My brain woke up before my body did. My eyelids feel too heavy to lift. I just want a little more sleep. Just a little before they start cutting me open.
Oh Goddess, please let her be okay.
She's going to wake up. She's going to wake up. She's going to wake up.
Come on Kee. Open those glowing eyes.
Thought after thought bombarded my brain. Followed by immense sadness. It's making my skull throb.
I rolled over with a groan. I remember everything now. I made it out. I killed them all, and made it out.
I pulled my pillow over my head as tears filled my eyes. I don't think Vessa ever took that breath. She was the only real friend I ever had.
I don't want to be here anymore. I don't want to deal with it. I don't want to.
Nexi whined in my head.
Let's sleep for a while longer.
"Akeehla please!"
"Don't let them do this!"
"Kee help!"
I woke up with a gasp. Shooting up in bed. Scrambling to the headboard. Pushing invisible hands away from me. I put my hands over my ears as I started rocking back and fourth.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." I repeated over and over again.
"Akeehla honey.."
A gentle hand suddenly rested on top of my head. I jumped a foot in the air as I scrambled to get away from the hand. I fell off of the bed, onto the floor as I looked to see who had touched me.
I've been tricked with gentle hands before.
Only, I wasn't expecting to see my mothers light green eyes looking back at me. Tears are filling her eyes. I looked around to see my dad as well as Aunt Lenny. My eyes scanned my surroundings.
I'm... in my bedroom. That's right. I made it out. I killed them all, and made it out.
I pulled my knees to my chest as more sobs wrecked my body. It doesn't help that Mom is barely holding herself together. Her worry is so strong that I could f*****g eat it.
Oh my Goddess.. What did she go through over the last two years?
My poor baby..
I'm going to find those fuckers, and rip them to shreds.
I lifted my head from my knees to look at them.
"I already did." I said to my dad.
Dad gave me a confused look. He kept his arm around Mom. Aunt Lenny kneeled down in front of me. She gently put her hand on my shoulder. As if she's afraid I'll freak out again.
"Did what Kee?" She asked.
I turned my head to her, and then looked back at Dad. I felt the scowl fall on my face. My anger taking over inside of me. Nexi growled threatening. I didn't even realize that it had erupted from deep within me. Allowing everyone to hear.
The air in my room grew tense. Dark. I know that the glow in my eyes grew brighter as well.
"We tore them to shreds already. Every single one of them suffered." Nexi and my voices mixed as our anger did.
Dad and Mom stared at me with wide eyes. I know that I sound evil. Scary to even them. They haven't seen me in years though. I'm no longer their sweet little girl.
I'm different now.
"We saw." Aunt Lenny said.
I turned my head to her, keeping the determined look on my face. They can be disappointed in me if they want. I will not apologize for what I did. Not even for killing..
"You did good sweet girl." Aunt Lenny said lovingly.
I stared at her in shock as she ran her fingers through my messy curls. Aunt Lenny only gave me a small smile in return. I can feel that she means it too.
Poor girl is going to end up just like me. I just hope she meets her mate soon. Maybe they can balance her out before she loses it.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Look at me? I'm already f*****g losing it! Like a mate is going to change everything I went through.
"Lenny." Mom scolded.
Aunt Lenny's eyes snapped to her sister. I can feel the slight anger coming off of my aunt. I don't understand why though.
"What?" Aunt Lenny asked. "She did good. She was about to get herself out before we got there. We didn't have to lift a finger." She defended me.
Mom glared at her sister, but didn't say anything... Out loud anyways.
She killed over 50 people Lenny. All at once. You seen the tape. Mom said.
Some of them were kids. Other kids there that were tortured along with her! Mom continued.
I held back the sob that wanted to break free. I buried my head back into knees. I can still see all of their faces. All of their innocent faces.
She did what she had to do to get out of there. Aunt Lenny defended me.
Did I though? I could have sucked it up for just a little longer. If I did.. then we would all be here right now.
"I just.. I just.. I just couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't take their pleas, their screams. I-I-I-I-I-" I stuttered out through more sobs.
Aunt Lenny wrapped her arms around me, and pulled me into her.
"Shhh, shh, shh. It's alright sweet girl. We know." She cooed.
I know that Aunt Lenny means it, but it's not true. I can feel the doubt rolling off of my parents. I can hear their 'what if's' inside their heads. Aunt Lenny is the only one that believes me, and I'm not even sure I believe me.
I continued to sob as Aunt Lenny held me. Eventually, I could feel the arms of both of my parents wrap around me as well. I couldn't tell you how long we all stayed like that.
I looked up at the sound of Mom's voice. Our little crying huddle ended a few hours ago. Since then, I've showered, brushed my teeth, and seen all of my siblings. I tried to eat too, but couldn't force anything down.
Now, I'm sitting in my bed with my twin Atreus. He's telling me all about everything I've missed over the last two years. Our other siblings wanted to stay, but I asked them to leave. I just couldn't handle all of their thoughts, and emotions at once.
Tre is different though. Always has been. I hear him the least. I don't know if it's because we're twins, or something else.
Whatever it is, it's nice.
"Honey, there is something that we didn't tell you right away. After you woke up.. well, everything has just been a lot." Mom said.
Tre and I exchanged a look before looking back at our mom.
"Akeehla, when we found you, you were clutching onto someone. Do you remember that?" Mom asked.
I tensed as I closed myself off. Something I learned to do thanks to the Hunters. I would never let them see how they affected me. Not after the first year anyways. Although, he always seemed to find a new way to break those walls down.
"Yes. Her name was Vessalisa. Vessa for short." I told my mom.
I remained stoic. Not showing an ounce of what I'm feeling. Even though I wanted nothing more than to break down.
She doesn't even care that her friend might should be dead.
Sadness enveloped me, but I didn't show it.
Wait, did she said should be?
"Yes, I know her name." Mom said.
"You do?" I asked.
Mom stood up from my bed, and walked to my door. She opened it, and gestured for someone to walk in. Three things happened in that moment.
One: breathing got easier. Relief flooded my body as I watched my best friend walk into my bedroom. I did it. I saved one of them at least.
Two: the air around us grew tense. Emotions, and thoughts flooded from my twin so fast, and so harsh I winced. Tre's wolf, Gael, is going berserk in his head.
Three: Vessa has absolutely no idea that my twin is her mate. It's clear in the way that she barely spared him a glance. Her strange black and blue eyes found mine instantly.
And then she pounced.
Vessa jumped onto me on my bed knocking Tre right off. She giggled as she continued to bounce us up and down. The girl even started kissing all over my face.
"You did it Kee. You saved me." She said excitedly.
In the blink of an eye I flipped us over, and slapped my hand onto her mouth. Vessa's eyes went wide as she stared up at me. I narrowed my eyes at her.
You say nothing about what happened to us there. Got it? I demanded in her head.
Yeah, yeah, got it. Vessa said.
I mean it Vessa. Nothing to no one. Promise me. I said.
Okay I promise. Sheesh. She replied.
I blew out a breath, and got off of her. I pulled Vessa up with me, and wrapped my arms around her. A moment later she wrapped her arms around me as well. In a very very tight hug.
"Okay Vessa, loosen up a bit." I gritted out.
"Sorry, I'm just so excited!" She said as she let me go. "Did you see how much grass is at this place? I even saw this giant round thing outside in the ground, full of water! Can you believe that?" She asked excitedly.
I gave her a small smile.
"That's a pool Vessa." I told her.
Vessa put her finger to her chin.
"A pool." She repeated.
Vessa grew up in that lab we were at. I don't know if they created her, or found her when she was a baby, or what. All we knew about Vessa, is that she is a Hybrid with no parents. In fact, I'm pretty sure she is the only Hybrid of her kind. Half Demon, half Angel.
Because Vessa grew up inside of that place, she has no idea about the outside world. Vessa is especially ignorant to.. well everything. I used to tell her, along with the other kids all about the outside. Most of them had never seen grass, felt the sun, or smelled fresh air.
"There are a lot of tall things around here. Are those trees?" Vessa asked.
I smiled at her. See what I mean? They never taught the kids anything. Why would they? All we were, were experiments to them.
Tre scoffed behind me.
"You don't know what a tree is?" He asked snidely.
I raised a brow at him. Tre's eyes are fixated on Vessa. Vessa turned to look at him like she hadn't noticed he was here yet.
In the blink of an eye she's leaning in so close to Tre that he fell off of my bed again. I sputtered out a small laugh. Which got worse as Vessa followed him to the floor.
"Wow, you're cute. You smell really good too. Hey, do your limbs grow back like Kee's? Can I have a taste?" She rushed out.
"Vessa!" I scolded.
Vessa cringed before giving me an apologetic look.
"A taste? Are you a Vampire?" Tre asked her.
Vessa looked back at him, and shook her head.
"Nope. I don't drink blood." She stated. "I eat flesh."
I smacked my hand to my forehead. Tre is giving Vessa an incredulous look. To which she only smiled in return.
"You... eat flesh." Tre repeated skeptically.
Vessa nodded.
"Yeah, mind if I have a bite of ya? You smell unbelievable." She stated.
I shook my head as Tre gave her a frown.
This chick is crazy. Crazy and.. my mate. I met my mate.. My twin brought home my mate.. My mate.. This can't be right.. I'm too young for a mate.. This girl has no idea what a damn tree is.. Kee needs my attention more than this chick does.. no matter how hot she is.
"Okay." I said interrupting Tre's thoughts.
Both sets of eyes turned to me.
"Tre, let's tell Vessa all about the pool instead."
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