparently shy in front of him.
He knew she was pretending. She was after something, he knew it.
He needed to keep the appearances.
In the eyes of his entire world, he was the Crown Prince, the heir to the throne after his father.
And his woman, she should never challenge him, but obey.
And he knew this one... to obey, was not in her vocabulary.
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