The soldier that had just come through the portal looked at the woman holding a golden bow, as he could not believe his eyes, and right beside her, another female soldier apparently, but then he saw the symbol on her armor and that alone has stiffened his body and placed an expression of contempt mixed with interest on his face. It was her... the creature he could barely check on the hill when they arrived! Then she remembered him of a gazelle, which seemed to run towards the one who had been called king by her men, and in an instant, he realized it was just a diversion ... for him ... hmmmmm ... encouraging ...
So he was important...Well... He also drew his bow, because the target was too far, with the sword he would not have reached it and he really did not feel like running when he had such a precious view in front of him ... Capture of a Warchild King it seems ... weaving his thoughts, he drew his bow and before releasing the arrow, he shuddered at the terrified screams of his men. The entire horizon darkened. His men screamed and scattered everywhere. It was her... that king of theirs, protecting them all with the beast??? How could she do that??
That wicked female king leaped in front of him in the distance, roaring just as ferociously as he did a few moments before, interrupting his personal hunt. Her devil has been unleashed, a wild, vicious, and criminal beast that destroys everything in its path. She was out of their control if they were stronger... her blue eyes flared with wrath, and her arrow collided with his arrow just as it was about to hit its target.
So they were shadows??
He raised his hands in peace, showing himself to her, lifting his bow up in order to show them they have nothing to fear, hoping his men will be spared by the beast. He even yelled, so that they could hear him, the ferocious roar that made his men listen and stopped them all engaging in battle with each other again.
On the one hand, they looked at what was left of the people his father had sent for him, about 4-5, on the other side the natives looked at him - they looked like women and men fighting together - how strange, because, in their world, the females were not able to take care of themselves, let alone fight with them, and in between all of them, there was him, the one protected by their female king ... How interesting was this king of theirs, he had to know her better but now he needed allies who knew best these lands to find his sister. And the war is not helping him now.
They all stopped looking at the armed warrior trying to ask for peace, obviously, he had something in mind -Howdy...? he didn't even know how to address himself, did these savages speak their language? How do you get along with them?
-Who are you and what are you doing on our lands? The Goddess close to the king yelled back at him in his own language!
Wow! At least, these savages were civilized, and they could understand each other, which gives relief.
-You understand me! Perfectly! I didn't come to bother anyone! We're just looking for someone and we need help! I didn't know who I was going through in this world and I think my warriors made a mistake attacking you; I apologize officially! With me!! he angrily signaled to those who were left alive, who, relieved that they had escaped with their lives, hurried to pass quickly behind him in the hope that he would defend them.
-Lord, what do we do? One of his trusted men whistled a question that the natives could not hear because they were at a distance, and he camouflaged the question with an awkward smile.
-We go with them, they know these lands better than us; he answered in the same way, camouflaging the answer behind a wide smile that revealed his perfect teeth.
The man who was standing in front of that king of theirs, approached them, carefully. Good, he was afraid of them it meant.
He was similar in stature to his; he looked like a shadow but his hair was not black, like shadows, but white?? How he didn't know, because he didn't look old at all. Okay, a little older than him, maybe he could be a younger brother to his father ... yeah ... he seemed calm and not scared, did that mean he wasn't afraid but just cautious? Hmm, should he be the king's bodyguard then?
As he can see, he was dressed almost in the same style as them, only the armor was a little different and the symbol on the armor ... incredible, no! The House of Assassins? He looked him in the eye as if he wanted to pierce him and they hardly refrained from making a comment, but the enmity in his eyes was obvious. He was dressed like a warrior but still different from his other men and seemed to have some authority in front of them. Were the Assassins important in this upside-down world? If he had offended him now in any way, they would not have helped him find his females. He had only one sword in his belt, ha! he couldn't be a fighter if he only had a sword, and that doesn't show who knows what, maybe he wasn't so good at handling the edge.
The female king, instead, did not move, but she was watching all of them like a hawk. The symbol of her armor was ... again, incredible... these were shadows just like them! That was an heir of the Warchild House, only that along the Warchild was also the dogs' symbol incorporated. The armor was incredibly new, of course it was, females are not good in war, that one must have put it on for keeping the high morale on her soldiers. Of course! That was smart, how could he not think about it before... With his agile gaze he could locate some dagger sheaths, short swords at her wide waist, yes, she did, she seemed to be good at handling some daggers. And in her hand, that bow .... oh, that golden bow looked like a gift from the gods, so beautifully crafted, a little unpopular for his grust, so beautifully carved in wood, of course, it was made especially for a female... that's how they are ... eager to embellish everything! What more would he have liked to take that bow as spoils of war, when he returns to Zircon, he will think about it seriously, but now he had a mission.
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