Tristan's POV
We reached Elona's house. I knew what was to be expected from David when entering that house. I feel like a teenager all over again that is sneaking around, hoping not to be caught. We stopped in front of the house, I turned the ignition off, and I let out a breath as I looked ahead before turning to look at Elona. She was taking my jacket off.
"Are you ready?" I asked.
She smiled at me, "Yes," I returned her smile before getting out of the car.
When I got to her side, I opened the door, holding my hand out for her, and she took my hand as I helped her to get out of the car. I closed the door, and then she pulled her hand out of mine. I forgot for a moment that we were a secret.
I let her walk ahead of me, but I watched her hips sway as she walked down the driveway, and I just couldn't believe that she was finally mine. We haven't kissed yet, and I want to taste those lips. She opened the front door and stepped inside.
"Hi, Dad," she said, I closed the front door behind me and then we both walked further into the lounge.
"Hey," I forced a smile. David was sitting in a recliner, a document in his hand that he was reading. He looked between the two of us. My heart was beating wildly. I didn't want any drama, but I could see by the expression on his face that he was not happy. More of disappointed.
"How are you feeling?" he asked her with concern.
"I feel much better thanks to Uncle Tristan, who took great care of me. I just needed something to eat." she lied and smiled at her dad. It felt so weird that she called me Uncle now that we are dating.
"I'm glad that you are feeling much better," he said, but Elona was awkward, so she went up the stairs to her bedroom.
"Thank you for taking care of her this evening," he shifted in his seat, placing the document on the smaller table beside the recliner where the lamp was shining bright. "However, you ditched me to be with them at the movies," his gaze burned into me.
I moved to the sofa and I took a seat across from him. "I just wanted to check up on them, they were at the restaurant," I held his gaze. He knew that it was mine and Estelle's favorite. "I just decided to be with them and keep an eye on them. When last did I watch a movie? I am always busy with my work," I leaned back against the sofa, I crossed my leg over the other.
"Well, you could've sent me a text, then maybe I could've joined you with the kids. But you left me at the bar waiting for you."
I scoffed, "I am not your girlfriend that needs to tell you where I will be, but I apologize for not letting you know, it was at the last minute."
He shook his head. "We are friends, Tristan. Sometimes we need to let those kids just be out on their own and we can hang out. But as soon as you are supposed to have fun with me or to chill, you hardly even stick around for long. You disappear, but as soon as it's with the kids, you show up almost immediately, and then you actually hang out with them."
"I can do whatever I want, David. I am not restricted to hanging out with you. I may have been a sh^tty friend since losing Estelle, but I am also keeping an eye out for the kids and their safety, which you fail to do," I stopped myself from saying more. I just didn't have time for this. I let out a huge breath. "I'm sorry."
"You should be. I don't know what is up with you and having fun. Perhaps you are struggling because of Estelle. Maggie seems like a nice person too. Have you heard from her again?" he asked, his tone changing with interest.
"I am not interested in Maggie, and she hasn't called me again but left me a text or two which I never responded to. I don't need you to force me to be with someone that I don't want to be with. I felt as if I had disappointed Estelle by bringing her into my home. That was something that I regret. Although it was great, she is just not my type. Just don't force me into anything," I said.
He nodded, "I guess I can back off with that. I apologize if I have forced her onto you. But you cannot wallow in your work all the time."
"Trust me, Cris wants me to start dating. I just need some time," I lied. I don't want him to find out that I just started dating his daughter moments ago. He would rip my head off, so we will be giving it time. I think that the best time to inform him is when Elona is done with high school this year. So we can probably break the news to him next year.
"She only wants to see you happy. I don't blame her," he replied.
"She shouldn't worry about me. I will be fine. I have been fine," I smiled. But I was lying to him. That would create guilt, but I was feeling alive with Elona. She makes me feel different compared to when I was forced to be with Maggie.
"Thank you for taking care of Elona," he smiled.
"I won't let anything happen to her either," I reassured him. "How are you feeling about her being a model next year, if that happens?" I asked.
"Well, I will support my daughter with whatever she wants to do in life. We all have free will in life to make decisions, and it depends on the decisions that one makes, whether it's good or bad, there are always consequences for that. I just want her to be happy, but I know that I cannot always protect her from the world, she is becoming a grown young woman and I don't want to stand in her way of anyone, but if she dares to start dating, then that is something that I will look into, because I don't want her to be with the wrong man." I cleared my throat and shifted on the sofa. If he only knew that she was dating me. "I am not too keen on the modeling because of what industry it is. I just want her to be careful most of all, but again...I won't stand in her way"
"Well, I am not happy that she is going into that industry. A lot is expected, and she is perfect. I don't want that industry to ruin her and I don't want anything to happen to my daughter's friend. If I can provide some sort of security, then I will. There are filthy men out there who have hidden agendas. As much as I'm against this, I want her to be protected from them. I would prefer that she not model at all, if you know what I mean," I responded. I didn't want people to look at her body with lust or anything dirty if she had to go to that extent in the modeling industry. I need to stop that one way or another.
"Thank you for looking out for Elona, I would appreciate the security too. I think I should check up on her," he smiled as he stood up from the recliner.
"See you around," I said as I stood up and then I left.
I had to be careful with how I spoke about Elona too. I know that there will be more lies to cover up our dating until we come clean next year. There will be plenty of time to prepare for his reaction, which could be bad if he doesn't take it well. If Cris had to date David, then I probably would've flipped. But now that I'm in this situation, I know that we have to be very careful because it is not only David...there is Cris too.
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