After insisting to join Tanya’s organization, Iskudo. Gilbert realized that aside from the twin bodyguards, nobody from their family knows how to fight. So, even if they join, he is still not sure if they would be of help. Thus, he talked about this worry to Tanya right away.
“And how about you Miss, you don’t even know how to fight yourself. We are dealing with murderers also, right? Surely, we will be in situations that we need to protect our self as well. But you-“
“I know how to fight, Gilbert.” Tanya cut his words.
Blaming his old age, Gilbert thought that he misheard her master but Tanya repeated her words once again. “Believe me Gilbert, I know how to fight.”
“You know? But…”
“I just learned eventually. Well, if you don’t believe me. Then let me show you.” Tanya said and called everyone to gather. Inside her home office, she instructed Monty to attack her in front of everyone.
“What? No, he will not Ms. Tanya!” Gilbert immediately opposed but Monty already went ahead and attacked. “What are you doing Monty? Why did-”
But Gilbert’s words did not even finish when he saw how Tanya avoided Monty’s punch and even landed a kick on the bodyguard’s huge build as a counterattack.
“Wha- How? How did-” Gilbert can’t seem to find the right words after what he just saw, he is just too surprised. So, as everyone.
‘The Miss can actually fight?’
This is the question that everyone has inside their minds.
“I attacked the Miss with the anticipation of a counterattack yet she still landed a blow on me. It was a very refined movement. Even I, myself, will not be able to copy those moves easily even if I practice them after this. Those moves are not just simply learned, those can only be acquired after a pile-up experience on street fighting.”
Those straightforward opinion from Monty gathered suspicious looks for Tanya. She doesn’t know how explain herself. She just avoided the attack like the usual and before she knew it, her body moved on its own and landed a kick at Monty. But how can Monty give such detailed explanation, too? Damn it.
“It was just a fluke.” Tanya explained with a stoic face. “I was just trying to avoid Monty’s attack and happened to kick him in the process. What happened earlier was just purely coincidence.” She said without changing expression, thus managing to convince everyone. Well, except for Monty and Morty of course.
But Tanya just shrugged the two and continued. “Now that it’s clear that I can also fight. Including me, along with Monty and Morty, we are the only ones who knows how to protect ourselves. Due to this, I decided that the rest of you will train under these two.”
Tanya declared, making everyone confused for a moment but she continued. “Morty says that he’s an expert of guns while Monty’s expertise is on hand to hand combat. I do not know how to use guns, and Gilbert is also too old to train combat, thus, the two of us will be trained under Morty only. While the rest of you will be trained under both. If you ask why you should train, then let Gilbert explain.” Tanya said, transferring the lengthy explanation to her butler.
After Gilbert laid out the reasons, everyone finally understood and agreed. But Haru suddenly raised his right hand when everyone started to settle.
“I have something to tell, Ms. Tanya.” He hesitantly said.
“Yes Haru. What is it?” Tanya asked.
“I really wanted to train with everyone but I don’t think I can be of huge help if I do so.” He replied, looking straight to Tanya’s eyes.
‘Wait. Is Haru quitting right now?’
Everyone thought this including his sister; Sasaki, whom pulled his shirt right away to stop him. “What are you doing Haru? Stop this nonsense now!” She ordered, feeling a bit annoyed to this sudden behavior being displayed by her brother.
But Haru just pushed his sister’s hand away and continued. “I really wanted to help you Ms. Tanya, everyone. But I think I can only do it fully when I am behind my computer; the only weapon I can wield. And as of this moment, I don’t think I have enough arsenal to do so. That’s why I am begging you of this Ms. Tanya, give me time to prepare my weapon. And if given, I swear to hone this and turn it into something that everyone can rely on behind their back. I sincerely promise you that. So, please… let me prepare first.” To show his resolve and determination, Haru bowed down her head in front of Tanya and waited.
The room fell silent. Everyone was so touched with Haru’s resolve yet at the same, they all feel ashamed that this resolve came from the youngest of the team. They just can’t believe themselves.
Specially Tanya.
She was so blinded with her anger that all she thought about was revenge and justice. Never did it cross her mind of what will be the consequences of her plans. All she knew is that, her life will be in danger if ever and that she’s not even bothered by it. Why? Because that incoming life-threatening situation is not new to her anymore. She’s just simply used to it.
But when Gilbert opened up about their lapses as a team, that was when realization hit her. She’s not alone anymore. She now has numerous lives depending on her. And if she continued to turn a blind eye about these lapses, then these people that she now considered family, will surely perish because of her. And she can’t let that happen. Never.
Thus, Tanya has finally decided. She went to Haru and tapped his shoulder to make him lift his head up. “Four years. We are giving you four years to prepare Haru. After that, come back to us and be that someone whom you promised to be. And while you do so, we will also train hard to be worthy of your support. Also…” Tanya pulled Haru for a quick hug. “Thank you. Thank you for showing such resolve that we adults failed to do so. I am so grateful that you did, kid.”
Touched by her brother’s resolve, Sasaki has also found out her best “weapon” that could provide support to the group. Since she was once a theatre actress and has been working in a club for living, she is much confident with her acting skills. Thus, she volunteered to be the group’s infiltrator/spy and vowed to be the greatest one until Haru returns.
Shortly, after a week of preparation, Haru finally flew to Newark, New Jersey to study at the best IT College of the state. And after four years straight of living there, Sasaki has finally received the message that he’s coming back.
[Osaka Inc. Pharmaceuticals, Quiapo City, Philippines]
Sasaki and her brother Haru, are pure Japanese. Luckily, her race is also very visible with her appearance thus, posing to be a Japanese Chemist won’t be that hard for her.
With her lab coat on, she hopped out of her car and walked inside Osaka Inc. Pharmaceuticals. The security manning the entrance immediately stopped her. “Good morning, Doctor. Can I see your ID, please?”
With her poker face on, Sasaki took out the fake ID that Haru prepared for her from her pocket.
She already did a background study of the real Japanese Chemist and found out that the woman was not friendly even to her former colleagues. She always has this stoic face and does not talk too much as well. Thus, posing as her today will be a lot easier.
Less talk. Less mistake.
“Dr. Kuga Hiyori?” The security personnel read the name from her ID. Sasaki nodded slightly and asked for the ID without uttering a word.
The security was hesitant but suddenly, another person from the inside who’s wearing a similar lab coat appeared and interrupted. “Oh! Are you the new chemist? Dr. Kuga, perhaps?” He asked Sasaki with a playful smile, clearly hitting on her.
And when the security heard that remark from the Chemist they knew, he immediately returned the ID to Sasaki and bowed.
Upon getting her ID back, Sasaki turned her heel and walked inside the building without talking to the man who just butted in to the conversation and coincidentally saved her.
“Tsk. I heard she was rude but I am still surprised that it’s this much. But damn! Who would have thought that she’s a beauty! Right Cruz?” The Chemist asked the security but then left even without hearing his reply. The security scratched his head. “Dr. Martin is on it again, huh?” He commented, as he watched the notorious Casanova Chemist ran to follow the new Chemist.
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