When the door to the cell opened, and a guard entered with the torch in his hand, then another followed him inside, Moon figured it was not the usual food tray visit. After the second guard, a maid entered with a pack wrapped in a blue silk in her hands, and she looked at her almost scared.
What did they want now?
-The king requires your presence, one of the guards said.
Moon panicked. Why was she summoned by the king now? Are they going to execute her now, did they understand that she was not to be bend to their will?
-The Crown Prince ordered clean cloths and a bath for you, Princess, the maid said.
She asked again, but this time she was not met with an answer to her question. She looked at all theose people entering the small cell and making it feel crowded now. What was happening, why did they want her clean all of a sudden? She smelled herself, yes, she really needed to wash... But... not for them...
Other maids have entered the dungeon and brought what it appeared to be vessels with water? Did they expect her to wash in here?? How?? Did they not have a proper bath?? She was a Princess, by the gods!
The maid saw the Princess in front of her opening some blue, big eyes and she looked at the guards standing in front of her, waiting.
-Are you expecting the Princess to wash in front of you? Get out! The Crown Prince will hear about this!
She did not hide her upset looks and the guards looked at her scared and left in a second, closing the door after them and letting the women take care of their own business. Wow... Since when a "female" could speak like that to the men there? Moon already liked her. She looked like the maid Kaion told her it was Senere's, and the same one she had refused just before she was thrown into the dungeon. Now she felt sad that she turned her down, maybe she could be of some use to her.
-Thank you, the princess looked at the maid with gratitude.
She looked back at her and she did not seem to be affected in any way. Her eyes were filled with kindness, and nothing negative.
-Your Highness, this one bowed her head and lifted her hands in order to help her undress. Moon retracted behind, making the maid confused. She lifted her hand in the air, letting her know to keep her distance. Why was a royal keeping the distance from the maids asked to help her dress, or whatever she needed to do?
-I can do it, the princess said, taking off her shirt.
-Your Highness! The maid seemed surprised. Was this princess willing to undress and dress by herself? Why? She knew she was different, but this was outrageous! She wanted to do things on her own?? A princess?
Out of confusion, she forgot what she had to do, looking at this young noble blood who apparently was really able to undress herself. Incredible! She tried to help her take her clothes out of her hands while the princess was taking them off. She did not do much but... she had helped her undress, no one could say otherwise!
The princess entered looked at her and she just lifted her hand, asking for the washing cloth and the soap, and the other servants the maid brought with her were all in awe, shocked, and incapable of moving apparently. This royal was really out of their world!!
-Soap! Water!
The maid just recovered and her serious and demanding voice startled the other girls in the room, who immediately executed the orders, handing the princess the items required. Then, the maid made a sign for them to leave the room and stand on the door in case they were needed.
Moon was grateful for the maid who sent all those stranger eyes away from her body's view. Now she could really wash.
She made a sign to her, again, to stop her from coming into her aid.
-I can wash for myself, thank you.
The maid said nothing, she just waited for her, looking at her every move. The princess washed all by herself, and used all the water and her skin had regained the pale, clean color, and the beautiful scent she felt at first when they met. She could tell this royal was different than the others. She thought they could even be friends... She would like that...
She was beautiful, this princess. And she had a wild spirit. Uncensored. And she liked that. She never met that in another woman.
After she washed, the princess looked at her. The maid had the clean clothes in her hand. The princess made a grimace, and the maid saw it. She was not impressed by the beautiful clothes she had brought her? But they were fit for a Queen!!!
-I am sorry, I do not mean to be rude, she heard the princess say. But I do not like dresses usually.
Did she just read her mind?
-Yes, and I am sorry about that too. My brothers don't like me in their heads, they always tell me... She stopped her words, because she saw the impact of them on the maid's face. It did not look like her words could build anything with her, and she liked the girl and she could use an ally here. They are beautiful, she nodded towards the clothes she was holding. But... I am not that kind of a princess. I can not move in these...
-Of course, you can, look how comfortable they are! The maid showed her the beautiful satin dress she was holding. It was a gray-silver one, beautifully crafted, and she would look fabulous if she would just put it on! But of course, she had no idea that Moon was really NOT that kind of a princess.
What she meant by moving, was not something she could understand. This princess meant something else, she was sure of it, but what? She could not read her mind, like this princess had the power to.
-I will ruin it if I trip on the stairs or if I would run or something... the princess explained.
Yes, she will have to get used to it, with her being in her head. it felt strange, but it came in handy too, in a way. But... she could not understand...
-Why would you need to run? The maid was confused.
-Just in case... See, in my world, we need to move fast and always be ready... We need to hunt, we need to defend ourselves...
-Why would you need to defend yourself? Don't you have men to defend you?
-We do, but... we can also defend ourselves! And see... I can not do this in a dress like this. I understand you are different here, but in my world...
-Tell you what... What if.. you put on this dress for now, and then tell me what you need your dress to be like, and I will make it as you like? I am curious too.
-Deal, the princess just smiled at her and her big eyes were shining strangely now.
She was so beautiful indeed. Was she this beautiful only when she was happy? That was strange, what reason would she have not to be happy? The maid looked at the princess getting dressed again, all by herself. That was amazing. No one would ever believe her if she was to tell anything like this!
But she let her do her hair. Combing that beautiful, long hair of hers, was strange. How silky her hair was... She did not want to pin it up, she wanted it lose like that. Was she unmated in her world? Well she was sure she will not remain like that for long in here.
-Ready? Thank you. What are we doing now?
-The king has asked for you, the maid said and opened the door, making a sign for the ones waiting by the door to clean up the cell they were just leaving.
-Do you know why?
-We are not told the king's business. We just obey the orders. He said to bring you so we do.
Just like that? Do they only obey the orders? Yes, that seemed it was the case in this world, just as Senere told her.
The maid was leading the way. Moon was following one step behind and while they were walking, heads were turning their way. She did not like that. She never did. What was so out of the ordinary that she was walking... Right... She was walking in a dress... That was what was going on...
She remembered why she hated dresses. She did not like to draw attention and she always did. Her mother told her one day that this was who she was. Just like her mother, she was beautiful. But she wished that was not so out of the ordinary. She wished that people would see her for herself, for her mind, for her spirit, and not for some looks.
Yes, she knew her looks. But she was not impressed. And she did not need to impress anyone either. not with that, anyway. Not like that...
So, they were walking down the narrow corridors until they reached a big room, that seemed to be a festivity room. More like a ballroom. Were they calling her to a party? Did she get an invitation, out of the dungeon right into the party room? What for?
Well, maybe they decided it was time to treat her like a princess. According to her rank, even as a war prisoner, she had more rights to be treated fairly. But what did they think about fair treatment? Why would they give her any special treatment? They did not know yet that she was part of the Shadows' assassins... Did they? Maybe Kaion had told his father... If he did, she might not be alive... So maybe... just maybe he kept that to himself. That would be good.
She was announced by the door man and entered the room full of people. The people were watching her moves like she was a war prey. Yes, yes, she knew she was beautiful. She did not need worshipers right now. She needed to go home!
The king motioned for her to approach his table. The monarch's table was set in the middle of the room, facing the doors, in order to have visual access to everyone who would be presenting to the party hosted by the royals. On the sides, there were other long tables arranged in a semicircle, so they could all face each other and so that they can face the king and the big announcements he would make.
Moon headed towards the big table in the middle, where Kaion, his father and a beautiful woman, probably the Queen, were already sitting there. There was one more chair next to Kaion, waiting for her. She was announced as a process of the Warchild House. That was good. At least she had some rights.
Food was placed in front of her. Wow, that food was not looking so bad. Did not taste bad either...
But why was she here? From the dungeon to the ballroom... there must have been a reason to bring her here for...
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