-So, let me get this straight, what house is ruling these lands right now? He really could not believe his eyes, and the question kept spinning in his head. If his father could find out about this upside-down world!! Every thing he just learned from not even half-hour from his arrival in this world, everything was not just strange, but really impossible to comprehend.
The female looked at him not answering his question but speaking to the tracker chosen:
-Find his sister and bring her to me! And the masked man complied, disappearing immediately into the forest to Kaion's displeasure.
-Hey! let's go with him !! he hurried to follow him in the direction in which he had disappeared.
-You don't need to, it's a matter of sniffing and I understand that you can't smell yourself, right? She stopped him with the right words. Does she challenge him? Well, she could, as she was the king here, and even if he was royal blood, he had no word to say in her world.
-Silver, with him! The female king spoke HER name... the most beautiful creature from this world just bowed her head and then disappearing immediately into the forest after the masked man. But her name was Silver... Silver... Silver... kept rolling into his head.
Her name was Silver, and those sounds were music to his ears. What the hell was wrong with him to act like that... He followed the female king in order to gather information but he was worried about his females. What to do? Just trust that masked man, masked like a thief who would rather steal and kill you than save you??
As if noticing his concern, the female king spoke without even looking at him.
-If they are out there, anywhere, he will find them. No need to worry for them.
-Can I ask, he hurried to catch up; How do you manage to open these portals and why do you do it?
-We don't, she replied.
-You don't? Then do they open on their own?? How so?
-We don't know either, I thought you were opening them, but it seems not ... This is not our technology.
-I see, you're a few hundred years behind us, anyway. But did you never try to study them even with your low tech?
-Low... tech? Seriously? That doesn't seem to stop us from dusting you off when you attacked us! Replied the female king.
Kaion was silent so as not to open any more disputes. Looks like this female king had something against them and him not knowing what it was, could easily start a war because of his ignorance. And even though, indeed, they were more technologically advanced by hundreds of years; he saw how easily she dusted people in a few seconds with the demon inside her. That piqued his curiosity.
-How did you get the demon out? How do you make him listen to you?
-Is a talent of a female. You can't, because you're a male, she said.
What the? Really, are you playing this board with him now? Why? He also heard the Goddess laugh. That sound of her laughter was just as melodious as the song of the waterfall in the mountain's silence.
-Here things are very different from our world. For example, in our world, women do not carry weapons, they can not fight at all.
-And look how well they are doing, whistled the female king between her teeth.
-I do not mean to offend anyone, I am just finding it strange as it is different in my world. I did not even imagine a female can carry a blade or a bow... even shoot with one like I saw you doing it.
-So in your world, the female is just furniture moving from a house to another? No wonder she ran away.
-No, really, you get it wrong... Your Highness, he softens his words seeing how the men looked at him and how she slowed down the rhythm of the march. Our father, the king, has chosen a good husband for her, and he is...
-Did she want him? The king interrupted him, puzzling him because he never asked himself if that was what his sister wanted.
-I don't know... why would she not? Is a good deal...
-Is your sister's life a deal to you?
-No! Why are you...
-Because she is a living being, and she has feelings and she can think for herself. Is she allowed to choose what she wants to wear or what she wants to eat?
-Yes! She always chooses her outfits and...
-Then she is capable of choosing the man she would spend her life with...
That made him shut up. In logic, it made sense; it seemed easy and acceptable. But in reality, these vulnerable beings could not take care of themselves, how could they be left to decide such things on their own?
Taking advantage of his silence, the female king made a sign to the column following her and retreated near a bush where she vomited. Was she sick? Lord Commander was the only one who went to assist her, sat beside her, and offered her water. Was she dying?
-Are you sick? Kaion asked her when she returned to the column. Where are your heirs?
-I am not sick, boy, I am with child; she answered him with superiority.
-With child? And you are out here, fighting men? Are you in... He immediately calmed his voice and tone, watching her looking at him, and realizing that the concern for a female who did not even belong to him came out of his duties. Does your husband let you do this?
At his words, everyone burst out laughing and he was puzzled, he did not understand what was so funny in his words to entertain everyone when he was not a jester.
-You met my husband, she replied, continuing to walk beside him.
-I did? He asked puzzled, looking all confused.
-This is the Lord Commander.
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