Doris tried to grab the phone so that she could delete the photo, but Lydia pulled it away and stuffed it in her bra so that it was safe. Doris glared at her friend and said, "You are such a b***h!"
"I am not!" Lydia laughed and said, "I am looking out for your best interests. You'll see!"
Suddenly, a gentle hand fell on Doris's shoulder, and she was so startled that she jumped a half-inch off the ground and squealed. She turned around, and when she saw who had touched her, her face turned red from anger. "Jessica!" she hissed. Her hands clenched and unclenched at her side. "What the f**k are you doing here?!?!?"
Jessica smiled sweetly and asked, "Have you had lunch yet?"
Doris smirked and said, "I know you don't care about my eating habits, so let's skip the pleasantries. Why are you here……
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