Vanessa looked up at her mom and began to cry. "Mom," she whined. "Look what that b***h did to me."
Jessica grabbed the cup and was about to aim it at Doris' head, but Todd caught her hand and gave her a dirty look.
Todd turned to the lawyer and said, "There is something that I want to show you." He took out a folded paper from his pocket and handed it to the lawyer.
The lawyer glanced at Doris and said, "Miss Lincoln, it looks you signed an agreement with Mr. Henry one week ago. According to it, you gave up the shares of the Henry Group. Is that correct? Did you sign it voluntarily?"
Doris was shocked. It seemed as if Todd had somehow anticipated this day. She looked at her father with a look of hurt aggrievement in her eyes. It wasn't that she cared overly much about the shares. What hur……
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