The Books of the Shadows III- Silver Tiger 1320 words 2021-08-19 17:40:59

So back to reading. The mating ritual.

After the mate is found, the hunger increases due to lack of control and the need to possess the mate in a physical mode. The saruman bond is made only when both mates declare that they accept the connection and seal it through the bite and s****l union.

After the bite, the saruman male is dominating the female and the procreation process may start from that point. The offspring coming from a pair of mates are stronger and have pure shadow blood, and their powers are higher than the offspring of the common shadows. Normally, the mother passes some of her power on to the child, but when the child is born from a pair of mates, the offspring can inherit the powers of both parents, because, during the procreation process, both saruman and both hosts unite at the same time in order to recognize each other.

-How come? Silver wondered, puzzled. What do you meanwhile the shadows unite in intimacy, and their sarumans unite at the same time? "To recognize each other..."? "What to recognize? Who??"

He put the book down and looked at it, bored.

-Enough with reading! I need a fan! I need meat! I can not wait any longer... He came out of the room like a tornado, knocking on the wall door and stepping down and down the corridors quickly until he reached the stable. He did not even respond to the greeting of the guards he met in the corridors, which was not in his nature.

He raised his open hand like a claw, calling his horse without using his voice, and the horse raised his head, suddenly aware of his energetic field calling to him, and came trotting towards him. In one fell swoop, Silver threw himself behind his horse and galloped off without thinking that he would have to meet his parents to go hunting together.

He galloped out of the capital and headed for the hunting grounds, where only the royal family had the right to hunt. The hunting ground was a vast reserve, in which the bears were well fed so that they could be hunted, and if they prospered, the hunt was valuable in itself. From an early age, they took him with them to teach him how to feed and hunt. He had not been alone even once; they always hunted together. Only this time, he was here all alone.

Was it dangerous? He did not think so. What could happen? Except for meeting a bear, and that was exactly why he was there. To meet a bear.

So he continued to walk and eventually went to the free trot of the horse, entering the reservation deep. Without realizing it, his breathing began to escalate and his eyes became tangled. He began to salivate and his jaw trembled slightly. Hell, he had just eaten, maybe an hour before? He couldn't be hungry already!!

-No, we two friend, the two of us have to talk, seriously!! Silver stopped his horse and got off it, kneeling in the tall grass and closing his eyes to try to meditate so he could make contact with his demon.

His horse began to graze the grass quietly, slowly moving away from him. After calming down a bit, and calming his spirit, Silver created the connection with his demon that appeared in front of him, the shape of his face appearing like a contour of smoke before Silver's eyes. His head was like a dragon's, and his nostrils puffed defiantly right in front of him, warning him that he was there.

-Hey! Don't do that! You know I don't like it!

Saruman fixed him with his big blue eyes and puffed again in his face.

-Don't you even dare ... Silver raised his right finger in front of the smoky saruman's eyes. We have to talk. You can't kill my plans like that because... because you need a female! Seriously! I don't need that; I have to prepare for the Crown Prince position! Didn't you find out we have a challenger from another world? I don't need to fail now because it's a little hot for you... I can't!! Do you understand??

Talking to him, Silver realized that he had begun to chew on the air and sniff the air. It was already noon and he was really hungry. His stomach rumbled. He looked down, tapping his abdomen lightly.

-Come on, come on, you ate today! My body doesn't listen to me anymore!!

Furious, he jumped to his feet and hit the ground with the tip of his boot, raising the dust after the blow. He didn't like the lack of control he felt. Immediately after his gesture and his sudden movement, a murmur was heard nearby, and a bear rose to its feet in search of the source of the noise. The bear located Silver and immediately sped toward him.

-Damn it! Silver realized that he did not have the sword with him, nor the bow, because he had left the library without thinking of returning to his room first. Damn it! He hurriedly searched for anything he could use as a weapon around him.

Finding nothing but grass around him, his hand automatically went to his belt, where he held the short sword and felt relieved when he felt the cold handle. At least he had something to defend himself with. Small, but it was something more than nothing. He came to fight alone for the recklessness he showed in leaving like that, and alone and unarmed to hunt bears. Seriously, his father had been right about him, his saruman was dangerous, and Silver needed to take over his mind again. Today was not a good day for him.

Within seconds, the bear reached him and Silve had no other option but to make the jump towards it.

An impressive and reckless jump, because Silver did not have the height of a bear, nor the brute strength, although he was a very strong boy. The bear was a young, strong, and healthy adult, and it seemed that it was disturbed and provoked enough to attack him.

With a strong paw over his head, the bear tore the mask off his face, which was thrown a few meters away, while the other paw tried to sweep his head from the right, which Silver tried to block but succeeded only half, that the bear's other paw followed. He felt his claws leaving a burn on the back of his right shoulder, during which time his right hand tried to push the dagger into the bear's neck, or rather, towards the bear's neck, because he never got there.

The bear simply threw himself on him and threw him on his back, and he managed to roll on his stomach and caught under him, the bear tried to crush him under the weight of his paws.

He tried to crawl quickly as the bear pressed his paws to his back, but he was too strong. During this time, he lost his dagger somewhere and thought this was ... his last day in this life. He laughed, it seemed hilarious for his hot saruman demon to die like that without knowing his mate, because he was stupid enough to do this nonsense.

He ended up on his back somehow, his body was almost inert, and when the bear raised its two feet to give him a final blow, two shadows jumped somehow on the beast's back, and his saruman demon crawled out of his body projecting the animal away at some distance from his body, in order to keep him safe. Dead host, dead saruman, because no saruman could live on its own, they needed the body of the shadow and it looked like his demon had some plans with his life and would not allow him to die today.

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