Paul sat up in the swing. He had heard everything that Eric had said, but one question nagged at the back of his mind. "Is this woman this important to you? Why not just let her go and move on? She obviously doesn't want to be with you."
Eric: "You don't get it. She means everything to me. You'll help me, right?"
Paul: "If you're sure she's in Kuerto, it shouldn't be that hard to locate her, especially if she is as good looking as you say she is."
"She is a total knockout!" Eric exclaimed. "You'll see that it's true when you see her!"
Westley laughed and said, "I'll have to take your word for it. It is still pretty nasty what she did to you, though. After what Westley did to her, it is understandable that she used those tranquilizers on him, but you didn't deserve to be ……
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