"I know this will sound so interfering Miss, but isn't it a bad idea that we took those people in?"
Tanya stopped scanning the documents in front of her, after hearing that question from Gilbert. The butler just finished escorting the doctor out from the mansion and came back immediately to tell her regarding his opinion about their two “guests”.
Tanya looked at Gilbert with questioning eyes.
"Monty filled me up with the details, Miss.” Gilbert explained. “And he, too is sharing the same worries with me." He even announced.
Tanya can’t help but sigh. She is fully aware that taking those two in is quite a risk, especially that it was as clear as a day, that someone was after their life. But something inside her tells her that she should protect those two. That if she won’t, and let them go, they will definitely be killed. All because of her. And she can’t bear with that thought lingering on her mind every day, if ever.
Thus, since she already stuck her nose to their business, then might as well go all the way.
Tanya opened her mouth to reason out but Gilbert already sighed in defeat even before she could lay down her reasons in mind.
“I understand Miss. Just forget what I said earlier.” Gilbert told Tanya.
Gilbert smiled. “I already know what meant with your expression earlier, Miss. You just want to help those two. Nothing else, right?” He asked in which Tanya nodded in response. “Well, you have been always like this since I met you. I shouldn’t be surprised anymore.” Gilbert added.
Tanya was confused. She has always been like this? In this world?
Tanya tilted her head to think deeply. Well, if she recalls, the opposition rule of this world does not apply to her. If she thinks along with that line, then what Gilbert has said is plausible.
Tanya smiled at her butler. “Right.”
Inside Tanya’s guestroom, the once so sound asleep Haru is now slowly waking up. The moment he opened his eyes, he was greeted by a very unfamiliar room. Remembering what had happened before he fainted, he quickly gets up and checked. Her sister’s not with her!
Haru immediately put his guard up when he suddenly heard someone gasped. He looked at where it came from and saw a woman from the door, looking back at him.
“Guess you’re already awake.” That person said. He noticed that the woman is wearing a somewhat close to a maidservant uniform.
“W-who are you?” He stuttered while asking. The woman doesn’t look like a bad person but still…
However, rather than an answer, the woman just smiled and opened the door widely, gesturing him to follow. “Your sister’s waiting for you downstairs.” She told him instead. “And you’re just in time for breakfast... Haru.”
After saying that, the woman climbed down immediately without him.
Haru was skeptical. How does that woman know his name? And where is he exactly? This hardly to be one of those people that is after them, right? He is still full of questions, but he could only find their answers if he sees his sister. Thus, following that suspicious woman first is the best course of action for now.
Haru quickly hopped out of the bed and walked towards the door. And the moment he stepped outside; he was astounded with the house’s- no. With the mansion’s interior. He is no expert but the glass walls surrounding the mansion is worth the praise from a commoner like him.
But enough with his awe, he needs to do what he has to first.
With a few half-ran steps, Haru was finally able to catch up with the woman earlier. They walked along the roomy pathway for a while, and turned left after. At that moment, Haru can finally hear his sister’s voice vividly.
‘Wait? Is she laughing?’
Haru ran ahead the woman in front of him and looked for the dining area himself. It was no longer a hard feat since his sister’s voice grew louder every step he takes.
“Sasaki!” Haru yelled when he finally saw his sister.
“Haru?” Sasaki stood upon seeing her brother. The teen boy ran towards her and threw himself in her arms.
Sasaki chuckled. Her brother is not usually like this. But since he woke up without her, he must have been so worried. She should have gone with Sapphire to avoid that, earlier. It’s her bad.
“I’m fine kid. These people are not an enemy. They’re the ones who saved us yesterday.” Sasaki told his brother.
Haru removed his arms around his sister and looked at the person in front of him. When he gave that person a better look, his eyes grew wide. “Wait! It’s Tanya!” Haru yelled.
“Ssshh! Don’t be rude Haru! It’s Ms. Tanya, not just “Tanya”.” Sasaki immediately scolded her brother. And in her surprise, his stubborn brother immediately bowed to Tanya.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry Ms. Tanya.” Haru suddenly apologized, surprising everyone inside.
“What are you doing Haru? Why are suddenly apologizing?” Sasaki pulled her brother and made him look in her eyes to ask. But Haru pulled away and kneeled down in front of Tanya, putting his both hands in front to plead.
“I’m really sorry. I’m really sorry. Please, spare my sister. Please.” Haru repeatedly said while kneeling.
Sasaki tried to pull his brother up but he remained still. That was then Gilbert, the butler of Tanya, butt in and stopped her. Sasaki has no choice but to step away.
“For what exactly are you apologizing for, young boy?” Gilbert asked.
Haru’s shoulders tensed. The man in front of him is already a bit old, but his aura screams fear yet feels warm at the same time. Haru quickly opened his mouth and spoke about that times that he tried to hack TG Capitals encrypted files for fun. He went into details without skipping any information. All because he's scared.
And Tanya can see that clearly. She understands that the boy did commit a grave mistake against her company, and worst, his reason was just he’s only bored and wanted to have fun. But instead of getting mad, Tanya can’t help but see potential from the kid. Didn’t Sasaki just tell them earlier that this boy is still 17 years old? That itself is actually impressive, too impressive for her to be mad with the already done mistake. Besides, he did not succeed with his attempt, right? What’s there to apologize this much?
“Tell me, Haru… why are you this scared?” Tanya can’t no longer hold her silence and jumped in.
Haru slowly lifted his head and looked at Tanya. His eyes are already filled with tears. “Y-you’re the one who kept me for three weeks because of that, right? You located my place after my attempt and sent men to threaten me. You made me hack banks and steal money. And I did, in exchange for my sister’s life.”
“What?” Sasaki asked, looking at Tanya and the others.
His brothers words sent shivers down her spine. Did they actually fall under these people’s trap?
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