Silver was protective, kind, and a great strategist. Just as great as Moon was. They were completing each other. They never fought. They weren’t just brother and sister, they were best friends too. They shared everything: joy, tears, thoughts, activities. Hunting together, laughing together, waring together.
His sister told him more about the princess’s brother. Silver smiled because Moon was just so independent and confident that she could not understand how other women are not. She could not understand nor accept it. So she will make it her mission to upgrade Kaion’s sister. Silver imagined already how Senere will turn around and wonder about Kaion’s plans.
On the way to the capital, they got the chance to speak more of their world. The girls decided already that they were not going to get back home.
-You know your parents will be worried about you?
-I don't know. If they were so worried, why did they not listen to me?
-People listen when we speak the right words.
-They only listen to their words, really. They do not listen to what others are thinking.
-Don't they have councilors, advisors? They can not decide everything by themselves.
-My father does. And what my father decides, my mother seconds. She is so obedient!
-And you are not?
-No!! I mean, I try. But sometimes, things are not right! And he never listens to me!
-Never!!! Do you know how it feels to have your own ideas and thoughts about how the world should go around and nothing you can think is good? Nor heard?
-Do you talk to your father?
-Not anymore.
Silver looked at her while she got sad speaking the words.
-He only orders, then he sends me away like I am just one of his little soldiers and all I exist for is to obey him. And this time, I can not. I do not want to.
-He wants you to marry?
-He wants me to marry someone I do not even know. He does not even like me!
-So, would you marry him if you would know him and if he would like you?
She looked at him thinking about her own words, the words he returned to her.
-I don't know. I have never imagined it would be like this. Life, you know?
They were talking and they walked on untouched paths of the majestic forest, paths that Silver seemed to know by heart.
-How is life supposed to happen? In your opinion?
Her jaw dropped. She stopped walking, touching his arm, grabbing him tight in order to keep him in place.
-In my opinion?
He stopped, looking at her. She touched him. He was Royal blood, did she not know that no one is touching the Royal Blood here? Touching the Royal Blood in this word was an insult punishable by death through execution. She touched him!!
She noticed the way he looked at her hands embracing his arm and realizing that he was a man she slowly withdrew her hands and stopped touching him.
-No one has ever asked me about my opinion. Never.
It was his turn to feel his jaw-dropping.
-But I am sure you must have an opinion of your own. Do you?
-Yes...Yes!! Actually, I do have an opinion of myself. I will not go back there. And I will not go back there. I can make a life here and I will. I don't know how, but I can. You will see!
The other two girls were keeping quiet and looked worried. For her, for their future, for them all.
The way he was seeing things, the young women did not want to go back home at all. Their world was not kind to them. They ran away and if they would really want to make a change, that change will start here, in this kingdom. His mother was already considering taking them in, based on his image and information he gave her about them.
If they had his mother’s protection, then nothing would make them get back there by force.
He was worried about his mother. She was with a child and she was feeling sick, more than usual. Even worse than the last time she was with a child. He trusted his father, he was a great healer and he knew his father would do anything for them. His parents were everything to him. His family. His brothers and sisters, were all his power.
Watching over his family through his sister's eyes, he witnessed the way Kaion the stranger found out about them not knowing how the portals open. Apparently, he did not know either. That only meant that they could not open the portals at will because not even they knew how they open them. They did not control them either.
He also insulted his father but he seemed to be wise enough not to upset his mother. He could not see her as a king, not if in his world the women were so different. Then information was a power for him. And he was questioning everything in order to learn and adapt to this new world he was thrown into. And adapting was a real threat.
Hearing Kaion gathering information about the kingdom, about their way, made him curious. What was he supposed to do with all that information? Why did he need it for? Is not the world he was to live in. He could agree with his thoughts on the Sun House. They could decipher the portals. If anyone could have, they were the ones who could. They were the scientists, after all.
He made a personal note to set the project for the Sun House to study. It was a good idea because he needed that man gone. He did not like much how he was claiming to be of royal blood and maybe given the thought that there was no chance for him to leave this land, maybe he would take advantage and claim the throne for himself. That was not supposed to happen. That, he would not allow it.
Senere caught up with him, touching his shoulder.
-You say my brother is there, in that capital of yours, already with your king? Senere asked a little worried.
-He is on the way, yes.
-He will convince your king to let him take me with him? Because I will not go back!
-No one will force you to leave if you don't want to go. You are a Princess and you will be treated like one.
-But, what if Kai will convince your king...
-He will try. And the king will listen to what you have to say for yourself too. And then will decide.
-But how will the king listen to me if Kai is already there?
-I told you. You will also get the chance to speak for yourself. And say what you want to do.
-I did say that, did I not?
-You did!
-Yes, you did!
All of them were looking at him with puppy eyes, a big, beautiful girl's magic. He knew it from Moon, she would always play that disk when she was small and it was working somehow. Even if they all knew what she was doing, she would always win what she wanted in the first place. She was something...
But these three? Really?
-What are you like, 5? He just avoided their looks and looked like he was thinking. Unless you can make yourself useful... he again turned as if he was ready to leave them right there.
-I can carry... Kale made a step towards him.
-Give me the bow! Senere lifted her hand and looked at him right in the eyes. Please? she lowered her voice as if she overstepped a limit and she just realized it, ashamed she could that.
Silver again lifted his bow and almost threw it into her arms, and surprisingly, she caught it in one hand. She looked like a natural talent, he thought. Maybe she could learn the skill. Would be for her own good too, if she would decide to stay here, in this world.
-Well, if you can do that, Silver said, there is nothing in this world you can not do for yourself!
-Not true. There are a lot of things I can not do!
-Did you try them?
-Not all of them...
-Not at all? Then don't call me a liar.
-I did not!
-As soon as we get to Shiran you just ask for the king's protection and if the king accepts, no one can take you away without the king's permission. You learn what you want to learn and find out how you want to live your life, then live it. As you like.
-Really? Can that be true?
-It is true. If you want to stay, you just ask for the king's protection. Once you do that and the king accepts, there is no way your brother can take you away without your permission.
-Really? That I will do. But how bout my maids? I can not live without them and Kaion knows and will try anything to take them away from me!
-They must put themselves under the king's protection just as you will do.
They were already walking through the woods where they again were trying to keep up with Silver. He was so used to these kinds of trips, that he was already knowing the road by heart and he was not in a hurry but his steps were so sure and he was realising that they needed time to just rest. In this way, they will not reach Shiran soon. They were trying, but it was not enough. There was no other way so they will just do it at their pace.
He taught them all he thought they needed to know. He let them know little details of history, culture, and customs, until they reached the mighty capital. That was the famous fortress of Shiran. It was dark and imposing.
They entered on foot, through a large wooden gate wide open and guarded by soldiers in the uniform of the Warchild house. The uniform was knee-length, all black, a knee-length shirt, pants tight in long boots, and on top they wore a linen kimono, tight in a wide belt. They did not differ so much in clothing, not even after almost 1000 years apart. Like their development was mirrored in this other world. Or that other...
On the chest, the kimono they wore, was black too and they all wear silver chest armor that was decorated with the Warchild House emblem: a half sun rising from the horizon line, a half sun with golden rays. The soldiers close to the gates were all carrying swords and bows.
As they entered, the women saw the inside defense walls, and on the walls, more soldiers were at display. They wore the same clothes, and the same armors, even the same weapons. The women were impressed. It was a military force, greater than their castle. They were all standing on the ramparts so disciplined and shiny, as all that was just so impressive for the young women. Back home the soldiers did not have that kind of discipline.
This king must be someone important. So feared and listened to by her men.
How was this king like? She was worried she would forget what the men sent for them taught her in order to obtain the king's protection. What was it like? Bow down and grab the hand of the king and place it over her head, right. That would ensure the king's protection. She needed the support of the king in order to have someone to protect her so Kai would not force her to go back.
She would not go back. So she looked at him, the man who was sent to find them. Was he just going to leave them in Kai's hands just like that? They all told him they will not go back and they will not. Was he going to keep his word and help them stay in this world?
-Can I ask you something?
-What if your king will not allow us to stay?
-What will you do then? He asked her but she asked him first!
-You can not answer a question with another question!!
-Why not?
-Because you can not. you just need to answer the question.
-Says who?
Senere looked at him. Is he really going to play cat and mouse like this with her, from now on?
-What is this? I asked you a simple question and you ask me back not answering me.
-I am sorry, you are fun to play with. You are always so worried. I am sure you will find a way to convince the king of your intentions.
-But what is my brother convince the king first?
-That will not happen. When there are two parts with different, opposed interests, they are both analyzed, and then she will take the best decision.
There were shadows here, shadows just like them. They could really hold a weapon in their hands, she could hold his bow, she even caught it when he tried her.
-I will not go back. I have to make her understand that.
-And you will. Just speak to her, you will make her understand what is it you need to do.
-But will not be there with me?
-I can not take part in the council on your side. I am not allowed to.
-Nott allowed to? How come?
He pulled his hood over his head and his black bow over his shoulder.
-She will not let me. Not yet, anyway.
-Why not?
-Why should she?
-Father lets Kai state his opinion in the war council, or so he says.
-Well, Our king does not allow that. And in here, Your father does not make the law, my mother does.
-How strange. Is she letting anyone else from your family state their opinions in the war council? Anyone else but you?
-No. None is allowed to. She is the judge, she speaks, she makes the decisions.
-And...your father has no power at all???
-My father?
-My father is one of the advisors. But the decision belongs to her. She is the king. She makes the call.
-And your father has no power at all? No power over her?
-Besides being her husband? He is no king in her place, no. But he is our father and the royal consort. He is also in charge of the Royal Guard and the army and he takes care of the security of our family. Each of them has its own tasks designated. Their own roles to play. Each does its job. Is how they function together.
-And your father can accept that?
-What? That his wife is the king of the shadows? And his king?
-My father is the most loyal soldier this kingdom has. Here, in this world, women are just as capable to rule, just like men. There is no reason they can not be put in charge of a fortress, or an army, or a detachment of men and sent into missions and also be rewarded just like any soldier of this kingdom.
-Women are so treasured here?
He smiled – his mother was the most territorial shadow he had ever known. Stubborn, so stubborn that she could drive anyone crazy. Anyone but his father, Sei. Her husband, the royal consort was the Lord Commander of the army and of the Royal Guard. He was so calm that he could always keep his cool even when his wife was this stubborn.
Knowing her like this, he would just keep his cool and he would give her the time she needed to reconsider things in need. He was the only man she would listen to. He was the balance she needed.
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