-Stop complicating things! Kaion just took the lead and turned his back at Moon, heading deep into the forest.
Complicating things?? He was so rude!
-No wonder she ran away from you... Moon whispered in his back, but she did not know if her words really reached him because if they did, he did not even make a move to answer her anything. Well, at least he was heading the right direction, and that was as far away from the capital as he could, just to give her brothers time to charge the gate and see for themselves what could be done with the portal.
None the less, she followed him. She still had to entertain him a little, just a little so he would not get bored and decide to turn back to work.
Moon followed Kaion in silence, until he stopped and she sensed him tense, as if sniffing the air looking for something. What was it? She could not see anything because of his massive stature. She tried to peek but he was just covering all her view with his torso, so she had to touch him in order to make him pay attention to her.
-What is it? she asked him curious about what could it be the thing that drew his attention.
-There, he lifted his hand, pointing her in the right direction. Movement...
Moon locked towards the direction Kaion pointed, and she could see the grass moving. The grass being so tall, she could not decide what kind of an animal that was, because the entire body was hidden in the green bushes and there was only the movement that was signaling there was something in there. It did not even matter, anyway. They were there for the hunt and she would shoot into whatever.
Moon prepared her bow, the movement was strong in the tall grass... it could have been anything, but if she could guess, there was a strong guess there could be a bear. She was so excited! This was what she was expecting in a hunt! The bears were so unpredictable! They were great adversaries, and not many could stand a chance while hunting them alone! The safest way was to hunt them in groups, so no shadow would get hurt if the beast would get hurt and be enraged because of its wounds. It was known that, that exact range would make the bears dangerous and hard to hunt, because, when the bear is wounded, it becomes even more dangerous. That is the moment they kill and make more damage than any other beast. Even worse than the tigers. It was a known fact.
Observing Kaion, he was just sitting there, admiring the view, and doing nothing. How were these people hunting then? By the gods, Moon became impatient, did they even know how to hunt? That animal could be dangerous, what was he expecting, to be invited to dinner?? Would the bear serve him right, with a napkin and the proper tables? Moon smirked. Yeah, that might probably happen in his wildest dreams! Even more, he was right in front of her on the narrow path and she had no place to move because of him, neither to pass nor to shoot, she could do nothing ...
Except to use him as a shield in case there was a bear ... Thinking about the possibility that the animal to be a bear that would attack them quickly and hit Kaion in the chest, made her smile .... Probably they would have been of the same height and brute force ... These Zicon men !! They don't know anything! Strong like bears and nothing in their brains! They were hunting deers! What a shame! Too bad of those muscles, their abs were formidable though... Moon just found herself blushing at the idea of a Kaion half nacked in front of her, letting her touch his abdomen, who was probably very fit...
What was that doing to her brain?? She shook her head, what was wrong with her?
-Well?? Moon lost her patience and she was trying to make him decide something. Anything, as a matter a fact would do...
-Shhht!! We are hunting... remember?
He just shhhshed her??? Could he just get even more rude than that? As if she did not know they were hunting!! But this was not hunting... was... was... What was it anyway? Scouting?? He was a Warchild, not a scout... what was he thinking about so much?
-You are staring... not hunting... she whispered to him pocking him in the shoulder.
-Really? Do you want to go first then? He just made some room for her when he turned to ask her, and she caught the irony before he even realized that by turning towards her, he just made her room to step right in front of him.
-Thank you! Moon just pretended to push him away and looked at him with some contempt. Now, we can hunt!
Kaion looked at the little woman in front of him who just used his move to push herself right in the direction the movement was detected a few moments ago. Even her hand slightly brush him away from her path, what was she thinking she was doing? He was there to protect her! Could she not need him? There was no way she would hunt all that beast by herself! No matter how good she was with her bow! What was she thinking? Of course, she was not thinking this, she was a female, by the gods, what was she doing? And what was he doing that he was letting her do her will?
She speeded in with her arrow ready and that was so... irresponsible! She did not know what kind of an animal that was!!! How could she just throw herself in front of the danger just like that? What if that was a bear, what would she do, tickle him with that arrow, like to brush it between the teeth like a toothpick or what? He rushed right behind her, trying to catch her. Women are so irresponsible!! He could not even go hunting and enjoy it because he needed to babysit this one now??
-Moon! Come back!
Kaion tried to whisper, but she was already running away and jumping with so much grace, just as she looked like a graceful panther, and Kaion couldn't help but admire her agility. Hey, but he didn't have time to admire this amazing woman now! She was going straight to the clutches of danger! Moon, wait!!
The grass was tall and green. Moon was running and Kaion was just trying to keep up with her, but he did not make it, because, damn, this woman could run! She was fast! How were they training here, because he never saw her train, in all these months! And even when he thought how beautiful and tender the "goddess" is, while his heart leaps with fear because he knew the females are delicate and cannot defend themselves, exactly what he feared happened!
The bear rose from its feet on two feet, watching its attacker with interest, probably weighing the next meal. Was it worth it? It sure was, the bear decided, because, to Kaion's horror and despair, the animal pounced on Moon, and until he could reach him, Moon did exactly what the animal did, so that two wild animals pounced on each other, screaming and muttering, until he could not see anything but a huge ball. A huge ball formed from the two bodies that appeared to have crashed into each other, and apart from that huge ball, the female was not to be seen!
That was it!
Kaion's heart stopped leaving him without air in his lungs too, incapable of moving. Stupid female, she was now dead!! She was nowhere to be seen, while the bear had crashed onto the ground with a growling and there was no more movement.
The bear must have crushed her body under its own weight, and as Kaion could not see her anymore, he got close to the beast who grunted angrily. In vain he rushed upon the beast, as fast as he could! It immediately collapsed before his eyes, just before he reached it. No trace of the Moon, however, that must be it, the beast probably crushed it under its weight, because she as nowhere to be seen!
What to do now?
Kaion was circling the beast. He could not go back to the fortress without the princes. They would have killed him!
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