His sister, Moon came by later, to bring him food. The guards could have done that, but she wanted to do that for him. She brought him a tray full of pieces of freshly made meat, some even in blood, fruit, and water. Moon seemed unhappy and was trying to cheer him up, but he felt too good because he and his sister never broke up, they wandered together all the time.
Because he was in chains and could not eat alone, his sister had fun feeding him like a child and this lifted his spirits because she was full of life and joked all the time, and her cheerful way to be contagious. He really needed her right now.
-All this happens because of a mate?? No no no, impossible! Then I will refuse to meet my mate! I don't want to end up in chains like you! Ewww, you already smell like a skunk, hahaha!
-Father says that when you meet your mate gets better, is just a little time that you feel like this...
-So, you need to feel this miserable in order to feel better? No way! I refuse to feel this miserable and I refuse to be chained!!
His sister made him laugh.
-Well, I did not want to end up here in chains either, but there I am!
-Yeah, I heard you almost tried to kill a bear bare-handed all by yourself!
-Yeah...That was stupid, but I did not have time to think much! That bear was in a hurry to die...
-Hahaha, I guess, otherwise, why did it choose you out of all shadows?
-No idea. I did not see it coming. I was just trying to talk to my saruman, I was angry and kind of yelled at him and I think that is when the bear located me...
-Good job, brother...
-Yeah... so are you here to help me or laugh at me?
-Well both, but I have spare time now that you don't get to join me in my daily walks in the woods, so I will help with whatever and keep you some company if you will have me... What do you say?
-Grab that book there and read me from it, please? I can't reach it right now.
-Let me see, Moon jumped on her feet and got closer to him in order to check on the chains but she could not find a way to open the cuffs from his wrists. Sorry, I can't open it...
-And if you could, you would end up chained to the next wall just like him!!! their mother's unmistakable voice came from the darkness, making them suddenly tremble because they did not expect to be followed by anyone.
It was hilarious for Silver to see Moon standing up straight and putting her hands behind her back as if she hadn't done anything wrong, lest their mother put her in chains near her brother.
-I just came to bring him food, as you told me, My King.
-The food is there, not in his chains... You can see him anytime you want, but you will not try anything or I told you what will happen if you disobey my orders.
-Understood, My king.
-Well, the king left silently just as she appeared in front of them from the darkness.
They both breathed a sigh of relief that they escaped so easily, and seeing each other, they both began to laugh.
-I thought you were going to have more company from now on!
-You believe it!! Let me read you ... Moon went to the books brought by their mother the day before and began to leaf through them bored ... Is that all you have?? The mating rituals? Seriously?? Boring!!
-You too will have to learn about this, at some point, Moon, look at me ...
-Nonono, I will never get that pathetic as you ... never... no way!! So let's see... what are you reading?
-Look for anything about finding the mate?
-Hmmm... let's see... finding the mate... Moon started to search in the pages, looking for what her brother asked for... Finding the mate... Oh, here there is something interesting! It says you need flowers... see? Girls like flowers...
-What? haha, come on, is cute...You like flowers too... and it says here just like that... Conquer the girl with flowers... see??
-Moon, come on.
-Ouuuufff, you changed brother! Don't get so serious like... Moon stopped and got up looking in the shadows to make sure their mother was not there... Like her, she whispered to him in order to understand what she meant.
Silver laughed, his sister could always make him laugh like that. She was talking about their mother. Their mother was the serious one in the family. Moon would always make fun of him because of that, he resembled her so much, she said. He only wished for. He was already feeling calmer with his sister here, around him. Maybe that was what he needed.
-Moon, this is serious. Look, when you get to 18, you will see exactly what it is like, whether you want it or not. I did not want this but look at me... You can learn from it...Try to help me out. Read for me, there are a lot of things I need to know, still.
-Alright, why 18?
-Because that is when you get to the age and your saruman can make the choice. And look, you know when Senere said that in their world the mates do not link anymore.?
-Yes, why is that?
-Because they need to be close by and see each other face to face in order to recognize each other and make the connection.
-Why face to face?
-I don't know. I have read that the powers of the houses do have something to do about it, about the distance they can find each other. You need to be close in order to find the mate.
-Do you think your saruman has already found your mate?
-May be.
-So why is he tormenting you like that then? Why not just tell you?
-Because... I think he fails to recognize her. I am not sure.
-And what happens after he recognizes her? She will recognize you, right? She needs to see you, right?
-And after that?
-If we accept each other, then we must perform the bonding ritual.
-If you accept each other? So... you can reject each other too?
-Yes, I guess so, but I refuse to feel like this for the rest of my life only because I do not like the mate my saruman has chosen for me...
-Do you think it is possible, not to like her? Do you think she would be ugly? What do sarumans know about our own preferences?? What if we don't like their choice?
-That's what I have asked Father too... he said that in the beginning, Mom did not want to accept the saruman's choice so that is why he took so long in mating her. He let her find out on her own and it took him a year!!
-What? Are you serious?? An entire year??
-I can not wait for a year like this, Moon! It hurts inside! I can't!
-Wait, if father could...
-I am not father!!
-You could too, he could help you, he could teach you how he did it!!!
-He already told me how he did it Moon! And I already told you that I can not do it. Alright?
-So read me from that book, please.
-Right, so what do you want to know again, brother?
-I changed my mind, get me Mom, please.
Moon lifted her head out of the book looking at him in wonder.
-Why would you want Mom to read to you when I am already here with the book open in front of my eyes?
-I figured out something. I don't need to work on how to find my mate, but to control my demon better. Only she can help me. Please, Moon?
Moon looked at him confused but she understood where he was going. She thought about it for a moment and decided to do as she was asked. She got up and went to the gate, opening it and Silver heard her yelling to the guards waiting for her:
-Do tell Her Highness, the King, that Prince Silver and Princess Moon are both asking humbly for her presence in the dungeons, please?
They heard the guards rushing out of the dungeons, and they assumed they did not like to be there at all, but they had to make sure the princess was safe, now that the crown prince was a danger apparently.
-Thank youuuu!! Moon yelled behind them, turning and laughing with her brother.
-Do you think she will come?
-Of course, she will, she loves you more than anything, Silver joked with his sister. She won't want to see me hurting you because I am a liability now, hahaha.
-Well, the way those soldiers left, I am sure she will be here in no time, seeing them so scared, thinking who knows what?
-What??? You knew that would happen, did you not??
-And yet, you let me do it like that? Silver!!
-Who am I, to stop my little sister from learning?? Hahaha.
-Silver!! She will get worried about nothing! Moon cried.
-Noooo, she won't. Because if she would, she would fly up here in no time, don't you think so?
-And what do you think she will do when she hears you say that? the voice of their mother, the king, startled them both, leaving them speechless.
She did not look too happy. She got there fast...
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