Chapter 108: One Undeniable Favor

Mr. Possessive Guardian: Please let Me Go! 1067 words 2020-08-20 16:00:00

Owen happened to look in Eric's direction, and he saw that the other man was seething. His face had turned red, and the veins in his neck were bulging out. He was clenching and unclenching his fists, and he was glaring daggers in Westley's direction. Owen turned to Westley and was not surprised to see his trademark self-satisfied smirk. Oh, fuck – thought Owen – If I don't do something quickly, we're going to have World War Three here!

Owen clapped his hands together five times to get everyone's attention, and once he had it, he said, "We are all excited about having Arnold back with us, but you must all be as hungry as I am, so let's settle down and get the waiter in here so that we can order!"

"An excellent idea!" Alex said. He sat down first, and everyone else sat around him, ass……

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