Samantha clicked her tongue.
She was inside a particular gymnasium, practicing her kickboxing with Marcus. She just got kicked by her loyal hitman and she’s pissed.
She ran to attack but Marcus was a very experienced fighter that he already anticipated her attacks. He was able to guard himself up and even landed a counterattack, resulting to a very loud curse from his boss, that echoed around the entire gym.
“I give up.” Samantha said, raising both her hands. She walked on the side and started to untie her gloves.
Marcus did the same, however, the moment he turned his back to Samantha, the woman ran and gave him a flying kick.
Unguarded as well as unexpectant with the attack, the poor man landed on the floor; face down. His nose bled in result, but he just wiped it with the back of his hand like nothing. And without words, he stood and turned around to see his already evilly grinning boss.
“You know that this is what I’m really good at. Backstabbing.”
Marcus nodded.
“Untie this.” Samantha ordered, and Marcus obliged like nothing happened.
While untying.
“Is everything prepared?” Samantha suddenly asked, not directed to the person in front of her, but to someone else. Then, appearing at the dark corner of the gym, Alex stepped out with a smile.
“Yes. President. Everything’s already ready.” He confidently answered.
Samantha smiled at the news. “Great.” Then she tapped Marcus’ shoulder. “You already know what to do, next.” She said.
The hitman nodded once and continued untying the wrap from her hand. Samantha grinned on thin air.
‘Will you show up and prove my guess? What would you do? Can’t wait to be surprised… Tanya.’
Today is the d-day.
After the usual month-time of preparation, it’s finally time for our fourth mission and first, together with the CIA’s. And our target for this mission is an e-game competition used as a front for illegal arms dealings.
While the competition is being held in the front stage, the illegal exchange of guns and other weapons are happening at the back.
People involved in the exchange- our targets- are either disguising themselves as group of players or simply the staffs roaming around here and there.
“Got a visual for a possible “case”. On my six, under the stage lights.”
Monty’s voice echoed on our earpieces.
I gave a glimpse to the direction he reported and it is indeed a possible carrier of the weapons we’re looking for. The case is strangely huge and one of our targets seems like guarding it, too.
“Affirmative. That case is indeed one of the carriers that we’re looking for.”
Gilbert then confirmed it after using a device, designed together by Haru and Greg, that checks the insides of the case.
“Good job, Monty. Adding that case you found, we now located all five cases that carries the package. Everyone, follow the plan and wait for Haru’s signal.”
“Yes. Miss.”
After that, I walked around and acted like I’m assisting the lighting. I walked here and there, and before I knew it. I was already standing beside that last carrier case that Monty found.
“Please refrain from getting so near with the carrier Miss. You might get involved right off the bat.”
I heard Gilbert’s voice immediately after I realized my situation. I leaned a bit to my left since one of the targets is on my right.
“It’s fine. I’ll move away soon. Just relax.” I said, whispering.
“How can I, Miss? When sooner or later, these men will make their move. The game is already on the 2nd round. They’ll start the deal on 3rd!” He grumbled.
“I know. I’ll move when someone’s free to take over.” I told him.
“This is why I said that you shouldn’t be out there.”
I frowned. “But we don’t have a choice, remember? They’re doing these exchanges at different places at the same time. We’re out of people.” I reasoned out to him, still in whispers.
I understood Gilbert’s worries for me. And I know it’s not just him. Though I share their sentiments, my safety was not my reason at all.
It’s my identity.
Because I know that being directly involved as early as our fourth mission, is too dangerous. Not just for me, but for all of us. We still have lots of missions needed to complete in order to bring Samantha down. And being exposed as early as now would ruin those future missions.
But we don’t really have a choice this time. We’re just out of people.
Strangely enough, these arms exchanges are happening in two different locations at exactly the same time. And dividing our team was the best option to proceed. That’s why I am needed to join. As a back-up.
“Will you stop your nagging, old butler?” We suddenly heard Greg Williams joined our conversation. “Your boss is in good disguise; she won’t be recognized.” He said.
“I know. But I’m not worried about that, I’m more worried that she might get hurt-”
But Gilbert’s words were halted when Haru suddenly gave the go signal. The targets are now moving!
I was told, by Gilbert of course, to not join the others and pretend to be just a regular staff on the side. And I did. At first. But the moment I saw how Opal and Sapphire struggled to restrain their targets, my body just moved. They’re outnumbered!
Monty can’t back the girls up too, as he himself is struggling against his opponents. Gladly, Gilbert’s sniping from the ceiling is helping him out howsoever.
I made a dash and fly kicked the man who’s about to smack Sapphire’s head behind her.
“Miss Tanya!”
Gilbert’s protest echoed in our earpieces. I even tilted my head to the left as it really rung hard.
“Back us up.”
I just ordered him and continued fighting, back to back with Opal and Sapphire. I heard his struggle to complain first but soon saw how targets from Monty’s blind spots were sniped down by him. I smiled.
But that immediately faded when all of us were now surrounded by out targets. We had an estimate of their numbers but we did not see this coming. There’s too many of them!
Right at that moment, I felt someone’s back behind me. It was Sapphire’s. Then there’s Monty beside me. And Opal on Monty’s back.
I’m not alone. Unlike before.
There is nostalgia to this situation but I am not reminiscing. I’m living with it.
I took a deep breath and spoke to the other four. “This is an order. Don’t die. Don’t get hurt.”
“Of course.”
“Yes, Miss.”
“I’m not.”
“And I will not let it happen.”
Gilbert’s answer was our cue. The four of us fought again with our backs protecting each other.
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