Tanya was so flustered. She just went to her apartment and yet it doesn’t exist anywhere. She already asked everyone who lived there but her old neighbors are not even around. Everyone was a stranger to her!
She tried to call Samantha’s number but the operator says that the number doesn’t exist. Even Mr. Tan’s digits says the same. But how can it be? The exchange of messages she had with those two numbers are still intact in her phone.
“What’s happening?!” Tanya yelled out. She already slapped herself several times but she still hasn’t woken up. Her cheeks were already numb. And this is telling her that everything is freaking real.
Dazed, Tanya sat on one of the benches in a common park. Her stomach growled. She remembered not eating her usual breakfast earlier and it’s already past lunch, obviously, she would be hungry with this. But this problem would easily be solved if only she had a few penny with her, but she has none. She only got her phone.
“Hey newbie! What are you doing in our turf?” Someone from behind Tanya, spoke. She turned around and saw a group of three street people with dirty clothes. One woman and two men. She can easily take the two men down however she was too hungry and weak-willed to do so. She is still confused of what’s happening and having a brawl right now won’t help her a thing.
“Hey, tell me. Am I dreaming?” Tanya asked them blankly.
The three people looked at each other, confused. “What are you playing at, huh?” One of the men spoke and tried to grab Tanya but the woman he’s with stopped him.
“Stop it. This woman might be a stoner. It’s best to leave her be.” The woman told him and the other person nodded in agreement. That convinced the man and left, along with his companions.
Tanya clearly heard that accusation but she didn’t bother to correct their assumption. She also thinks that she might accidentally be in meth for having such unfathomable events happening with her right now. She is definitely clueless and worst, hungry.
“Lady Tanya!”
“Huh?” Tanya got startled when someone called her that name again. She turned on her side and saw two bulky men in suit running towards her. “Lady Tanya, we’re so sorry for losing you from our sight. It was Monty’s fault. He was driving so slow that we were not able to catch up with the bus you rode in and got stuck on traffic.” One of the two men apologized immediately after they reached her.
“What? How is it my fault? It’s yours Morty! You were so busy checking out girls from that café that you lost sight of our Master. Stop blaming me, you bastard.”
“What did you say, you prick? It was your fault! You slowpoke!”
“No! It was yours, you manwhore!”
The two strange men fought in front of Tanya, while she just sat there, staring at them cluelessly. She has no idea who these two are but since they called her “Lady Tanya”, she hunched that this two knew her. Just like that man named Gilbert earlier from that weirdly huge mansion this morning.
Tanya wanted to, but cannot butt in with the two men who are exchange dagger looks and flaming words. Their argument lasted for another minute however, Tanya was once again startled when the two suddenly stiffened and stood in front of her with business-like expression. They’re like an army or something. Then Tanya noticed one earpiece each from the two strange men’s ears.
“We’re sorry Sir Gilbert. Yes sir, we found her. Right away, sir.” The man in the left, whom she remembered was called Morty spoke, maybe to someone from that earpiece.
Then after that, the other one named Monty, looked at her. “Let’s go now Lady Tanya. Everyone from the mansion is really worried about you.”
And since Tanya was so dumbfounded- and hungry- she went with the two men peacefully. Besides, Gilbert and everyone that calls her “Lady Tanya”, must have the answers to the questions lingering in her head. They are her only leads to whatever crazy event is happening to her right now.
After only five minutes, Tanya can now see a familiar landscape. She already knew that the mansion earlier this morning was literally a “mansion”-like a huge enormous house that she often saw on movies. But as she stared back at the glass-walled house again, Tanya can’t help but still be in awe.
The car finally stopped. Tanya moved and tried to open the door but Monty was faster and opened it before her. The moment Tanya was finally out from the car, she was greeted by a vertical line of bowing servants in uniform.
“Welcome back, Lady Tanya!”
Tanya got startled by that sudden enthusiastic greetings coming from those people. And since, she was completely at loss, she bowed back in response causing confusion to each and every servant. Gladly, Gilbert was unfazed and immediately stopped their master. “Lady Tanya. You should not bow down like that to any of us. We are just your humble servants Milady, a simple wave will suffice.”
“Huh? Uh, okay.” Tanya, who is still confused, quickly agreed and waved.
As they walked inside the house, Tanya smelled food instantly. Due to this, her stomach failed and growled loudly, enough for Gilbert and her two bodyguards behind her to hear. Tanya’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment. She still hasn’t eaten anything since this morning!
She then heard Gilbert clearing his throat. “This way Lady Tanya. I’m glad that we already prepared your dinner.”
Though with cheeks still heated, she followed Gilbert’s guide and found herself in the dining area. There, she was greeted with a long table full of cuisines that she doesn’t recognize but looks really appetizing. “Please, Milady. Have your meal.” Gilbert said and so she did.
She has a lot of things to ask with Gilbert but her stomach’s fill is her priority for now. She will ask those questions later when she’s full.
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