“What are you talking about, young boy? Our master never ordered that. Nor is capable of doing that, too. That’s just purely ridiculous.”
Gilbert, who was the first to react from that utterly surprising accusation from nowhere, asked.
But Haru was firm with his statement and continued. “You don’t need to deny it, Mister. I already knew the truth.”
“Wait, so you mean. They tricked me and pretended that they helped us?” Sasaki, who was also processing everything, joined and asked. She also went close to her still kneeling brother, just in case.
“No. We did help you.”
Everyone looked at the direction of where that voice came from. Monty and Morty walked together inside the dining area and stood behind Tanya. The one who answered Sasaki’s question was Monty. He continued talking. “And before your brother spout more nonsense and still insist our master for someone else, let’s clarify first why he is so firm with that conclusion of his.”
Haru’s expression changed.
“Right. We even risked our life to save your assess. And then you had the guts to accuse our master after? How ungrateful can you siblings be?”
“That’s enough.” Tanya stopped the brothers. Looking at Haru, she sighed first before continuing. “I want to clear this misunderstanding quickly, but first…get up kid. It’s quite disturbing to talk to you while you’re kneeling down. Take this seat.” Tanya ordered, pointing to the seat perpendicular to hers. “You as well, Sasaki.” She added.
The siblings were hesitant at first, but seeing how the brothers behind Tanya glared at them. Haru slowly stood and sat followed by Sasaki beside him.
“Wait. Where’s Riley? Boys?” Tanya asked after realizing that only Monty and Morty came to eat. She ordered the two to escort Riley for her weekly appointment with Dr. Sweiss today as she can’t come due to Sasaki and Haru’s presence. She wanted to talk with the two personally in order for her to decide what to do after.
“I’m here, sister Tanya!” Riley’s jolly voice echoed. She just arrived all dressed and happily ran towards Tanya. After hugging, Riley realized the tension in the air and asked to eat her breakfast in the garden instead.
Tanya immediately agreed and asked Opal to come with her.
When Riley finally left the room, Gilbert also came back with a laptop in hand. He gave this laptop to Haru. “Let us see why you were so sure that we were the one who held you captive. Show us your basis, young boy.”
Challenged, Haru quickly moved his fingertips and do his thing on the laptop. Luckily, he can still remember the details he needed to logged back in with that building’s security server. After clicking here and there. Haru finally found the right angle for the security camera to capture the very piece of evidence he has to support his claims.
“Here.” Haru said after zooming in, to a company logo. He turned the laptop’s monitor to Tanya and the rest. “Isn’t this logo, belongs to your company? The company slogan is even the same.” He said.
Tanya stared at the photo. She was almost convinced that it is indeed theirs if Monty did not point out something. A very crucial part of the logo, that only a few could see.
“No. That’s not TG Capital’s logo kid.”
Monty then explained the difference of the original logo and the one Haru showed in the laptop, after. When the misunderstanding was finally cleared up, they also realized the location of the building that Tanya “supposedly” owns.
“Our master doesn’t own this building, young boy.” Gilbert said after checking it to the company’s Accountant. “And as per my research, it is actually acquired by SD Ventures for their second branch office, four months ago.” He added.
Tanya was taken aback with Gilbert’s information.
‘It’s Sam again, huh?’
“No way…” Haru dejectedly exclaimed. If this is so, then did he actually accused the very people who helped them?
“I know what you’re thinking kid.” Monty spoke after seeing Haru’s expression. The teen embarrassingly looked at him. “Though I got really mad about the fact that you accused our master earlier, I also heard how you begged to spare the life of your sister without minding your own. You’re just being an honest and loving brother, kid. And I admire you for that. Now man up again and accept this mistake. That’s how you would learn and move on, for the better.”
Hearing those sincere words, Haru can’t help but tear up. “I-I’m really sorry.” He said while looking down.
Sasaki suddenly stood and bowed 90 degrees. “I also apologize Ms. Tanya. Everyone. I won’t deny that I also doubted you after listening to my brother earlier. And I sincerely apologize for that. You were just helping us and yet we accused you in return. We’re really sorry.” Sasaki started tearing up too but she continued. “My brother is my responsibility, Miss. His mistakes are mine. No, it was really mine to begin with. If only I stopped him from doing stuffs like hacking, he shouldn’t have been involved with those kinds of people. If I just took his computers and let him study instead, all of this wouldn’t have happened. I failed as his sister. I failed as his guardian. I’m sorry Miss. I’m sorry Haru…”
Haru’s tears flowed up upon seeing his sister bowing and apologizing in behalf of him. He has no one left but his sister. And seeing how he failed her by committing mistakes one after the other, he felt so guilty.
“There’s nothing to apologize for.” Tanya finally spoke after a minute of silence. “Was I harmed? Gilbert?” She started asking his family members.
“No, Miss.” Gilbert replied while smiling.
“Was I mad? Monty?”
“No, Miss. It was us brothers, who did.” Monty playfully replied.
“See?” Tanya told Haru and Sasaki. “There’s actually nothing for you, siblings to apologize for. In fact, I actually felt relieved that my name was cleared. And that’s thanks to you, Haru.”
Haru was confused, but as an adult, his sister immediately understood Tanya’s intention and pushed her brother’s head to bow. “Thank you, Ms. Tanya! Thank you so much!” She said along with her grateful bows.
“And one more thing.” Tanya continued, stopping Sasaki. “What do you guys think if I’d join your family?” She meaningfully asked.
“I said I want to be part of your family of two. Not just me. But all of us.”
Finally understanding Tanya’s words. Haru can’t help but cry while nodding happily in respond to Tanya’s offer.
“We will. We love to have you all…”
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