-A wedding gift. I am sworn to protect you, in front of your mother...
Kaion was standing right in front of her, reminding her of that day they were together in the forest.
-What? You??
-Yes, princess. I would be honored, if you would accept this union.
-What union? With you?
-Yes, with me.
-Are you kidding me, traitor???
He was standing there, right in front of her, and she had lost her words, all of a sudden, acting like a scared child.
What was wrong with her?? The people present could not believe their ears. Was she really refusing a second royal blood today??
How could she say no to that arrogant man who had dragged her into this world and he even tried to touch her and... with every second that her thoughts were invading her mind, she was losing her temper.
"Moon... stop, my princess. The way you feel now and the way you act towards him...You need to look like you like him. "
-I what?? No!
She did not realize it that she screamed her answer in front of everybody to hear, and of course, they all heard it. She only meant it to ask her mother what, in the name of the gods was she talking about, but she managed to make a fool out of herself.
"I was just like that when I met your father. It was just like that, my princess. Just the same! But I needed time to understand things and he allowed me this time. Just like you need time to understand if you want this or not. It is your decision. But for now, just go with what he says, he is buying you time."
-I ONLY AGREE WITH THE ENGAGEMENT UNTILL WE MEET FACE TO FACE. yOU WILL NOT TOUCH MY PRINCESS AND YOU WILL TAKE GOOD CARE OF HER, AS YOU PROMISED! The saruman's voice made itself heard again, for everybody to hear, backing up what her mother was telling her in her mind.
-I will, I promised, Kaion felt the need to say it again, to reassure her that he had good intentions.
He did not look so confident right then, but it was understandable, right? There was this dark beast, looking right into his eyes.
And he really knew what this beast was really capable of. He really knew...
Yet she said nothing anymore.
The saruman had just looked at them all, scaring them, then, just as it materialized, it disappeared. Just like that.
Moon was standing frozen as well, just as the others. But she was not afraid of her mother's demon, she was afraid of life itself. What was she doing now? Was she to marry Kaion?
She looked at him, as he lifted his hand again, waiting for her to place hers into his, just like when he took her out of the dungeon.
Only that now, he was intending to make her his wife.
Did she want that? No!
She did not like him, not a little bit! She did not!! Then how could she just marry him if she would not like him?
"Princess? I am on your side here!"
"I do not trust you!"
"I know. He smiled with sadness in his eyes. I would not trust me either, but either way, I am here, to pay for my mistake. Or... you can marry my father if you like. But he will not protect you. I will."
"You promised my mother..."
"I promise this to you!"
He waved his hand towards her, impatient now, waiting for her to place her hand into his.
-Do you accept this union? Kaion had asked her again, waiting for her answer.
-Of course, she does!
The king was so pleased and anxious to gain such a powerful ally, that had proven itself so powerful in front of everyone, that for sure it will get to the enemy's ears very soon.
Moon just frowned her forehead, thinking about what she should do right now, when her body just took the initiative and her hand just found its way towards Kaion's. How, by the gods, she did not know!
-I will obey my King's command, she said, with such a fainted voice, that she did not think he could hear her.
But he did, as they all did hear her. T
hey started to cheer and be merry, drinking and yelling, congratulating the Crown Prince and his Princess.
-So now we will have a Crown Princess as well!!
The king did not feel too bad about not having the princes in his arms, but he was more than happy to gain such a political strong ally instead, that he went with the crowd.
To be sure that she would not change her mind, the king decided to hold the investment ceremony right away, so the high priest was already summoned to the court to lead the engagement ceremony.
For Moon, it was all a dream, feeling that only her body was attending the real life, while her mind was someplace else. What was she doing? What if, that was not a good choice?
What if, she would end up finding her real mate, and what if... and what if...
She started to hate the "what if"s.
She just woke up with her hand into Kaion's while the high priest was binding them together, and also in the end, when they all greeted her happy... Why were they so happy about it?
She was not going to stay there forever! She will go home as soon as she finds an opportunity to... And now, being the Crown Prince's fiancee, she had access to power...
Her mind immediately understood her mother's plan, and she looked at Kaion standing beside her.
She now understood what he meant when he told her that he found a way to buy her time.
So... that meant... they were to marry now...?
It was already late at night.
The party was almost finishing with some of the men who drank too much, that they hit the floor, while most of the others were left by now.
She looked at him. He was a beautiful man, if a man could be beautiful.
He was tall, and his clothes were fitting him right, embracing his well-built body and still letting things to be imagined...
What was going on with her, Moon shook her head and Kaion felt her movement, looking at her with wondering eyes.
"You will not even dream of touching me!!"
She thundered into his mind, yet her words did not have the expected impact on him.
He just smiled at her and answered back:
"Now why would I want to touch such an inexperienced girl like you? You could not even know how to please me!".
His answer came into her mind as a shock. What? Was he for real??
Her mind stopped as if he just hit her in the head. Who was he calling inexperienced?
Of course, she was, but who cared? She should only blink an eye and all the men would just come into her aid, and he was disconsidering her for that?? How dares he???
"Good! So that is decided, what are we doing now? I am sleepy!"
-Let us retire, then, My Lady!
Kaion said out loud, rising from the chair and bowing slightly to his fiancee now, grabbing her chair in order for her to rise as well and she just stepped the other way, away from him.
Was this how she wanted to play this? Ouuff, a tough job he had taken.
He only hoped he would not be sorry later for helping her.
-Good night, the princess said and everybody bowed to her in recognition.
The king was still drinking and the queen looked so bored to death. It seemed that she would not leave without him.
Good that it was not her worry anymore. Her worry was Kaion from now on.
Hopefully, the queen was happy for now with how things had turned, that she did not have a rival right now.
So she was no danger to her anymore.
But, would that keep her safe? Moon wondered if that alone would be enough to stop that greedy king. She saw the way he looked at her and how difficult it seemed to be for him to renounce his plan and give in to his son.
Even to his son, it was so difficult to give in?
Her mother would have renounced everything for them, without even looking back. They mattered that much to her.
Maybe that was why Senere did not feel any love here.
That man was not very capable of loving and understanding a woman. but then again... neither was his son.
Then, who taught Senere to be that loving and caring? Only her condition as a woman?
It is a known thing that women need to feel more love than men do. They need to feel secure, and they need to feel important. They need to feel they are more important than anything. Not that they would ever require such sacrifices, but they only need to feel loved and protected.
Moon was following Kaion along the corridors. She would need to learn them if she was to be spending some time here.
She needed to make a map of the castle.
From now on, she will have to learn all her enemies' powers. All their weaknesses.
Kaion stopped in front of a massive wooden door, and stood still for a second, until he turned to Moon, opening the door in front of her.
-This is my room. And now yours too.
-What?? But we are not married yet...
-According to the law, you are considered my wife even if the wedding is not on yet. You have been publicly accepted so they will all consider you as such. Therefor, my room is your room from now on.
He made a sign for her, and took one step behind, to make way for her to enter.
The room was big, almost just like her room back home. The air was clean, and chill, as the window was opened.
The design was definitely a man's design, not that she would complain about it, the room was very neat, more than she expected from him. The big bed was adorning one side of the bedroom, and all alone in that corner seemed to make it even bigger.
Well, it was big enough for Kaion to fit in, it was his bed, after all.
Near the window, there was a tea table, with a chess game, which she loved the first time she set eyes on it. The pieces were all transparent crystals, and they were beautifully carved.
A masterpiece. She touched them one by one, with so much love and admiration, not realizing that Kaion was watching her every move, while he unbuttoned his shirt.
He just took off his shirt and went to the wall with the bed, going around it, making Moon curious about what was hidden in there.
It was probably just the dresser, but it was hidden behind the bed with a wall.
-Come on! Moon heard Kaion speaking to her. As you don't have many clothes with you, you can sleep in one of mine until we get you some for you too, tomorrow. Is that alright with you?
She just followed his voice, and just as she thought, there was the wardrobe and his was huuuuge!!! As if he was a woman, he had so many clothes... that looking at them all, Moon just opened her mouth in wonder and forgot to close it.
-What? Don't you have clothes in your room? Kaion did not understand why was she surprised.
-Of course, I do! I just... I don't... You have a lot of clothes...
-O course, we need a lot of clothes too... ooohhh, that reminds me... Come with me!
Kaion grabbed her hand and started to walk so fast, again dragging her on his footsteps, making her almost run after him, going out of his room and close to his, there was another one, with the same door, just like his. He opened the door and stopped abruptly, but he pushed her inside of the room.
This was surely a lady's room, all in pastel tones, beautifully arranged.
He did not enter, he stood right in the door frame but when he pushed her inside he pointed towards the blue bed and the wall behind it.
-This was Senere's, I am sure she would not mind if you would borrow some of her clothes until you find some more... fittable if you do not fancy mine.
Moon looked at him and went around the bed, just as he was pointing and just the same as in his room, Senere's dresser was a huge one! So many clothes! Why would someone need so many clothes if they were not to go out and wear them anyway?? But most of them were useless! So many dresses, she hated the dresses! She needed pants!
-I can not wear a dress while I sleep, I really want to sleep!
She heard Kaion exhaling long, then he must have gathered the courage to enter into his sister's room and got closer to show Moon some pajamas. He also took some shirts and some towels that looked new and put them all in her arms, just like that.
Then he grabbed her again, closed the door behind them, and took her into his room again.
-You need to sleep here in my room. Please don't make a scene, I will not touch you, I just need to sleep too. Besides, when they come to check on us in the morning, it would be good if you could wear... less than that, he looked at the shirt he had put in her arms. The shower is that way, but is mine first!
As he grabbed his towel, he turned his torso and stepped into his personal bath.
Wow, the room was almost like her own back home. At least she would not have to travel across the fortress to wash herself! If they would also have hot water, it would be something!
Back in Shiran, they had the cold water of the waterfalls, and an invention was warming the water right in the stone wall that it was falling on! It was just like a personal hot shower!
Kaion did not take long to wash and he got out of the bathroom. He had only some light trousers on him, while on his bare chest there were still drops of water, and his long hair was wet and still on his back.
His abdomen was looking hard rock and she immediately felt the need to touch him...
No! No touching, what was she thinking??
In a way ... she felt... she did not know how to call this feeling.
Moon had never seen a man completely naked in front of her before. It was not that they were staying in line to be seen without clothes in front of the king or the king's daughter... well, she had accidentally seen one who had just taken off his armor and his bare chest could not even be compared to Kaion's.
-What, princess? Do you like me better all clean and shiny now? Don't tell me you trust me now...
- I do not! I never will! I was just... thinking when is my turn to wash... that is all...
-Of course, you were... Kaion looked at her and held the door for her. Take your time! Then get to bed! Preferable with no top on, the rest you can hide under the blanket!
Moon did not wait to be told twice and she just jumped into the bathroom and when she noticed the steam, she almost yelled. She was so happy, there was hot water! she could wash!
That was all she needed in her life right now!
She forgot about Kaion, she forgot about the king, she forgot about this old world!
She only stood there and time froze, making all that hot water warm up her body.
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