Tristan's POV
I know by the way that Cris and Spooky were fidgeting that something happened. When I walked in by that front door, I caught a glimpse at them kissing. I won't lie but I'm so happy that it isn't Elona that he is with. It's a huge relief for me. I can tell that more happened. They were alone together yesterday and I hope that my daughter is on birth control.
I took the juice out of the fridge. "Take a seat," I said to Eric. Eric sounded better than that stupid nickname. He took a seat looking guilty as f^ck as if he did something bad.
I poured juice into my glass and then the other, and pushed it towards him, setting the juice down on the counter. "I know that there is something going on between you and Cris. You don't have to deny it. I know my daughter." I watched him intently. "If something more happened between you two yesterday, I would prefer that she be on birth control. I don't know if she is for that matter and I don't know if she had done this thing before because I never spoke to her about it. She can break rules, and sometimes she can be difficult to contain like a blazing fire. Where she got that from is beyond me, because she sure as f^ck didn't get that from me or her mother. If you do have s^x with her, I have a box of condoms in my bedroom beside drawer. That is protection. I do not want to become a grandfather anytime soon and you are both young. I know that your father will not take that well at all. I am teaching you these things to be responsible and have protection. Do not make the same mistakes that I...other people have made."
"I will take your advice, and thank you for the talk," he said, genuinely interested.
"I want you to take good care of my daughter and don't break her heart. That is one thing that I will not tolerate from you. I do not want to see my precious, beautiful daughter hurt. So, I hope you know what you are getting yourself into when it comes to her." I said, still watching him intently. He doesn't cower.
"You have my promise that I will not break her heart. I like her way too much. I would rather let her break my heart than be the one to break hers. I know that I come from a damaged family, but I long to have the love and stability that I had always wanted within a family. I will never be the man that my father is, because I am far from that. I know the type of person that I am, I will not hurt a fly. You have my promise, Sir."
I was taken aback by that. What young man says these profound things to the father of his ...girlfriend? This young man impresses me all the d^mn time, and I was an ass to him. That just makes me feel guilty. He has gone through a lot and I had added to that thinking that he wanted Elona, but it was the opposite. He wanted my daughter.
"As long as I know that she is loved, taken care of and not to be hurt by you. You have her and if she is happy with you, then by all means, date her. If she is out of line, come to me and I will set her straight. I wouldn't want her to break your heart either," I took a sip of my juice.
'That means a lot to me, Mr Crane."
"Tristan, please," I said, his eyes were huge now. "You earned it, you can call me Tristan."
"Thank you... Tristan," I gave him a small smile.
"How are things at home?" I asked, curious to know, his blue eye was gone already, which is why he didn't wear sunglasses.
"It has died down, mainly because my father went away for business. I get to be a bit free. But once I graduate, I plan to move away. I want to pursue photography and that is why I worked with Elona so that I could also build up my own portfolio. I just want to be far away from my father. I know what you said to me the last time about protecting her when it comes to my father. I won't let her set foot in my house. I would rather be here with her...with your permission, of course."
"You have my permission to be here. Just use protection when you do the deed."
"Got it, Sir."
"Also... don't tell Cris about what you might know about Elona and I. Please, keep that to yourself. I don't want relationships and friendships to be ruined. When the time is right, we will say it ourselves."
He nodded, "I won't say a word. It was never my place to say anything. So, don't worry about that." he took a sip from his juice, and I was so much relieved.
"So, what are you interrogating Spooky about?" Cris and Elona entered the kitchen. I can't stand that nickname.
"I was just having a word with him about dating you. I know, Cris," her cheeks turned red as she blushed.
"I hope that you weren't being too harsh on him," she said as she walked past Elona. Her brows furrowed, looking at Elona's back.
"Uh, no. I give permission to date," I said.
"Thanks, Dad." she smiled. "Why do you have a band-aid on your shoulder?"
Sh^ to lie about that again. "Uh, I hurt myself, I stumbled down a few steps on my heels last night," Elona lied.
"Oh, you poor thing. I hope someone was there to help you up... Mr Luca maybe."
Anger resurfaced within me because of what he tried to do with Elona, putting his filthy hands on her. I'm glad that there was no actual Dakota Agency event last night. Even if there was, I would be there and this is a conversation that I need to have with David. I need him to know what could possibly happen when I am not there to look after his daughter even if Elona will toughen herself up.
"I'm fine. It's nothing to worry about." Elona smiled at her.
"I will take a quick shower. I will be accompanying Elona to another event thing. So, don't even wait up for me," I lied.
"Tristan Crane, the bodyguard." Cris smiled. "Who would've thought that you would be a bodyguard to Elona?"
I shrugged, "It's David's orders," I replied.
"Just take good care of my best friend, Dad," she said as she sat down beside Eric on a bar stool.
"I will always try my best. Give me a few minutes," I said to Elona, and she gave me the most gorgeous smile. I just can't wait to have her to myself.
I will be taking her to a place that I haven't been to since Estelle passed away. It was one of our favorite places to be at. Elona just brings all the feelings out of me that I buried away for a reason three years ago. They are popping up like flowers in spring time. I welcome those feelings that Elona is bringing out of me and the way that she drives me crazy. I want it all with her and I don't want that to change.
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