Lydia was so surprised by Doris's news that she didn't know what to say. It all sounded very traumatic, and she doubted that anyone else could have handled it as well as Doris had. She thought - If another girl had been faced with such obstacles, she might have had to hide in some corner.
Lydia was worried about Doris, but she didn't want to stress her friend out any more than she probably already was, so she decided to change the subject. "By the way," she said. "How are your preparations for the written exam going?"
Doris frowned and groaned slightly. "I forgot about it," she admitted. "There has just been so much going on lately…"
Lydia: "Don't worry. There is still some time to go before the exam, and we can work together."
Doris nodded and thanked her friend. Then, as they walked towa……
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