Elona's POV
"Here you are," Cris said. She entered, and her brows furrowed as she saw Tristan with me. "Is everything okay?" she asked suspiciously.
"Yeah, I found Elona in the kitchen-"
"I couldn't sleep," I interrupted Tristan.
"I took her for another tour as she hasn't been here in my study room since three years ago," he added.
"Well, I was in the kitchen about to get water, hoping that I would find you there. You didn't come out of the bathroom either, so I decided to see where you were. I can make some hot chocolate for us instead," she said, as she still looked between us suspiciously.
"I would love that," I smiled. "Thank you for the tour, Mr Crane," I said before I followed Cris out the door.
"I am noticing something," she stated, and I heard the study room door close behind us as I could feel Tristan's gaze burning into the back of me. I hope that it's not what I think it is that she is noticing.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Well, when my father is with you, he goes back to that section of the house, and he lights up like a Christmas tree. So, I think that you should come over more often. He takes you as a daughter, but something happened that made him close off with trying for another baby, especially when I talk about it more often, but I get it...my mother died and that stopped it. So, I guess he is taking you as his own daughter. I'm happy to see him this way."
"What way?" he asked from behind me as we entered the kitchen. I walked over to the dining table as Cris went to the cupboard. I pulled the chair out and took a seat.
"That you are happy. You take Elona as your own daughter. Soon we will have our own careers and then you will be alone again. You need someone, Dad, and also, I still would like to be a big sister, but that is up to you, of course." she said as she prepared our hot chocolate.
Tristan pulled a chair out from the table, and he paused, his expression changing. I know the reason that Cris does not know.
"I will not have this conversation about babies again. It will never happen," he snapped.
"Relax, Dad. Geez. No need to get all angry about it."
"Then stop pestering me about it all the damn, f^cking time," he barked at her, which made me flinch, and then he left the kitchen.
Cris was quiet and I could see her sadness. She was starting to blame herself for what she had said to him, making him lose his light at this moment with this sensitive topic that she knew nothing about. I respect Tristan enough not to want a baby, and she shouldn't force that on him because it is still something he is getting over. But most of all, I am glad that he is beginning to move on with me.
"I'm sorry that you had to witness that," she said as she continued with the hot chocolate.
"It's normal," I tried to make the conversation light. "I need the bathroom real quick," I said as I stood up from the chair and walked out of the kitchen.
I went straight to Tristan's bedroom. I knocked on the door before I opened it slowly. His bedroom was partially dark except for a lamp that was burning beside his bed. I closed the door behind me after I stepped inside. Tristan was sitting on a recliner which was in the corner of his bedroom close to the window. He rested his elbows on his knees, his hands clasped and he stared at the floor.
I sat on the edge of his bed. "Are you okay?" I asked softly.
"You shouldn't be in here. Cris will notice when you are away for long," he replied, but there was a type of coldness in his voice.
"Please talk to me, I know it was about what Cris had said in the kitchen. I want you to know that I am always here if you need to talk about it or anything," I encouraged.
"Elona, I do not want to talk about that." he snapped his head up to look at me. His eyes were darker, I was not sure if it was because of the room or his own anger, "I have told you already about that part of my life which I am trying to move on and yet, here you are too, bringing it up. I don't want kids. Cris is the only child for me, and she will always be. I did take you as my own daughter, but that was before we started dating." he still held my gaze.
"Maybe you should explain that to her instead of just making her think that you should have another one and... I think that you should tell her the truth about what happened in that accident. Maybe she will understand and not beg for a sibling," I said.
"I'm not ready yet," he replied.
"It's been three years. When will you be ready?" I asked. I wanted him to get it over and done with, not just for him, but for Cris too. She needs to know what happened. Hopefully, she will leave Tristan alone about that topic.
"I think that we should not have this conversation. It is something that I have to deal with on my own. Like I have said, I don't want kids and I hope that you will understand that moving forward in our future. In fact, this is a great time to get it out of the way so that we both know where we stand when it comes to kids. I. Don't. Want. Kids. If you feel that you want one in the future, then perhaps you should reconsider being with me. If you love me enough, maybe we can make this work, and just respect my decision about what I would like," he said.
It crushed my heart that he would say these things, but I know what I want. "I do not want kids either. So you have me forever. That is something that you don't need to worry about. You do know that the pull-out method that you did is not one hundred percent effective. But luckily, I am on the pill. Remember a few years back, I was in excruciating pain, I held my stomach in a fetal position, and you found me that way. You were freaking out and Cris was standing there crying because she didn't know what was wrong with me. You ended up calling my dad. It was because I had very bad period cramps, they were irregular every month, and I had been basically forced to be on birth control pills since I was fifteen. My dad and I kept it between us. I'm sure you and Cris think that it was just something that I ate, but I asked my dad not to say anything. It was meant to be private. That day made me decide that I did not want kids, that pain alone was unbearable and I sure as hell do not want to go through something ten times worse than that. So, you don't need to worry about kids when it comes to me. I am your type of girl," I said. I was determined to make this work.
He looked down at the floor, taking in what I just mentioned. I was waiting for a response, but there was a bit of sympathy on his face. He licked his lips, "You should go. You have been long enough in my room for Cris to come looking for you and find you in my bedroom." he looked at me.
I swallowed as I stood up, "That didn't stop you from f^cking me in her bedroom earlier," I said, his eyes falling down on my body, but he was taken aback by my response. I turned towards the door and walked out.
Maybe I came across as a bit rude when I said that, but maybe he just needed time to soak in what I said and for him to find the strength to open up to Cris about what happened. I should have an open mind and just be patient with him. At least we both want the same things and that is what matters.
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