Lydia was still unconscious, and Doris could only pray that she would wake up as soon as possible. Lydia's ability as a 2nd Dan Black Belt Taekwondo master would come in handy right about now. There were more than ten men in the room, and one of them was a police officer. If they didn't do something quick, they would both be raped and possibly even murdered.
The situation seemed hopeless. What had started as one of the best Birthday of Doris's life was quickly turning into a nightmare.
"Have you figured out who you're going to screw first?" Richard wondered. "If I get first shot at you, and you satisfy me, I will pay you handsomely!"
Doris sniffed the air and made an ugly face. "In addition to the smell of s**t on you," she said, "there's another smell."
"Really?" Richard smiled evilly and……
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