Silver woke up late, and woke up nervous. He had spent a good part of the night awake, because he could not sleep for a while, worrying about his mother and his unborn brother or sister. He woke up with swollen gums and a wolf's hunger, and without realizing it, he began to snort the air, thinking of getting dressed. His body temperature was high, again, and he did not like that because he needed to concentrate and take things one step at a time, and yet he felt hot and uncomfortable in his skin.
He already knew what was going on with him. He must have had a discussion with his demon. Again. Restless, his demon and untamed. His demon was out of his mind!! He didn't need that now! He had so many things to do! What to do with a mate?
He had to get dressed, put on his shoes, but he found it difficult to get moving. He would have slept a little longer... But then the door opened and his little brothers, who used to come in and jump into the bed with their mother, just like a pack of little wolves, entered the room and jumped on him. All of them...Wow... that was some kind of a feeling...
Silver did not know what to do first: breathe, if he could just take the one jumping on his abdomen already off of him... yell at them, but they were already screaming happily and his voice would surely get lost in all that noise.
What the heck!
Moon was standing smiling, leaning on the door, looking at them all. She saw his pleading look speaking his heart: "Heeeelp!!!" and she just stood there, smiling...
She was enjoying his torture... He will make sure to remember it when he will be king.
-Come on, little brothers, let Silver breathe, you have cornered him, see? Moon told them as if she read Silver's mind.
The little ones stopped in the middle of the process, investigating Silver's face, to see if he is alright, and went on doing their things. One was holding Silver's foot, another was tickling him, two were holding his arms, and the little girls were just pinning him down. They were all such a mighty minion army... Really scary how well were they completing each other, like a fighting squad.
Silver's demon was quiet fast... so this was what it took for him to settle down... and Silver was enjoying that silence. Moon was still smiling. Their family was perfect. If only they could get their parents back! That was in Silver's hand now, to provide for them all and to keep them all safe.
He still needed a plan. He looked at Moon and she read him like an open book.
Sometimes, Silver thought that Moon would make a better king than he would. And he was not lacking self-esteem, it was just that Moon had the ability to read people just like their mom was doing. But she had their father's confidence, and he took their mother's internal life. Must have been the scars. Or, who knows?
-We are hungry, one of the little ones said.
-Well, come on, let's get you some breakfast then... But if you want to eat, you have to let your brother live first...
-And if you do not want to be executed...
-Why would we be executed? The little ones became alert.
-Because your big brother is, now, acting king until our parents come back. So until then, you have to do as I say, and I say, STOP TICKLING ME now!!!
If at first, they did not know how serious Silver was about the executions, right after he finished screaming, he made the mistake of letting a big smile be seen all over his face, and the little ones took that as a sign that they must go on with the sweet torture.
Silver had no chance to escape, not even from the king's posture, so he made a note to himself to discipline his brothers because they needed to be tamed if anything would ever go wrong. They were too innocent, and they were children. Beautiful, innocent children circled by the lions. Something stirred inside him. He felt the need to protect them and there would be nothing he would not do for his little brothers.
-Come on, enough!! WE need to start training these little minions, Moon! You will be in charge of that!
He knew Moon can hear him. And she did, because she looked at him worried at first, because she could understand the necessity at this moment. Their brothers were no more princesses and princes. They needed the training to become little soldiers. Starting now.
-After breakfast, we go training; she said simply, taking all their attention. All the little eyes were shining, and they were all smiling.
-Are we allowed to train now? they seem to be so eager to start fighting.
-Of course, you need to learn how to protect yourself.
-Can we use more weapons?
-No, mommy said she does not want us to get hurt, the little one tried to make himself heard.
-But we will get hurt if we can not protect ourselves! one of the little girls continued.
-I don't want to hurt anybody, a little princess said turning with her big, puppy eyes towards Silver.
-We will not hurt anyone who would not try to hurt us first, alright?
Silver spoke from his heart, and they all made a circle around him. They were all looking up to him. Waiting for his command. Waiting for him to guide them. They were all depending on him.
And he would not let them down. He felt another pair of little hands on his shoulder and he turned to see Moon in their family embrace there too. They were all together in this. All united.
They went to the main hall, to have breakfast.
Silver looked at all of their little faces. Not one was betraying the torment inside them all.
They could hide their feelings so well. Even the little ones.
He felt sorry they had to get through this at this age. But either way, they will have to suck it up and survive.
They were strong enough, and if they were not, they had to build that strength up from now on.
They all need to survive.
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