In an old storage room of old paintings and antiques, an unconscious man with protruding belly is tied in a chair. He was also blindfolded while his mouth is taped shut.
Minutes later, this man slowly gained consciousness. And upon realizing his damning situation, he immediately resisted in panic.
“Geez. Calm yourself down Mr. Lee.”
The man, Mr. Lee, paused and immediately recognized the owner of that voice. He cursed by the tape translated into mumbles.
Samantha frowned and signaled Marcus, he’s loyal hitman, to take off Mr. Lee’s blindfold and tape.
“F*ck you Samantha! You went get away with this!” Mr. Lee quickly cursed the woman in front of him. But he just received a punch in the gut, by Samantha herself.
“I really hate it when someone curses at me.” Samantha whispered furiously. She continued. “And Samantha? Who allowed you to call my name with that piece of dirty mouth of yours?” She grabbed Mr. Lee’s hair and pulled it back to force the old man to look up and meet her eyes. “Look Mr. Dirty p*****t Old Man. In this situation, there’s only one person who’s allowed to curse. And who do you think it is? Definitely not you, get it?”
Samantha then let Mr. Lee’s hair go and turned around.
“Why are you doing this?” Mr. Lee asked in gritted teeth after.
Samantha turned back to Mr. Lee and smirked. “Because I am already finished with my business with you? You’re no longer of use to me. So, why keep you?” She mockingly asked.
Mr. Lee’s eyes widened. “What are you talking about? You still did not give me my package!”
Samantha looked surprised. “Ohhh! That’s right. Then I’m still not finish with the business then. Hmm…” She held her chin to pretend like she’s thinking. Then she leaned down to whisper. “I’m sorry but I just decided right now on not to do business with you anymore. You just pissed me off!” She announced, smiling.
“What?” Mr. Lee was dumbfounded.
But Samantha’s expression shifted in a snap. She looked at Mr. Lee with hostility and dark eyes. “Do you really think I won’t know what you did, Mr. Anderson Lee?”
Mr. Lee’s eyes looked confused. “What? What are you-”
But his words were cut with Samantha’s punch. “I hate lies more than curses, old man. So, don’t bother. You’ll just waste both of our time.”
After saying that, a silent sound from Samantha’s gun echoed inside that room. It took no more seconds when Mr. Lee’s head, lowered down as the blood from his chest flowed to his pants down to the floor.
Samantha just shoot the old man on his heart, killing him instantly.
I went down to our headquarters Security and Monitoring Room to look for the files I forgot last night. I assumed that there was no one inside but Haru’s back greeted me when I opened the door.
“Oh, it’s you Sister Tanya. What’s up?” Haru asked me as I walked towards him.
“I left my files here last night. Did you see them?” I answered his question with mine. I saw him reached something on his right, then handed the files I was looking for after. While taking the files from him, I momentarily caught a glimpse of what he’s doing.
“Is that who I think it is?” I asked him.
Haru nodded and enlarged the screen for me. “I think it’s about time he’s done with his job.” He said. “And I just confirmed it earlier when you came in.”
I can’t help but felt relieved with Haru’s great news.
“Who are you?”
The man we caught, finally gained consciousness and asked. We are inside our mini-van with me, Haru, Monty, and Morty around. Gilbert was outside keeping an eye out.
“It doesn’t matter who we are, what matters is that you will stay alive if you follow what we’re about to tell you.” I told him.
The man looked so dumbfounded. Who wouldn’t? When all of us are wearing a full-face mask in front of him. Added up with my distorted voice due to the voice changer I am using.
“Why would I-”
“Don’t even think for a second that this is just a play. We could kill you right now, you see.” Morty’s gun point on his temple made the man realized that we’re dead serious.
We told him what he needs to do and he listened to it intently. However…
“That’s impossible! Mr. Lee will definitely kill me once I get back. He is not the type who tolerates failed transactions. I can’t possibly-” Morty’s gunpoint made the guy sweat beads.
“But it’s really impossible!” The man pleaded.
Morty c****d his gun making the guy panic. “F*ck! Fine! Fine!” He yelled with heavy breaths. “I think I can find another way. It’s a lot easier but requires time. And money.”
“You don’t need to worry. Just tell us everything you need.” I told the man.
“Fine. Give me a month, then.” The man said.
Me and the others shared a stare. Then they all nodded.
“You have a month, then.”
And really after a month, that man has finally able to do his job. To give Samantha a fake intel about Mr. Lee. That the man plotted the events in Manila South Harbor and that he will betray Samantha, sooner or later.
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