~ A Few Months Later ~
"What are you even saying?" Vessa asked.
I rolled my eyes. This is literally painful for me. Bexley just had to open her big mouth about Tre hanging around some girl. Vessa is going ballistic.
"I'm saying, that he's a man w***e, and you should tell him to f**k off." Bexley replied.
I'm pretty sure that Bexley knows that Vessa and Tre are mates. Her soul is harder for me to read. Especially with that black obisdan stone around her neck. Just what does Bexley need that much protection for?
I think that Bexley means well though. She wants Vessa to be happy. I can see it in her conviction. It's the only thing that makes sense as to why Bexley is always pushing this.
Anytime she finds Tre even looking at another girl she tells Vessa. Then Bexley tells Vessa to tell Tre to f**k off in some way, and to forget about him. Vessa never does, but.. you can see in Bexley's eyes the challenge. She wants Vessa to challenge Tre, and that right there.. Is how I know that Bexley knows.
I don't know if Nix relizes it though. Like Bexley, Nix's head is quiet. She doesn't have a protection stone around her neck though, so I have no idea why. If I push hard enough I can see into both of their heads. I just chose not to. There's a reason that those two keep themselves protected.
Still, they have to know. We are all too close for Vessa's obession to not be weird. None of us talk about it though. I think that everyone is afraid to bring it up around me. I'm not really sure why. I think that they all feel guilty to be too happy around me.
While I never told anyone about Bridger, not even Tre or Vessa, I have been having other issues. I still have nightmares. Like literally every single time I close my eyes. At night, the silence is deafening. I feel like I'm going crazy listening to nothing.
The memroies of their screams haunt me nightly. I have to listen to the pleas, and screams of people I had grown so close to. And then I had to relive tearing them apart. Their blood coating my hands. Reminding me of just how powerful anger really is.
I wake up screaming, and sobbing. Sometimes Mom and Dad are there. Sometimes it's Tre, or Vessa, or both. All I know, is that I've started avoiding sleeping altogether. I don't want to worry them anymore.
My family's worry is worse than the nightmares. So, I stay awake as much as I can. I also spelled my bedroom, so that if I do wake up screaming, no one will hear.
Mom seems to be buying it, but I don't think Tre has. I know that my twin is angry with me. Tre feels betrayed that I won't tell him what happened. I love my twin more than anything, but I just can't.
I can't bring myself to tell any of them. To talk about what really happened. I don't want to see the pity in their eyes. I don't want to relive those memories. I do it enough in my dreams.
"Helloooo. Earth to Akeehla!" Bexley snapped her fingers in front of my face breaking me from my daydreaming.
"Sorry what?" I asked.
Bexley scoffed dramatically.
"Tell Vessa that she should go punch Tre right in his smug f*****g face. And tell him to f**k off. Then walk away proud."
She stated it so proudly I almost feel bad for what I'm about to say.
"No Vessa, I do not think that is a good idea." I said, and then turned my attention back down to my homework in my lap.
I'm not sure why Tre hasn't told Vessa that they're mates. I know that he knows. Everytime she gets too close to him his wolf goes ballistic. I hope that he isn't so mad at me that he's ruining things with his mate.
I want them to be happy. I want them to be together. Vessa deserves someone as great as Tre. And Tre deserves someone as innocent, and crazy as Vessa. They're literally perfect for each other in every way.
I know that I could just tell Vessa myself, but.. In my expirence, telling peoples thoughts out loud for them.. Never ends well.
So, no matter what, no matter how bad I want to interveine. I never do.
Which brings me to reason number two on how I know that Bexley knows.
"You've got to be f*****g kidding me." Bexley said in repsonse.
I don't know why she doesn't tell Vessa if she's so worried. I'm glad she doesn't, but.. Like I said, we don't talk about it.
A knock to my bedroom door had my head snapping up. Tre himself is standing in my doorway. I groaned as my face fell when I looked at him.
"Gee, happy to see you too twin." He said as he strutted into my room.
Tre has had a growth spurt recently. He went from being as tall as me, at 5'7, to being 6'2. At 14.
Can you believe it?
My twin has also been doing a lot of running, and overall working out. It's his way of trying to keep his mind off the fact that his mate is literally right in front of his stupid face. Dumb, I know.
Unfotrunately, I am not the only one who noticed Atrues's growth spurt. Vessa practically drools anytime that Tre is around now. I know she loves him, but it's still digusting.
Tre sat down on my bed next to me. He winked at Nix, to which she gave him a grossed out look. Then he nodded to Bexley, and Vessa. Bexley looks like she wants to strangle him, while Vessa just looks lovesick.
"What's up Tre?" I asked.
"Just wondering what you pretty ladies are up to." He said casually.
Vessa literally f*****g swooned.
Out f*****g loud.
I glared daggers at my twin.
"I'm your sister. Don't be gross."
"You're my twin though."
"We're ferternal."
Tre rolled his eyes at me.
"You all want me to leave that badly?" He asked looking at everyone else.
Gee, I wonder who said no.
I shook my head, and rubbed my forehead. Then someone else popped into my room. I narrowed my eyes at her.
"What do you want Amory?" I asked my annoying little sister.
Mo shrugged, and locked her little hands behind her back.
"I had a vision." She stated.
I rolled my eyes.
"A vision?" Nix asked her.
"Yep." Mo stated as she nodded her head. "About Relly. I think she needs our help. Her wedding is going to be a blood bath." She said with wide eyes.
"Wedding?" Tre asked.
I huffed. "Stop telling stories Mo. Go away." I said.
"But I'm not telling stories." Mo said as she stomped her foot. "And I wanna hang out with you guys."
"No." I said.
"I said no Amory!" I growled out.
Mo scowled at me before stomping her foot, and storming out.
"Sheesh Kee." Bexley said.
"Yeah, she could have hung out with us." Nix said softly.
"No." I stated with no room for arguements.
I don't want Amory around me. I can't. She reminds me too much of the kids I knew in the lab.. None of them looked like her, but they all had her same innocence. It's just.. too much to be around.
I can't do it.
I look at my little sister, but I only see their faces. All of their bloody faces. Their dead eyes..
"Tre, what do you want?" I asked angrily.
Tre only shrugged.
I narrowed my eyes at him, at the same time that a wave of emotion hit me. Loneliness. Coming right from my twin.
Things have been kind of.. off in the house lately. Relly went away on a mission. She goes out on missions all time. Some that even take longer than a month, but.. Something is different this time. It almost feels like she isn't going to come back.
Funny enough.. I would bet money she isn't coming back. Tia was acting really weird on the day that she assigned Relly this mission. I could feel her worry, and uncertainty.
I might have snooped inside her head a little. In my defense, I was getting worried. Tia rarely ever lets her emotions out. I wanted to know what was going on.
That was when I found out where Relly really went. Alpha Ryce Blackwood had requested help from the Anderson school. I always wondered why he never tried to come back for her, and if I should have told him where Relly really was back then. I guess the Goddess really does have a way of pushing mates together.
"Do you guys wanna sneak away, and smoke the blunt that's burning a hole in Bexley's pocket?" I asked.
"How did you even know I had this?" Bexley asked.
We're all laying in the grass, in the clearing, in the middle of the woods. All of our heads are together, putting us in a circle. I'm pretty sure Tre and Vessa are holding hands.
They will figure out their way, don't worry Kee. Nexi said.
I hope you're right. I replied.
"I could smell it you idiot." I said to Bexley.
"But.. I put it in a thing." She said completely serious.
Nix snorted.
"We're Werewolves Bex." She said.
"Oh yeah.." Bexley replied.
Then all of us burst out in laughter. These are the only times I feel okay. When I'm high. It's what I do after waking up from nightmares every night. I love it. It's my favorite feeling in the world.
My friends help too.
If you would have told me three years ago that I would not only have a friend, but three of them.. I wouldn't have believed you. I'm so greatful for them. Even if I can't always show it.
I will forever be thankful for that first day of school. For Bexley sticking up for me. And every single day that she has since.
Bexley, and Nix are real ones. Just overall great people. I think that they've been through their own share of pain, and cruelty. That's probably why we all get along so well.
We are all just broken people.
Or maybe I'm just broken, and they are here to remind me that I can heal. Maybe I'm just meant to have this life. Because of who I am. Maybe I was born evil, and the people around me just have bad luck.
Or maybe.. you're just high. Nexi interrupted my thoughts.
You're right. I am definitely high.
Tre, Vessa, and I wobbled back into the house. Stoned off of our asses. It just hit curfew though, so hopefully Mom and Dad just thought we were out with friends. I spelled us to not smell still just to be safe.
"Kee, Tre, Vessa."
The three of us jumped at the sound of our names. Mom is standing just in the living room picking up clothes, and shoes. She isn't looking at us though, thank the Gods.
"Uh, sup Ma?" Tre asked.
"Can you three put your younger siblings to bed please? I want to talk to your dad about something." She asked.
"Sure thing Mom." I said.
The three of us scurried up the stairs before Mom could get a good look at us. We giggled all the way up the hall. We only paused for a moment.
"Phew, that was close." Vessa said.
"Too close." Tre agreed. "I have to stop letting the two of you talk me into smoking pot." He grumbled.
Vessa and I get him an incredulous look before we all burst into laughter again. A door across the hall opened revealing a grumpy looking Ares. The three of us stiffened.
"What the f**k is wrong with you three?" He asked.
"Uhh.." I mumbled as I looked at my twin for help.
Tre just looked everywhere, but at Ares or I.
Ares marched up to us. It only took him two steps. He grapped my face with one hand, and Tre's with the other. Both of us groaned, and grabbed his wrist.
"Are you three high?" He asked.
"Drop em, or I'm telling Mom that you f****d that weird Lauren chick that graduated with Relly." Vessa said.
Tre and I shared a look before smirking at Ares. A moment later Ares dropped us. Then he turned to glare at Vessa.
"You just keep your mouth shut." He grumbled before going back to his room.
The three of us laughed again.
"I'll go check on Alessio. Kee, go put Mo to bed." Tre said before walking down the hall.
I sighed as I made my way to my sisters room.
"Mo? You ready for bed?" I asked as I opened the door.
I don't see Mo anywhere. I walked into her bedroom, and looked around. I see a piece of paper on her desk, so I walked over to pick it up. My eyes went wide as I read over the note my little sister left behind.
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