Westly passed through the officers' line and parked his sports car in the handicapped space by the front of the Police Station. He stepped out, saluted the soldiers, and then he turned to face the two chiefs that were standing in the station's entrance.
Westley was tall, he had a muscular build, and in his black suit, he exuded an aura of strength and power. No one could look at him as he was and not feel at least a little bit intimidated.
James rushed to meet him half-way, offered his hand to shake, and said, "Mr. Gates, you honor us with your visit. Is there anything we can help you with?"
Westley gave an outstretched hand a disdainful look and refused to touch it. Then, when James pulled it back awkwardly, he smirked and said, "I'm here about a video I saw on YouTube earlier. Do you kn……
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