Doris looked at the woman who'd provided the eggs. "What's your name, anyway?" she asked.
"M-Mary," the woman replied. "My n-name is Mary W-Wiggins…"
"Well, Mary," Doris said. "If you don't have any more information for me, it's time for you to start eating the eggs." As she talked, she took the glass of water on the table and poured its contents over Mary's head. Then she cracked the two eggs she'd brought with her and emptied their contents into the cup. She handed the glass to Mary. "Waste not, want not," Doris said, and the grin on her face was not unlike that of a shark. "Drink up."
Mary looked at the glass, and her feeling of revulsion could be seen by her expression. She took the glass, though, plugged her nose, and slurped the eggs into her mouth.
Doris chuckled while the woman gag……
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