The next few days, Silver and Moon spent training with their mother. Moon has decided not to let things get out of hand, so it's best to train before all the madness begins, and not to affect her as she saw it affect Silver.
The guards were far away from them, because they could not do anything to an uncontrolled saruman and many of them still remembered what had happened the last time the Royal Blood was trained by the former King, when so many of them perished.
The easiest thing for them was to learn to give the demons the freedom to fly. Their father was present when they both managed to let their sarumanis fly and he was so proud of them, and they were so happy because they both succeeded. That was Silver's favorite part of the whole workout, because he didn't like being constrained or locked in small spaces. He needed this freedom even more than Moon. He looked like his mother in that regard, his father told him.
The hardest part of the training turned out to be the control part of the demon. Both Silver and Moon encountered difficulties when they called their Sarumans back from the flight, because they also liked the freedom of flight and did not find it easy to crawl back into their tight bodies.
Once they began to fly freely, they had to learn to control them. Silver could not cope with the anger he shared with his saruman. The moment he let him fly alone, that was the moment when he could feel calmer, so he began to think that he could be much calmer if he didn't have this demon in him. Happier. Much happier.
Standing with his mother on top of a hill they had been training that day, Silver decided to ask the king's opinion about his thoughts.
-Mother, he looked at her.
She turned to him, ready to listen to him.
-Did you got through this like me? that's what my father said. How was it? She looked at him, thinking of his question as if trying to remember how things had happened a long time ago, when her saruman woke up.
-Your father knew it before me. I only knew when I turned 18. He was older than me and his saruman was already mature when he met me. It was harder for him to wait for me.
-How was it? How did you feel about all this, mother? You are... He is calmer than you are, usually.
-Hmm ... I felt a lot, a lot of confusion, and with a lot, a lot of anger. I was very angry at that time, and because my saruman was also angry, I felt the hunger for blood much stronger than before, even if I had trained for it. My life has not been so easy before, and when I realized that I had to accept and obey someone else, I did not take these things very well.
-What happened?
-Hmm... Your father was patient with me, while he endured the pain you feel now. My Saruman was not mature enough to actually tell me what was happening, so I presented only the emotional part. Our communication was interrupted. My anger helped me keep my distance, because by denying her access, she could only share with me what she felt. Swollen gums and itching, pain and anger, the hunger for blood, and so on.
-So... is this happening to me because I am mature now?
-Yes. You are 18, so your saruman is awake now. Looking, searching. I do not know this part, but I know about the control loss. As you know me, I do not like to lose control.
-Yeah... I think I know that...
-You don't like that either. Thing is, things are not much in our control. Most of the time, all we can do is adapt. Adapt to everything that surrounds us.
-I know he put me in danger. I don't have to let this happen again.
-That's true. Do you know what your father told me when I felt like you?
-What did he tell you?
-He told me that our demons would never act against us, whatever the reason might be. Of course I could not listen to that, I thought about kicking him, and hurt him, but after I thought about it and with the time passing, I realized it. He was right. I just could not listen. Their first instinct is to defend themselves, so they first defend the shadow body, because that is the only way they can defend themselves.
-I feel I need to kill everybody only when I hear their voice, mother! I can't do this...
-The fact that you know how disproportionate your feelings are, will actually help you. Do not act before you think, this is what you have been taught. So just feel and leave until you can think it over.
-Is easy to speak of it.
-I know. The king smiled. She knew it better than anyone.
-I do not want to hurt anybody.
-Good. Then you will retreat in the dungeons and sleep there, every night. Not like a prisoner, my prince. But only to keep things safe for everyone. And when you need to protect them, useyour anger and your fear to lose your loved ones. Do you understand?
-I understand now. You made it a good apartment for me, anyway.
-It was actually made for me. But I guess it works for you too now, his mother smiled.
Out of the sudden, Silver grimaced and grabbed his belly with his hands, bending in the middle and falling to his knees. He could no longer bear the pain and began to growl.
-Aww .... grrrr .... mom!
-Moon, get your father! Their mother crouched beside him, putting her hand on his shoulder and trying to ease his pain.
-Silver, look at me! Look into my eyes!
Silver moaned louder and louder and kept his eyes closed and tried hard to focus his gaze on his mother. Moon ran to look for their father, who could have helped him with this pain.
-I don't want it anymore, mother, I don't want it anymore ... errr ... no more ...
-I know, Silver. I know, she bumped her forehead off his forehead trying to force him to catch her in the eye.
His eyes blackened and his spirit got out of control. Silver stuck his fingernails in the ground, breathing hard while the demon began to materialize in front of his mother. Realizing that he could not control him, fear began to overwhelm him, making him tremble all over.
His mother was in front of the demon, which seemed to flow like energy from his body, fully materializing in front of her, floating, as if ready to attack. His mother stood motionless in front of him, and Silver did not understand why he was doing nothing, because he had no power at the time, and he felt so weak.
-Noooo!!! The moment his saruman plunged towards her, in front of her appeared her instant demon, who was smaller than his but seemed fearless and determined to defend her host.
-Don't you daaare!!!! Silver jumped after his demon and somehow found himself catching his attention because the demon turned to him in order to listen, and that was the moment he just grabbed him somehow by the neck, out of pure instinct.
-You will not hurt her!! He yelled at his saruman and at that moment, Moon came back, followed by the Lord Commander, and they slowed down to see the scene.
Silver was holding his demon by the neck, as if he was trying to strangle him, and the disproportion between the two bodies was quite large. He rotated his arm and threw the demon to the ground with a force he did not think was possible.
His mother tilted her head left and right, and her swaruman started to do as she did, and his saruman suddenly stopped as if she was hypnotizing him and began to imitate his movements. She seemed calm and strong, and his demon seemed to listen to her. His father and his sister have gotten closer to him, slowly.
-He will not hurt your mother, he recognizes her blood, his father told him.
-How do we know for sure?
-We know for sure, My prince, it have been tested.
-But he tried to...
-He tried to set some limits and he failed.
-But I thought... he was so big and mother was...
-Yes, I would not worry about your mother and any saruman she would come face to face, I would worry about the saruman... Where did you learn to grab him like that?
-I don't know, the act just made sense for me at that time.
-You are connected with mom... Moon whispered looking at him.
-Yes, I am.
-She did that then.
-She reacted through your mind link. She thought you how to control him, his father also said while looking through his medicine bag. Here, Silver, I need you to sleep a little and this is what I want you to take, alright? He showed him a plant he was keeping well enveloped in a cloth. You should have this with you from now on, in your bag, alright? When you wake up we go and find some more, it will help with that, you will see.
Silver calmed down, but the fear of hurting his mother remained in his soul. He followed his saruman to catch the slightest movement that would have betrayed the intention of attacking her.
-Father... I don't know how you went through this.. Silver just fell on his back, wasted, not able to move his muscles and looking at the sky. I don't want this, please, make the saruman go away!
His father looked at him and nodded serious:
-I can not, my prince. They are our power.
-I don't want him, I don't want this power to hurt the people I love, father.
-Then learn how to use it better. And you will just protect them instead of hurting them.
-Will this happen to me too, father? Moon looked at them worried.
-Will happen to you too, my princess, but will not come as hard as Silver's came on him. He is the firstborn, and he has taken after his mother, that is why his saruman reacts to his anger.
-But I feel I can not control myself, father!
-You can, if you do what you were taught! Remember our exercises every morning?
-I do...
-Did you think we were just having fun?
-Yes, answered Silver in her place.
-Me too, father, said Moon. We really thought you were overreacting and we were just having fun while training.
-Well, I was not! Now you can see it for yourself! You will restart your training when Silver is up to it. Until then, you sleep on it, my prince.
Silver slept most of the week. He didn't want to go outside, and he didn't even want to be awake. He just wanted to make his demon dizzy so that he wouldn't make him feel so bad. The next week, he began to stay awake and spend time with his mother, working with that anger that he did not understand where it came from and did not know how to use it, as his mother told him.
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