So Silver, Senere, and Moon joined together and went out in the words close to Shiran city.
The forest was spectacular, more beautiful than the one in which the portal had brought Senere directly into this world. The green ferns were huge and left her speechless. Birds could be heard making noises among the leaves throughout the forest.
-I don't think I have ever seen such a beautiful forest before. It must be magical, Senere said in astonishment.
Moon and Silver burst out laughing.
-The only magical thing here is the bears when we hunt them. Ahahaha!
-Do you hunt bears?
-But why?
-Do you want to hunt?
-Yes, in our country, men hunt deer thousands of times.
-Deer? Moon stopped in his tracks. Why do you hunt a deer for?
-For their fur. They have such fine fur from which you can make so many things, even clothes...
-You hunt for clothes?
-Yes, don't you?
-No! We hunt for the kill. We make clothes or buy them from others.
-Oooo, look, a nest!
-Yes, eggs are good to eat in that nest. If you don't want to eat them, don't touch them, otherwise, the bird will leave them if they smell strange.
Senere was like a child who had just been brought into the world of magicians. Everything was wonderful and magical for her.
-Careful! There's a snake, not a branch!
-AAAA!!! Senere shouted, Moon burst out laughing and Silver turned away from his face:
-What is it?
-A snaaaake!!!
-And so? It won't eat you!
-Please, please!! Take it away!
It seems that Senere did not feel very comfortable in nature, where you could meet who knows what animals. The snake wasn't even very close to her, but it was enough to see that she started jumping up and trying to avoid the area where the snake was hanging from the tree.
But it had to be in nature. How else can she learn to take care of herself? Once she could secure her food and find her way home, it would be all right. What else would she need?
Silver took the poor snake from the branch and put it in a bush.
Looking at Moon, he said, "We need to make sure we get past them... and another time..."
" I also noticed, and I agree with you." Moon smiled mischievously at him.
She could hardly wait to meet the new Senere after the transformation. If she was so ignorant and afraid now, she would soon be a survivor. They were the best teachers, no doubt. And her brother would be amazed, that bad brother, of course, who wasn't funny at all.
He stayed longer in the Sun House because he wanted to unravel the mystery of the portals. What will he do after finding out how to open the portals? Apart from going home,
-What will your brother do when he can find a way to go home?
-I guess he'll try to convince me or steal me to try to get me home by force?
-How to steal you?
-Yes, he believes that no woman is able to make a decision for herself.
-But of course we can!
-Yes, I know. I've tried so many times to tell him, but he doesn't listen to me. And since my father remarried my stepmother, he doesn't even stay at home.
-Because he thinks that if he accepted her, he would betray our mother.
-And what do you think?
-I do not know. That woman is a stranger to me anyway. She doesn't know me and she never wanted to know me. And I don't want to try it now either. I don't have why anymore, do I? I grew up and I don't need her anymore. And at least I have Kale and Anterim.
-Really, where are they now?
-They found work in the village.
-So fast?
-Yes. I sent them as, otherwise, they would have stayed after me to take care of me, and I would have managed nothing if they had done everything for me.
-That's right, if you don't try on your own, you won't even learn to do the things you want to learn.
-I think so too. So what are we doing today?
-Fishing, Silver said and passed in front of them, first on the path.
Moon motioned for Senere to follow him, and she was the last to secure the road. Senere began to follow Silver carefully, but her inexperience was clear and Silver did not make things easier for her. He was there to help her learn, not take care of her.
-I think you should both know that I'm not very good with the spear... Senere tried to warn them on the way.
-Yes, we thought about it and took it into account, Moon replied.
-You will learn as best you can and you will use what you can.
-Is it possible in several ways? Wow. How?
-You'll see...
-It's not long.
Silver and Moon talked and complemented each other in a way that made Senere feel that everything was possible for her as well.
-You know, I like that you two are so close! I longed for Kaion and I to be like you two. It saddens me that I can't have this with him. I don't understand why. It's not like he doesn't love me...
-If he hadn't loved you, he wouldn't have come here after you. In such a world, he knew he might not return home.
-I know... I'm just sorry he came after me... He had a future there. He shouldn't have come after me. He has nothing here.
-He has you here.
-But I am not what he needs or what he wants. He needs his life and I can not give him that here.
-We don't always get what we want.
-No, we usually have to work to make things possible.
-And we don't always need the same things all the time. Conditions change, we adapt too.
-Here, Silver handed her a long stick with a thread on top and then he set down and unwrapped a napkin with bait.
-Eeww, what is this? Senere asked.
-Bait, Moon replied.
-Yeah. And now quiet! Silver took the stick and spun the thread from the top into the air, throwing it into the water.
-Bait for what? Senere asked Moon in a whisper.
-For fish, of course, she smiled. What else do you think?
-I do not know. Is it normal to fish like that?
-Yes. Just like this, or maybe do you want the spear?
-Oh, no, I don't know how to fish with a spear. I tried once and dived into the water... Kaion hasn't taken me fishing with him since.
-Well, we'll fish here until you get it. And if you ever fall into the water again, you will float, because that you have learned now.
-Yes. And I'll learn to swim, okay? That way, I won't drown. And I can fish, you'll see. Only to be able to throw this...
Senere also tried to throw the stick that Moon put in her hand, but she threw it up and the thread got caught in the willow leaves in the shade of where she was sitting.
-Uuuff... How do I get her out of here? She panicked and kept pulling until she broke the thread.
-We're trying to throw it away from the tree, Silver said patiently.
-Oh, no, I broke it! What am I doing now?
-Now put another thread. Moon approached her and taught her how to tie the thread. So, see? Now, this is mine. Try the other one. Come on!
-How do you make the bait for the fish?
-Hahaha, easy, you take light people and kill them, cut them into pieces, and here you go!
-What? You are joking, right?
-Yeah, hahaha!
-The king would not let us do it... But that's an idea...
-No, Moon, is not! They are human beings and feel...just like we do.
-Do you have light people here? What are those?
-Wait... you do not have them in your world?
-Umm... I am not sure...
-How do you feed then?
-Are you serious??
-Moon! Don't!
Silver was almost worried. He knew where this is going. Moon was a hunter, and a great one. She would just want to teach Senere everything just to prove that women are as good as men in everything. And if Senere would show interest, Moon would take her hunting humans. And that was dangerous.
Her innate scout senses had been activated from an early age when she searched for treasures with her father in the woods, and this helped her develop them even more. She would not have missed an opportunity to enter the forbidden territories and hunt down light people there, who were helpless in front of her, anyway.
Silver panicked. He knew what his sister was capable of. And she knew that her instincts were so strong that she had to work hard to educate herself. And she wasn't always in better shape, because her demon had a mind of her own. They usually quarreled at important moments.
Sensing Silver's panic, Senere's appetite for forbidden things opened up.
-And what are light people? And is it being hunted? And can I see? And can we hunt too? I want to see! ... Just like a child who asks endless questions to the parent ...
-That is enough!! We don't hunt people for light because they also have weapons and have invented enough resources for someone inexperienced like you to be caught! They will expose you in the market and will throw at you all kinds of rotten fruits and vegetables, which smell bad! And if they catch you, they will put you in a cage and let you starve, and your saruman will consume you on the inside because he will have nothing else to eat! Believe me, it's not a pretty death!
It seems that Silver's words worked, that Senere was silent, trying to process the horrors he exposed, and only imagining all those things too pleasantly black. she would never want to get there, in that position.
-Be calm, we won't leave there, Moon passed in front of them, confident and smiling omnisciently.
-Moon! Silver tried to weigh it.
-Don't scare her anymore, because we won't let them do something like this!
-But she shouldn't be encouraged to get into that situation on her own! If we don't know, how can we protect her?
-That's the idea, that we don't have to protect her if she doesn't end up in that situation!
-Okay, but she still needs to know! That's exactly why, don't you think? Moon asked Silver.
-Hei, I am here, and I hear you two...
-Oh, good, we would not wanna lose you now, hihihi!
-I like the way you are always so fun and you seem always happy, Moon. How do you do it?
-I don't know! I think it is just in my nature. I guess I go after my father a lot. And Silver goes after mother. Always so serious and thinking ahead of things. He is no fun like me, hihihi!
-Of course I am! I just don't see why to just do things unnecessary.
-Unnecessary? Unnecessary, brother?? It is very necessary to laugh and appreciate the days going by, and the woods, and the hunt...
-But I do appreciate it all... I just don't show it as much as you do.
-Here we go again... But if you don't show it, how would the others know how you feel about things?
-That is the thing. Not everybody should know how you really feel. Only a few you can trust. You can not trust everyone...
-"You can not trust everyone..." Moon repeated the same words in the exact same time, as if they were they imitated their mother. Yes, I already know, I've heard that a thousand times ... You look so much like her!
-She's right, too. Maybe if you hear this two thousand more times, it will enter your head too!
-Hahaha ...
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