60. Decisions... Decisions...

The Books of the Shadows IV - Silver Moon 1144 words 2022-02-11 17:04:03

"Princess of Warchild and Shadows' Assassins United Houses!"

The tone she used, was so filled with pride and that arrogance he only met in that soldier, who was foolish enough to fight him and did not die!

-The traitor...?!

He almost spoke to himself.

The Ice King remembered the day he caught this one, believing she was a little Saint. That very day, he found her fighting style strangely familiar with that soldiers'. He did not care then, but now... he had new information.

-He is not a traitor! The one you fought was my father, the Lord Commander of the shadows united!

Her voice startled him and the fire in her eyes proved once again she was so different than the females he met until then. She had a voice of her own! And she was not afraid to speak in front of him!

-I have not heard of a Lord Commander of any... shadows united!

-But you have met him! You have fought him! That did not mean we do not exist! And he will come back for me!


-Because our law says... we do not leave our people behind.

King Tor looked at the female in front of him. Again, she was so fully trusting those people she was calling "hers". He had searched in his mind, and he had not remembered any law that was stating that they do not leave people behind. And then it was that moment when she did not know any history at all... And he DID meet that soldier, that strange man who was protecting that Warchild female

They were fighting like a team... Was it really possible that... somewhere... there could be Warchild and Shadows Assassins united front?

Because if there was such a front, then their powers combined could really be a threat... But, then he remembered that he did not think for long... that female and that traitor could let their saruman demons out... How?

He needed to know. He needed that power.

-If you say you are one of them...then tell me... how did they get control over their saruman demon?



-Well, you could learn, if you would not try to war them. They will share the knowledge if you are at peace. They do not share with enemies.

-Enemies? He smiled in a wicked way, letting Moon know she was heading in a wrong and dangerous direction.

-Yes. My grandfather... I never met him, but people say he made a lot of enemies because he liked to live at war. He even tried to kill my mother, who was his only heir, only because she was half Shadow's Assassins. And a female heir. My grandmother was the most beautiful Shadows Assassins Princess, they say. But again, because of the war, I never got to know her, because he killed her. They were all fighting to death, before they come to an understanding. My mother made them see, that war is only weakening them. Us. War only breaks us apart and steals our beloved from us. You too, said, that you have lost someone you loved. This is what war does. Is this what you want to offer to your children?

-I have no heirs...

-Yet. That makes me wonder... Your laws are different here? Our law asks the king to do their duty and secure the throne, the first thing they do when they get the crown. And here... you are king for how long?

-8 years now.

-How strange... But you said you have no War Council... You rule all by yourself...

-Yes. Does your king have a War Council?

-Yes. It is how our life was built from the beginning.

-A war Council means you are soldiers too.

She looked at him and he felt that, instead of getting more information from her, she was getting the information from him. But he too, was learning some things. Yet, it was still to be decided if he would believe the things she was saying or not. It could not be true, but he could smell lies from far, and she was so very convinced she was telling the truth. She was not afraid at all to speak to him as an equal... And why was he feeling all that shirt wet on his back...

His gums start to itch and he felt himself salivating. Yet, the food was on the table; he did eat not long ago. He must have been hungry again, how strange he felt today.

He could not pay attention to her for a moment, and leaning on his feet, he managed to get to the table. He sat on the chair, and her voice started to bring warm waves, hitting him inside his chest. He could barely bread, fixing on her eyes.

-King Tor?

The princes looked at him, and he saw that somehow familiar expression of worry on her face. Was she worried about him? Why was she worried about him?

His head was spinning, and his eyes could only focus on her for what reason, he did not know. His brain was yelling danger but he somehow felt safe with her there.

And all of a sudden, her scent hit him and got him even dizzier. He could feel her arms grabbing his shoulders, and that touch was so soft and yet so strong that only set him on fire. Something just did not add to his mind.

He felt thirsty and she somehow knew, because she just handed him the water before he would even finish his thoughts... She was there as a pillar in his way, almost ready to shield him. Yet, she was the enemy.

He did not realize when he drank all the water. And when he came to his senses, he thought he went mad. What if...

What if she poisoned him at that moment of weakness? When she handled him the water... How... How did she know?

His eyes were set on her and his mind was playing tricks on him. She was just standing there, quiet, in front of him, allowing him the space he needed. He really did not feel like giving any explanation, and what was strange, was that she was not asking any.

What was that woman? Was she for real?

She kept quiet, and when he came into his senses and became steady on his own feet, she withdraw. One, two steps behind, still facing him, waiting. What was he to do with her now? What did she want?

-How... did you know? he pointed towards the water, and she became serious.

-I knew you needed it.

He looked at her face and his mind exploded. It was as if he was not alone anymore.

The beast inside him was clowing it's way out. And that beast wanted her.

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