The pressure he felt right now, was unbelievable. His head hurt, his body was tense and his rage... his rage was out of this world. He felt the need to kill everyone and everything in this world. He did not even realize he got into the dungeon and even more, he got startled when he heard Moon's voice:
-What do we do now, brother?
He did not know she was following him and he suddenly felt the urge to push her away. He could have unleashed his saruman and hurt her. She was not safe near him and he hated to feel that because he would never hurt Moon, at least not willingly.
-I don't know, Moon. I think we should all gather and keep close to each other. Now is the time they can hit us, one by one take us if we do not stay united.
-I know. Those strangers being here does not help. I think someone is going to just make a wrong move and is going to be against us.
-Just because we are half Dogs... Silver he grimaced bitterly. He knew what that stranger had called their father, and that did the same to them, if he thought better of it. Their mother had told them about it, it had happened once before he was born.
One of the strangers who had come here to their lands was also a Warchild prince in his world. And he had made some waves around here, when Lord Zicon had convinced him that he would have some rights to the throne, because of the blood flowing through his veins. Even if it wasn't from their world. And this was now exactly the situation of Kaion and his sister. They were easy to influence. And who knew if their mother would return. Or what will happen to his parents there?
-Don't say that, brother. Let's prove them all wrong!
-Moon, we need to gather and act as one. Gather our brothers, bring them here.
-You will live here from now on brother? No, look, is cold and ugly and...
-Safe, Moon... is safe from anybody who would try to separate us and kill us.
-You know I am right.
-Yes, brother.
They were already in the dungeon and Alane was wondering what were they doing in there.
-Get our brothers and sisters here, Silver Tiger asked his sister.
-On it. What about...
-No way! You will only give them satisfaction, Alane just realised what Tiger had in mind..
-No future king lives in the catacombs, or dungeons...
-From no on, I do. Mother also did... When training...
-But not when ruling! Don't show them you fear for your life. You are stronger than them, Silver. Besides, I am here with you too. I will not leave until things get steady here. Alright? Besides, if anything gets bad, we regroup into my kingdom until we are ready to get your home again. Deal?
-Thank you Alane, Moon hugged him tightly. I am so glad you are here with us!
-Me too, Moon. Look, we need to keep the others safe, and close. And it would be best if you ruled, Silver.
They all three looked at each other in silence, each had their own mind. Calculating the odds was not an easy job. Now, more than ever they were vulnerable. Until now, they had their perfect lives. But from now on, even a second could turn the tables and wipe them all out of this world. Destroy everything that their mother had built. Alane took a step towards Tiger.
-I saw you turning berserker in that field. You need to protect the little ones. Do you think you can send the white ravens?
-I don't know... maybe...yes.
-You think we should gather mom's men to protect the little ones?
Moon was trying to understand the implication too. The berserker squad had the special ability not to turn on its master, once the connection was done. But that was only a King's ability. Very rare it happened that a Royal Blood could activate them too, but it was worth a chance. In the first place, they all agreed that he did well sending the main threat, Lord Zicon out to the border, to prevent any problems from spreading from the beginning. But what would really consolidate Tiger's position, were the bersekers.
-Mother's men would make you hold the position without questioning, Silver. You can not be everywhere, that is why you need to activate the bersekers. No one will dare touch your siblings as long as they have the royal guards.
-Yes. no one will touch them as long as the berseker soldiers are in town, right?
-You think I should be able to summon them?
-I think we should at least try and see. So let's call them?
-You are right. I am glad that you are here too, Alane.
All three of them made it out of the dungeons as if they were regrouping in a battle. They went to gather their brothers and made a common family meeting, and established the new rules of the family. The youngsters were not to wander around anymore, as their hearts desired, but they were to be cautious and only get out if they had a royal guard behind.
The royal guards were to be expected within a few days, and they consisted only of their mother's personal guards.
The king's royal guard was established by their father long ago, even before Silver was born. They were all from the king's elite detachment, mercenaries that would only obey the king and they had nothing to lose. They only answered to the king, so with the new turn of events, Silver was hoping to make them listen and protect his little brothers and sisters until he could find a way to make it work for the kingdom.
He knew he had to step up this time and become what he was supposed to become.
He did not like the idea, because he saw how it made his mother feel at times. Being The King was not about doing what you want and what you feel like it. It is about doing your duty to all those who need to be ruled and protected by you. And Silver did not feel quite comfortable obeying those rules imposed by the War Council, as his duty required him to be present at the meetings and decide on boring matters such as economic problems and home disputes that did not concern him personally.
He did not understand why he had to decide on the unions between the houses, because he did not think anyone should be forced to marry if they did not want it. He did not understand why people could not solve their own problems and needed the council to fix things for them.
Silver only needed to take a ride to clear his head and heading to the door he realized he could not leave his family now... He looked at them all, they were all his family to take care now. He just realized that now, he was all they had left, and they were all counting on him to protect them. He had to keep them all safe.
His little ones were scared and he could feel all their hearts. They could not feel their mother in the common mind space. She might be dead already, they did not know. They only had each other now, and he was the one they were looking up to now.
-Moon, we need to keep us together until we get news from the ravens.
-We take turns and sleep together until then? she proposed.
She was right, that was a good idea. But Silver saw her frowning, preoccupied.
-What do you have in mind?
-What about her?
-If anyone would try anything, they will work on Kaion. We can only keep Kaion in control if we have his sister.
-Meaning... If anyone would ever try to bring into the discussion that they are royal blood...
-But they are not! Mother decided...
-But now, Mother is not here. And if she is not here, someone will make a move... and if someone makes a move, it would only be this... to bring forth new competition.
-Why? They are not even from this world, Moon.
-Because you are not The King yet, brother. You are a prince and you are not married and you have no heirs yet. And with that, we are all in danger.
-Yes. That means, the bloodline is not secure. I think that is the term they used on mother, long ago, remember, when they asked her to marry.
-That is why Father asked for her hand then! She was lucky she chose him. Do you get it now? We need a plan for you, if it will happen to you, so you do not kill the entire War Council and be forced into a union you do not want to! Like mother.
-That will not happen!
-Because, we need Senere here.
-Moon, come on! We don't need to use people and...
-And if Kaion tries anything, he only has a claim to the throne, while you are the real heir. And if they want royal blood of a Warchild, That comes from you first. It can be with her.
-Moon, stop this nonsense! I will not...
-You will not get us killed! Yes, I know that, brother!
Silver opened his mouth, but no words came out. He understood what his sister was just telling him and he somehow knew it was the right move to do. Even if he did not want to use people, he needed to take care of his brothers and sisters first. And if keeping them all alive would mean to propose a union, he would have. Even if he did not want to. He really did not think it was necessary, but the way his sister put it... He understood what she was saying. And he knew she was right.
He thought about Senere. She was a sweet little girl who was not supposed to become a queen. She did not have it in her. All that purity and all that goodness in her, did not allow her to just poison her mind and dirty her hands in a life of Crown conflicts. She was too young and nice for that.
But his sister was right. He had to decide on his family's future and he will do just that.
-Bring me the young lady brought by the portals into our world last time, he asked one of the guards. Make it quietly, no one needs to know.
No more little Crown Prince. He was the ruler now, and he had a responsibility now. He must keep his family safe and alive until his parents come back. If they ever.
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