-Your Highness, if I may?
Kaion just kneeled in front of his father, waiting for him to approve his request to speak, and hoping he could pay enough attention to see things his way.
The king has given him the answer he was expecting.
-I have lived there, among them. They are just like us, unafraid. When I brought her here, I thought about just that. If they ever find a way to come back, we need leverage, father. If they ever find a way to get back here, on Zicon, they will fight us. And it won't be easy for us. They are trained soldiers, women and men alike. I have seen them, I lived there for months, and I have been learning their ways. This one has value, only if she is kept alive.
-This one can not be that important as to decide the faith of our kingdom!
-Actually, Your highness, she is. Trust me on that.
-No! She is a female!
-I am a Royal Blood!
Moon raised her eyes and if she could kill that arrogant king in front of her, with her looks, she would have. Even the king felt the intensity of her feelings in his bones, when she spoke. Kaion just rolled his eyes. Really?? Did she really have to do it like this, right now? He was close to succeeding! He could save her from that faith and she was just so stubborn that she would endanger his work! She deserved to be disciplined then!
-So you will make a fine union then!
Of course, the king was again feeling challenged by her! She could not keep her mouth shut and let him do the talk!
In the short moment of silence that fell over the room, Kaion just took a long breath to rethink his words. He had no time to open his mouth and speak, when Moon's words just came out falling like thunder.
-If you try to force me into a union that is not arranged by my mother, I will take my own life. And I swear it, when my brothers will get here and do not find me, they will put your entire kingdom down!
She was serious. Was she serious? No!
-No female is that brave to take her own life!
The king did not believe she was capable of doing so. But he did not know her at all. Kaion did. And when Kaion looked at her face, and saw the determination in her eyes, he understood she was serious. She would do as she said. She was not bluffing.
-This one is not an ordinary female, Your Highness.
-I told you, I am the Royal Blood!
Moon's voice was cold and even Kaion felt that cold in his bones now.
He could not believe that his beautiful goddess just turned out to be a cold angel of death.
Yes, he believed her capable of taking her own life. But he could not allow that to happen.
Not to her!
-Your Highness, it is true. I know her brothers as well.
-When they will come, If they will come, we will be ready!
-No, we will not, father! They can use the houses' powers in a way we can not!
-What do you mean?
-I mean it in the old ways, that we have lost it! They can free their demons out of their bodies and...
-They can not!!
The king could not believe his ears.
It was not that his son could be lying to him, but the words he was speaking, he was not ready to hear them.
They could not use the ancient powers, they had been lost over the centuries.
The few shadows who could use some of the ancient powers, were so precious as the whiches.
And the same as precious was the danger they represented to the royal blood.
So they would usually end up imprisoned and chained, used for their powers, and only kept alive for them.
-I have seen it, father. Their king can control her demon and this is how most of them fight. I do not know all the royal's powers, but as their king is so strong, I am sure that most of them have powers as well. It would not be safe for the king himself to remain alone with her!
-But if she was so dangerous, she would have been proven it by now, don't you think?
-Your Highness, I think that you should let me keep an eye on her for now, and time will tell how dangerous she is. But for now, I would not recommend for the king himself to be that close to her, even to spend the night in the same room with her. I have lived among them for months, I have studied them. Please allow me to keep her close to me. This way, you will not be endangered.
-What are you saying? That I should wait and not take her yet?
-The royal blood that runs through her veins makes her dangerous, Your Highness. But, at least for now, yes, I say you should keep away from her, until I understand what she can do.
-But if she is so dangerous, as you say, someone might take her just for her blood.
The king had a point too. Her blood was precious.
Owning the Warchild blood, and such a powerful one, would only give them trouble. if she ever is taken away from them. What to do with that information?
-Your Highness... I have an idea... But we need to discuss it all alone!
Kaion said the words looking at his father, and the king nodded. He made a sign for the guards who advanced towards Moon, who was still down on the floor, where Kaion had pushed her, on he knees, in front of his father. The guards did not feel too confident, nor too worried, but they seemed more like confused about how such a little and delicate thing could ever fight them with her demon?
They remained there, on guard, while the king and his Crowned Prince left through the small door behind the throne, into the small council chamber, so they can talk in private, to speak about "the plan".
The others were waiting. Nobody was moving.
The foreign princess was down on the floor, looking at the door the two men have left for a while now.
Moon felt all alone, again. It was happening more often now. She was missing her home, where there was never so much confusion, not so much etiquette... Well, it was, but she did not bother much with it.
Their mother allowed them to be whoever and whatever they felt the need. She allowed them to get to know themselves, their limits, and their powers.
Where could she be? And her brothers... it was all quiet in the mind space.
No words could get through.
How could her mother reach them then? Moon knew she was not her mother, but she was desperate to try anything.
What could she do in order to reach her brothers? And maybe her mother was here, somewhere? But why could she not reach her?
No! If her mother was here, and these people did not hear about her yet... could that only mean that she was hurt or something? o, no, no! Moon could not accept that for an outcome.
But what if she could try and reach her father instead? If her mother was not opening any channel here, if she would be focusing on channeling towards the boys, maybe she would close herself to this environment and nothing could get through to her then... and if she was hurt or something, only their father could be in touch.
That was it! She needed to reach her father instead!
So Moon closed her eyes, trying to focus and channel to get in touch with her father. Were they there? Where they safe? Could she reach them?
The silence was killing her. There was nothing she needed more than to hear a friendly voice, filled with love, addressing her.
Her heart jumped out of joy, hearing his voice.
"Moon! Why can I hear you? Your mother is trying to reach you for months! How is this possible?"
"Father! I am here..."
"Here? Where are you here? What do you mean here??"
"Did you get in the old world? Where are you?"
"We are into this old world of the shadows, where they first settled... Where are you? How is it that I am able to hear you, Moon?"
"I am here as well! We managed to open a portal and Kaion grabbed me and I ended up here!"
"He did what?? I will crush that..."
"Is alright, father, they have not treated me bad! Do not worry about me, how is mom?"
There was a moment of silence before her father spoke again. That did not seem too good, Moon thought.
They were all trapped here, in this world, but at least she found a connection back with them. Where could they be?
Probably in the Assassins' territory. Good, she had to find a way to flee there.
But her father took some time to answer, and that could only mean one thing. Her mother was not well.
What would it be? Maybe she was hurt? Maybe she needed her.
"Father? Father! what about mother??"
"Mother is fine, princess. Just keeping her energy. Maybe that was why she did not feel you, but I will tell her you are here. I need your exact location, princess. I will come to get you!"
"The Warchild palace! You can not come to get me, they will kill you. I do not need you locked up! I assume you are somewhere in the Assassins's territory?"
"Yes, we ended up here. Are you free to come to us?"
"No, father. they try to decide whether I will marry the king or they should execute me I think..."
"So how are you alright, princess? Where did they lock you up?"
"I am fine, father, really. They fed me, and they did not touch me..."
"They better not be!"
"How is mother? Is the child alright?"
"Your mother is fine, they all think she is the perfect woman of a Shadow Assassin. They recognized me here as a Lord of the house, thanks to your mother. So now we need to get to you. But I need you to buy me time, Moon. I need time, can you do something about it?"
The door opened and the king entered again the room, followed by Kaion who was looking a little tired. What did they speak of, why did they finish so soon? Moon did not like that.
"I will, father, do not worry. I will. Just tell mother I am here, and not to worry, I will be alright. They are back to announce the decision regarding me."
"Keep me posted, princess, I need to get to your mother with this."
"Alright, father! Be safe, please!"
When the king had entered the room, his jaws were clenched and his eyes fixed on the princess still knelt on the floor.
But something was also different with this one there was something changed in her.
Some strange, arrogant, and challenging shine was almost backfiring from her eyes as if she just came to life.
For a moment, the king lost his words, mesmerized by the strange being that was almost the same yet so different than the one he left behind when he took his son to speak to him in the private chamber.
What did it change, in such a short amount of time? She was looking much more confident now... On what basis?
Kaion had also noticed it. He looked at Moon thinking about how he met her. No, no, no, she was surely about to make a stupid thing and perhaps even lose her life here, on his lands.
He could not allow that. so he looked at her determined, but he could not know how that stupid channeling was working, he needed to tell her to stay put and not do something stupid, and he did not want his father to hear that he was trying to protect her.
"Moon? Princess? Princess Moon?"
Eeerhhh, she did not even hear him!! How could she, if he did not have those stupid powers?? How could they have lost them like that??
"Moon? Princess... can you hear me? Please don't do something stupid, please, do not try anything, please... Princess? I got you time... Princess?"
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