Kaion was a man who considered females to be an obstacle to a man's development.
Maybe because he was raised in a world with such values, but still. He had seen it for himself.
In his world, women were not appreciated, men were. In his world, women were worthless. All they could do was look for attention and spend resources without even wondering how or worrying about how to multiply them. Thus, in the world from which they came here, men took care of all things, while women were just some assets.
Men took care of the necessary supplies, from food to furs, leather, to the construction of shelters and their protection.
She, his sister, did not ride, did not know how to defend herself, did not cook, did not clean, her room was permanently full of discarded dresses that were more and more popular as if they were the dusty treasures of a pirate. He, as a man, could not understand the need of a female to just buy so many clothes because you could not wear them twice.
Then what? What would you do with them all? Such a waste of resources!
And look how these females were never satisfied and constantly demanded more and more food, dresses, jewelry, time, and then they would make you feel guilty when you didn't have time for them. And so, men had no chance to live freely, and they had to struggle to feel a little freedom too. At least during the war, no one asked them for more than they could afford.
And even from the training sessions, his sister bothered him when they were little, because he was small and at that time he didn't have so many responsibilities, so she followed him and they spent more time together. Now, he was always busy with training, guarding, hunting or diplomatic missions, and border raids.
And when he got home tired, he only wanted a bed to rest! That's it! He didn't need anything else, and she didn't understand how tired he was from working in the village and she always came over to tell him about the day's things, which was totally unimportant to him. She was always demanding, demanding and that was so unproper! But, what could he do about it, they are woman and nothing more... All the same...
But in here, these women were so different... they had an attitude, they had weapon and they had the right to decide, to be in the politics... At what extent? They seem to be treated with respect as they were capable men... how could that be? It seemed so strange that a woman could hold a weapon, that a woman could talk before her man and even more, that woman would give orders to men...
This world was insane... it had forgotten all the old values... What had become of them?
But when he looked at the life of the shadows there... it was also different... and better organized in a way. They all seem happy to follow each other, happy to be working, happy living together.
That was so strange.
He did not see any fights on the streets, no fights for power in the council... it looked like this woman was ruling just as his father was ruling his people. No one was questioning her... Did she have so much power on them? Really?
And this Goddess did not seem to understand what he'd been through with his sister for so long. Since their mother died, he had to take care of her, because for a long time, their father had gone crazy. He didn't want to see her anymore, he didn't want to talk to her anymore, on the grounds that she looked like their mother, like two drops of water, reminded him of their mother.
He felt the same, but on the other hand, Senere was the only thing he had left of her. Ever since she died, their father ordered the servants to gather all her belongings and burn them.
He did not want anything of hers in that house anymore. He could not stand it.
And they burned everything, while the children had nothing left to remind them of her.
It was like she was deleted from the history as if she had never existed.
Their father... did not care about the children and he did not see their pain. He did not see their needs, especially the little female that was looking so much like her, that he could not even look into her eyes. So he just let go of her, completely uninterested in her and pretending she was not there. For all the time he could, of course.
There were the servants, fulfilling all her needs. She only ate and slept, so she was easy to avoid anyway. But for him, Kaion... he could not take it like that. His mother cared for his little sister like she was some kind of a treasure, which obviously she was not, because she did not turn into one after all.
She was only raised for alliance purposes, like all their females. That was their place, actually, that was their duty after all.
But she had turned her back on her responsibilities, and she ran away. Into this strange world!!!
This was of course, unbelievably irresponsible, but what to expect from a female?
This is the female!
That is why men rule the world and they obey. Because they are not able to take their responsibilities seriously and there is no difference between a female and a child. They both ask for things, but neither works for them.
They're just waiting to be given.
So this world for Kaion was unbelievable.
Like some kind of a dream you want to explore but you are not comfortable with.
Impossible to imagine.
But, maybe a good place for these women to live. No, no, no, still impossible, because he knew for sure women can not provide and live alone. They needed men to take care of them. No, he could not accept that his sister stay, he had to bring her back, he had to keep her safe from these ideas of freedom that were not good for her.
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