When I heard Dad say that we needed to bring Kee home before her withdrawls started, I thought he was joking. You hear about withdrawls from movies, or humans going through it. I've ever heard of a supernatural going through it though.
Now I have a front row seat as I watch, and listen to my twin go through it.
We've only been back for a few hours, and Kee has spent most of it screaming. Just like she is now. Mom had to strap her, and spell her to her bed. Our younger siblings were sent to Hell with Grandpa so that they don't have to be here to see this.
Good thing it's summer so they don't have to miss school.
The rest of our siblings were called when we got back. All of us are here now. Even Relly. Even Tia. All of us are sitting in the hallway after being shewed out of Kee's room.
"She's bee……
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